Indoctrination & Propaganda vs. Education
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after charts in Walene James' book "Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth"

Indoctrination & Propaganda


1a. One-sided: Different or opposing views are either ignored, misrepresented, under-represented, or denigrated. 1b. Many sided: Issues examined from many points of view; opposition fairly represented.
2a. Uses generalizations, "allness" statements, and lack of specific references and data. 2b. Uses qualifiers: Statements supported with specific references and data.
3a. Card Stacking: Data carefully selected - even distorted - to present only the best or worse possible case. Language used to conceal. 3b. Balanced: Presents samples from a wide range of available data on the subject. Language used to reveal.
4a. Misleading use of statistics. 4b. Statistical references qualified with respect to size, duration, criteria, controls, source and subsidizer.
5a. Herding: Ignores distinctions and subtle differences. Attempts to bring together superficially similar elements together. Reasons by analogy. 5b. Discrimination: Points out differences and subtle distinctions. Use analogies carefully, pointing out differences and non-applicability.
6a. False Dilemma (either/or): Only two solutions to the problem or two ways of viewing the issue - the "right way" (writer or speaker's way) and the "wrong way" (any other way). 6b. Alternatives: There are many ways of solving a problem or viewing an issue.
7a. Appeals to Authority: Statements by selected authority figures used to clinch an argument. "Only the expert knows" approach. 7b. Appeals to reason: Statements by authority figures and concerned parties used to stimulate thought and discussion. "Experts seldom agree".
8a. Appeals to consensus or bandwagon approach: "Everybody's doing it so it must be right". 8b. Appeals to fact: Facts selected from broad data base. Logical, ethical, aesthetic and psycho-spiritual aspects considered.
9a. Appeals to emotions and emotional responses: Uses words and pictures with strong emotional connotations. 9b. Appeals to people's capacity for thoughtful, reasoned responses: Uses emotionally neutral words and illustrations.
10a. Labeling: Uses labels and derogatory language to describe proponents of opposing viewpoint. 10b. Avoids labels and derogatory language: Addresses the argument, not the people supporting a particular viewpoint.
11a. Promotes attitudes of attack and/or defense with the aim of selling a position or product. 11b. Promotes attitudes of openness and inquiry. Aim is to discover.
12a. Ignores assumptions and built-in biases. 12b. Explores assumptions and built-in biases.
13a. Language promotes lack of awareness and unconsciousness. 13b. Language usage promotes greater awareness and consciousness.
14a. Can lead to tunnel vision and bigotry. 14b. Can lead to breadth of vision and understanding.
15a. Referenced studies conceal conflict-of-interest funding sources.. 15b. Referenced studies reveal conflict-of-interest funding sources.
16a. Statistics always presented to show maximum damage from problem and minimum damage from solution. 16b. Statistics presented to show many aspects of problem, not always from a non-max/min approach.


Disease Care vs. Health Care

View Propaganda vs. Education Grid


Health Care

17a. Emphasis on removing symptoms. Aims for quick results. 17b. Emphasis on removing causes through knowledge and its integration into living habits. Aims for long-term results.
18a. Emphasis on management and control. Professional "manages" while patient "follows orders". 18b. Emphasis on patient participation and recovery. Professionals "give guidelines" and patient directs his own therapy.
19a. Assembly line methods geared for profit. 19b. Client-centered methods geared for autonomy.
20a. Reliance on technological intervention and substitution, e.g., organ transplants, insulin injections, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, synthetic and frequently toxic drugs and vaccines. Focuses on replacing organs or systems and their functions. 20b. Reliance on harmless, noninvasive therapies and substances. Focuses on regenerating organs and systems and restoring their function.
21a. Cost and dependency escalating. 21b. Cost and dependency de-escalating.
22a. Disease and disability seen in terms of victimization and melodrama. 22b. Disease and disability seen as preventable.
23a. Mechanistic: Body seen as mass object containing discrete parts. 23b. Organic: Body seen as mass under which lies energy, living patterns and interacting fields.
24a. Fragmented: Body and mind treated separately. Parts of body regarded separately and treated singly. 24b. HolisticL Body-mind treated as unity. Parts of body treated in relation to other parts and aspects of the body-mind.
25a. Atavistic: Disease seen as entity separate from patient. 25b. Contemporary: Disease seen as process inseparable from patient.
26a. Adversarial: Disease seen as enemy. 26b. Unifying: Disease seen as reflecting a self-corrective aspect of body-mind complex in response to internal change in body environment.
27a. Externalizes Casuality: Focus is outside the patient: viruses, bacteria, and stresses in the environment, while ignoring toxic environmental factors in the food, water and air that may be grounds for corporate litigation. 27b. Internalizes Casuality: Focus on patient, choices, attitudes, habits, and reactions to environmental influences.
28a. Disease Oriented: Focuses on labeling, controlling and destroying disease entities. Research focuses on nature of condition as represented by symptoms, not causes. Absence of disease seen as result of technological intervention. 28b. Health Oriented: Focuses on support of natural healing, immune system, and addresses causes of conditions instead of symptoms. Absence of disease seen as by-product of health.
29a. Uses military rhetoric: "building defenses", "fighting", "battle against", etc. 29b. Descriptive language suggests harmony and cooperation.
30a. Monolithic and coercive. 30b. Pluralistic, voluntary and multi-optioned.
31a. Negative: Builds on fear and distrust of the natural world (Darwinian Paradigm). 31b. Positive: Builds on cooperation with the natural world. A system of healthcare.


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