MATRIX III: 2nd Edition ("VOL. 2") 
 The Psychosocial, Chemical, Biological and Electromagnetic Manipulation of Humans

 Authored by Val Valerian, 1014 pages, index, 8 1/2 by 11 Velo Bound, Leading Edge Research Group, 1995

General Topics:

Paradigms of Western Civilization: It's the Paradigm That's The Problem 
  Culturally Conditioned Nutrition Patterns and Physiological Degeneration
The Use of Pharmaceuticals, Genetically Engineered Products
 and Hormones on Animals for Human Consumption
Defining the Problem of Neurotoxicity and Environmental Neurotoxicity
Contamination of Human Neurophysiology With Heavy Metals
Contamination of Human Consumables with Toxic Halogens
Contamination of the Human Food Supply and Environment by Chemicals
Gulf War Syndrome and Other Biological Problems - Implementing Malthus
The Paradigm of Vaccination and Its Contribution to Human Disease
Production of Mass Behavioral and Neurological Problems Using Vaccination to Increase Social Control
The Utilization of Deliberately Produced Multiple Personality Cases for Intelligence Purposes
Research on Electromagnetic Effects on Biological Systems:

Matrix III Volume 2  integrates an additional 3 more years of hard research and refinement on the project, and begins with a review of key people, ideas and belief systems, tracing their development from aboriginal times to the present, and the merging of these systems into a Western world view that not only  promotes the degradation of the human civilization, but promotes elitism and control-manipulation paradigms which surround use and underlie everything we see around us today. Matrix III Volume 2 explores the progression of science, biology and sociology into a materialist paradigm and its eventual degradation into political systems which form the basis of all control paradigms, wars and human conflict, and answers the questions: what is the nature of the two paradigms that collided at Waco, Texas? What are the premises that have resulted in continuous ethnic cleansing, genocide, and the development of the allopathic biomedical approach to health? What paradigms must the human civilization embrace if it to survive? What lessons can human civilization learn from observing nature? Valerian explores these ideas and more, with in-depth discussions of the ideas of Newton, Darwin, Hobbes, Malthus and other influential people, as well as the processes of conversion of these ideas into political, sociological and psychological control systems.

Matrix III Volume 2 then uses its own exploration of the current elements of the paradigm, superbly cited and referenced, to provide absolute proof of the intentionality to follow the ideas and thought patterns discussed at the beginning of the book. After two years of work, this book is perhaps the best technical production to come  forth from Leading Edge Research. Despite the common focus on people as the problem, Valerian makes the  point that it is the paradigm which needs attention, the same paradigm superficially examined at Nuremberg  but left to fester and expand into a network of suppression fostered by global socialism, the basic cause of human suffering worldwide. Valerian includes in the work a linear analysis of chronologically parallel  developments, over 200 pages long, which serve to illustrate the integration of various modes of subversion of the human civilization over the last 1,500 years.   The main body of the book, over 700 pages, discusses the implementation of the paradigm, and includes information in one volume that you would normally find in a dozen works. Matrix III Volume 2 is broken down into about 19 major chapters, and several large appendices. It includes a fairly large section on biological effects of electromagnetic fields, itself with about 200 references, an appendix with over 100 media exhibits, and of course the master chronology. It also includes the now world-famous Conversations With Research Scientists. Chapter headings include Production of Mass Behavioral and Neurological Problems Using Vaccination to Increase Social Control, Gulf War Syndrome and Other Biological Problems, and Transition from Mechanistic to Quantum Society.   

This work, which is over 375,000 words, seems to make the point that, in the words of Valerian, “we need a New World Community, not a New World Order.” It makes it quite evident that the planetary population has been led astray by a sequence of false scientific assumptions, what the assumptions are, and, following the example of nature and ideas suppressed, what the true nature of society needs to be in order to transcend and survive the current planetary crisis. One easily comes to the conclusion that this second volume of Matrix III embodies knowledge that you could not accumulate through 50 other books, if you could get hold of them.   It is a searing examination of the psycho-social, biological, and medical paradigms being falsely promoted as the only definitive reality for public consumption. If you know people who seem to think that answers lie totally in political and religious belief systems, genetics, violence, or just need to get it together in record time, this book is a must. Valerian points out that the coming paradigm, which is quantum-based and mirrored by the works of Deepak Chopra, David Bohm and Rupert Sheldrake (covered in Volume One), depends entirely  upon the realization of the true nature of the universe and that this realization will displace the perverse paradigm now governing the planetary population.   From another perspective, seen in Matrix IV, this eventually transpires, but it could well be that Matrix III Volume 2 is one of the works that contributes toward this end. Now, the paradigm covered by Matrix III is embodied in 1,931 pages, in two volumes, and is an absolute must to have in your library, if you wish to totally comprehend the reality in which we are living, and where we must go as a civilization.  Includes the initial 200 page version of the research chronology.  

Table of Contents

Paradigms of Western Civilization: It's the Paradigm That's The Problem 

Types of Paradigms Inherent in a Culture 1
Comparative Concepts of Elitism 2
Basal and Proto Basal Paradigms of Western Civilization 4
Aboriginal Consciousness, and Paradigms I to 3 5
Old World Order and the Egalitarian New World Cooperative 6
First Proto-21 st Century and Fourth Basal Paradigm 7
Reactionary NWO System vs. The New World Community 8
Geneticists as the New Priesthood vs The New Paradigm 9
It's Your Choice: Materialistic Scientism or Scientific Holism 10
The Fifth Basal Pardigm 11
Development of Basal Paradigms: Computer Metaphor 12
Schematic Glossary #1: Key Concepts in Material Scientism 14
The Reactionary Synthesis of Newton, Hobbes and Malthus 15
Schematic Glossary #2: Key Concepts in Material Scientism 20
Spread of Social Darwinism by the British Royal Society 20
Church of Scientism: Constituent Pseudo Science and Figures 22
Schematic Glossary #3: Key Concepts in Material Scientism 26
The United States: To Post World War II 27
Paradigm Development: Global Socialism-Corporate Capitalism. 29
Schematic Glossary #4: Key Concepts in Material Scientism 33
Germany and the Soviet Union 34
Paradigm Development: National Socialism in Germany 36
Paradigm Development: International Socialism in Russia 3 8
Additional Persons and Derivative Concepts 40
Scientific Background of Race Purification Programs 47
Composite Chart: Western Paradigm Development 56
Reactionary Elitist NWO Ideological Structures 57
Comparative Analysis of Totalitarian Governmental Forms 58
Political Machine of the Church of Scientism 59
Outline of U.S. Post-War Population Reduction and Control 60
Some Population Manipulation and Coercion Scenarios 61
The Myth of Overpopulation 62
Media Portrayal of Global Water as a Non-Political Problem 63
Malthusian-based Propaganda on Population Resources 64
The Changing Face of Population in the Media 65
The Inculcation of the Prussion Educational System 67
The Church of Scientism: Doctrine and Dissemination 72
The Cobden Club Memo for Mandated Population Reduction 73
The Iron Mountain Report 76
Comparative Analysis: Democracy vs Constitutional Republic 82
Process of Conversion of Democracy into Dictatorship 83
Creation of Dualism and Chronic Indecision in Public Mind 83
Attempt by Geneticists to Avoid Environmental Factors 84
A Connection Between Computer Industry and Geneticists 85
Neo-Darwinism and Genetics in the Media, 1993-1995 87
Example of Using Toxins to Dispose of the Immune Compromised. 88 
Proposal to Use Toxins to Induce Abortions: Malthusian Mandate. 89
The Emergence of the Medical Industrial Complex 90 
Preamble: Complaint to the UN on American Medical Genocide ... 91
Population Control in the Third World ..... 99
Drug Experimentation Shifts Overseas 102
Medicinal Drugs in the Third World 104
Some Drugs Commonly Misused in the Third World 106

Culturally Conditioned Nutrition Patterns and Physiological Degeneration:

The Protein Gambit - 107
The Result of Excess Protein in the Human Diet 108
High Protein Intake and Lower Serotonin Production 109
The Dairy Industry Gambit 109
Other Problems Due to Excess Protein Consumption 110 
Production of Heart Disease By Consumption of Meat and Dairy ... 111
Studies Relating Heart Disease: Saturated Fats and Cholesterol 111
The Great Cholesterol Gambit 112
Collusion Between Government and Dairy-Meat Industries 113
The 1984 Government Study on Cholesterol 114
Cancer and the Diet 115
Colon Cancer and Meat Consumption 115
Deliberate Delay on Enforcement of Food Safety 116
Fiber Consumption and Colon Cancer 117
Diabetes and Diet 117
Diabetes and Trace Minerals in the Diet 118 
Other Degenerative Conditions Impacted by Alteration in the Diet . 118
The Use of Valuable Plant Protein to Produce Animal Protein 119
Refined Foods and Degenerative Physiological Processes 120
Refined Sugar Products and Their Effect on the Body and Mind 121
The Deliberate Use of Sugar to Assist Degenerative Disease 124
Refined Sugar, Diabetes and Hypoglycemia 124
The Introduction of Chemical Additives and Effect on Humans 127
The Canyon Verde School Study on Additives 128
Change of Diet and Reversal of Physiological Symptoms 128
Effect of Sugar, Synthetic Colorings and Flavoring on the Brain 129
Food Additives and Hyperactivity in Children 129
Testing of Additives: A Commentary 129
Artificial Sweeteners: Saccharin and Cyclamates 130
Sucralose, Stevia Leaves and Steviocide 131
Alitame, Acesulfame K and Aspartame 132
Partial List of Scientific Studies on Aspartame 139
Denials in Literature Relative to the Effect of Aspartame 139
Commentary on Scientific Testing of Aspartame in Animals 142
Aspartame and Seizures 143
A True Life Story on Aspartame's Effect on the Unborn Child 144
The PKU Syndrome: New Evidence of Extended Genetic Effects .--144
Aspartame Sensitivity for Those Prone to Mood Disorders - 145
References for the Above Research 145
The Walton, Hudak and Green-Waite Study on Mood Disorders .... 146
The Use of Aspartame By Pharmaceutical Companies 147
A More Detailed Examination of the Aspartame Legacy 150
Arizona Legislature Bars State Regulation of Neurotoxins 158
The "Aspartame Technical Committee 158
Research Studies on Aspartame Beginning in 1984 159
Scientists and Doctors Who Have Done Aspartame Research 160
The General Prevalence of Mood Disorders in the Population 161
The Psycho-Chemical Legacy of Aspartame 162
A Report by Dr. Woodrow Monte on the Effects of Aspartame 163
Available Methanol in Various Beverages 172
Glutamates and Glutamic Acids: MSG and the Brain 175
MSG Effects on the Reproductive System 176
Mechanism of Excitotoxin Effect on the Human Brain - 177
Fraudulent Testing for Safety of Glutamates 179
The FDA and the Conspiracy on MSG 179
The Biochemistry of Crime and Distorted Behavior 180
Examples of Media Propaganda on MSG 181
Consumers Call for Accurate Labeling of MSG 182

The Use of Pharmaceuticals, Genetically Engineered Products
 and Hormones on Animals for Human Consumption:

The Use of Hormones on Animals Used for Human Food 183
Premature Sexual Maturation of Children: Veterinary Hormones 184
DES and Its Effect on Humans 185
Antibiotic Drug Use and Development of Drug Resistant Bacteria.. 186
The Use of Sulfur-Based Antibiotics on Animal Food 187
Some Additives Added to Animal Feed 188

Defining the Problem of Neurotoxicity and Environmental Neurotoxicity:

Introduction 189
The Nervous System and Toxicant Access 190
The Blood-Brain Barrier 191
Pharmaceuticals, Drugs and the Nervous System 192
Exposure to Chemical Mixtures and Interactive Effects 193
The Potential Magnitude of Environmental Neurotoxicity 193
Examples of Neurotoxic Mechanisms 194
General Allopathic Model with Pesticides in Food as Example 195
Trends in Neurodegenerative Brain Disease 196
Allopathic Efforts to Bypass the Blood-Brain Barrier 197
Partial List of Neurotoxicants 198
Common Toxic Environmental Chemicals 199
Chemical Analysis of Deodorant, Shaving Gel and Shampoo 201
Recommended Neurotoxic References for Commercial Products ... 204
Compounds in Use Causing Biochemical Neurotoxicity 205
Occupation and Neurotoxic Risk 207
Common Neuropsychological Symptoms of Neurotoxicity 207

Contamination of Human Neurophysiology With Heavy Metals:

Contamination with Mercury Compounds 209
Background 209
The Use of Mercury Implants in Dentistry 210
A Chronology of Research and Studies 210
The 1984 Workshop on Biocompatibility of Metals in Dentistry 211
The 1990 CBS "60 Minutes" Program on Mercury Amalgam 213
The 1994 British "Panorama" Broadcast on Mercury Amalgam 214
The Effect of Mercury Compounds on Dental Personnel 216
Mercury Amalgam Fillings and Production of Periodontal Disease.. 216
Amalgam in Pregnant Humans: Placental Barrier and Fetus 217
ADA Recommendations on Handling of Mercury Amalgam 217
An Amalgam Manufacturer's Warning 218
Merck on Mercury: The Psyching of a Poisoned Public 218
Mercury Metabolism and Detoxification in Humans 219
Age and Mercury Content in Brain Tissue 219
Detection of Mercury in the Human Body 220
Correlation Between Mercury and Multiple Sclerosis 221
Categories of Mercury-Induced Pathology 221
Physiological Toxicology of Mercury in the Human Body 221
Animal Tests of Systemic Mercury Absorption 222 
The 1991 University of Kentucky Study on Mercury Deposition 222 
The 1991 Study on Trace Element Deficieny in Alzheimer Brains ... 223
A 1990 Brain Research Study on Alzheimer and Heavy Metals 223
Mechanisms of Neural Alteration from Mercury 224
Early German Mercury Findings and Prussian Education 224
Federal Drug Administration Collusion in the Mercury Coverup 225
The Swedish Conclusion 225
International Academy Oral Medicine Condemnation of the ADA.. 226
The ADA Promotion of Population Poisoning as "Ethical" 226
Written Consent to be Poisoned 226 
The American Dental Association Position on Mercury Amalgam ... 227
Some Effects of Mercury on Human Physiology 230
Scientific Facts and References: Biological Effects of Mercury 233
Pathological and Psychological Mercury Poisoning Symptoms 235
Media Report on 1989 Swedish Ban on Mercury Amalgam 236
Material Safety Data Sheet from Dental Mercury Provider 238
Canadian Study on Amalgams as Source of Mercury in Tissues 240
Documented Clinical Side Effects to Dental Amalgam 246
Legal Case Where ADA Admits No Duty to Protect Public 250
Narrative Regarding ADA Abandonment of Dentists on Mercury.. 252
Canadian Dental Association Cites Government on Amalgam 253
Dental Mercury as Aggravator of Xenobiotic Intolerance 254
Symptom Analysis Before and After Amalgam Removal 264 
Contamination with Aluminum Compounds: General Information ...265
The Physical Properties of Aluminum 265
Aluminum in the Human Diet 266
Analysis of Deliberate Aluminum Dosing of Humans 266
The Advent of Alzheimer's Front Organizations 268
Environmental Considerations: Aluminum and Alzheimer's 269
Aluminum in Infant Formula and Bovine Milk 270 
The Problem of Aluminum Cookware and the Effect on the Brain.. 271
The Neurological and Physiological Effect of Aluminum Poisoning 272
Human Ulcers: The True Nature of Things 274
Injection of Lead Compounds into the Human Environment 275
The Physiological Effect of Lead in the Human Brain and Body 275
Analogies with Other Toxicological Paradigms 276
Lead Pathways and the Importance of a Balanced Diet 276
Physiological Signs of Lead Toxicity 277
Treatment for Lead and Other Heavy Metal Toxicity 278 
Petroleum Fuels: Leaded, Unleaded and Production of Nerve Gas .. 278
The "Phase-In" of Leaded Automobile Fuels 279
The Production of Nerve Gases from Catalytic Converters 279
Chemical Toxins Table: Metals 280

Deliberate Contamination of Human Consumables with Toxic Halogens:

Fluoride Compounds 282
More on the Nature of Fluorides 282
Dental Fluorosis 283
Fluorides as a Toxic Protoplasmic Poison 283
The Beginning of the Fluoride Movement --283
Natural vs. Artificially Fluoridated Water 284
The Claim of Fluorine as a"Nutrient " 285
But a Small Amount Can't Hurt You --286
Fluorine Pollution in the Environment 287
Fluorides and Cancer 288
Progression of Cancer Deaths vs Total Deaths, United States 289
Research on Fluoride-Induced Human Cancer 290
The Yiamouyiannis Study on Fluorides 291 
The Batelle Study on Cancer and Fluorides: Liver and Oral Cancer .291
U. S. Public Health Service Coverup of Fluoride Studies 293
Fluorides and Thyroid Problems 293
The Effect of Fluoride Consumption on Bone Growth 293
The Consumption of Fluorides and Pregnancy 294
Acceleration of Strontium 90 Absorption Due to Fluoride 295
Additional Data on the Effect of Fluorides on the Human Body 296
Fluoride-Induced Collagen Breakdown 296
Dissent on Fluoridation from within the American Dental Assn 297 
Technical Aspects to Water Fluoridation and the "Standard Dose" . 298
Fluoridation Status of Some Large U.S. Cities 299
Use of Fluorides for Population Behavior Control 300
Inter-Connections With LG. Farben Following WWII 302
A Nazi Corporate Ally Under Fire - Aug 10, 1995 303
The United States as the Most Medicated on Earth -304
General Suppression of Research on Fluorides 304
Institutions and Government Extortion on Fluoride Issues 305
Massive Corruption, Collusion and Conflict of Interest 305
Countries Outside the U.S. Reject Fluoridation 306
International Politics, Intimidation and Bribery on Fluorides 307
Planetary Fluoridation as a Goal of Global Socialism 309
Political Suppression by U.S. Medical Journals and Associations .... 309
Tucson Study in 1992: Fluorides Promote Tooth Decay 311
Environmental Fluoridation of Indian Tribes: A Case History 312
Fluorides as a Toxic Industrial Pollutant Impacting Humans 312
Environmental Sources of Fluoride Compounds 313
The "Genius" of the Fluoridation Plan 315
Fluorides Block Telepathic Reception in Humans 316
More Comparisons Between Fluoridated and Unfluoridated 316
Fluorides in India: An Update 317
U. S. Indian Reservations, Fluoridated, Have More Cavities 317
University of Arizona Study: Fluorides Promote Cavities 317
Colgate and Palmolive Research New Compounds 317
Fluoride Information Resource Listing 318
Fluorinated Tranquilizers 318
Comparative Toxicity Rate for Sodium Fluoride 321
Scientific Facts and References: Biological Effects of Fluorides 322
Other Facts About Fluorides 325
Letter from Federal Employee Union on EPA Abuse on Fluorides . 327
Deaths of Dialysis Patients Due to Fluoridated Water 329
Analysis of Scientific Defensibility of Fluoride Use 330
Recommended Reading on Fluorides 335
Letter from EPA Admitting Fluoridation Solves Waste Problem 336
Hazards for Fluoridation Technicians and Engineers 337
Description of the Handling of Fluorides by Technicians 338
Japan Incident: Fluorides a Component of Sarin Nerve Gas 339
Fluorinated Exterminators and Anesthetics 340
Letter from U.S. DOT on Handling Hydrofluosilicic Acid 341 
A WWA Manual: Fluoridation Chemicals Contain Lead & More .... 342
Letter from EPA Defining Fluoridation Chemicals 343
Letter from NFFE on the Subject of Fluorides 344
Media in Canada: Reports on Fluoridation Hazards 345
Letter to the EPA in Regard to the WHO Study on Fluorides 346
EPA Scientists Challenge NAS 1993 Report on Fluorides 347
Letter from EPA Senior Sciene Advisor on Fluorides 348
Sample of Public Propaganda on Fluoride Safety, 1993 350
Case of Mass Fluoride Poisoning in Alaska-1992 351
Canadian Study on Fluorides and Bone Cancer 352
Case of Acute Fluoride Poisoning, from Public Water System 354
Letter from USPHS-CDC on Michigan Fluoride Poisoning 355
Percentage of United States Population, by State, Fluoridated 356
Toxic Tort Legislation: Personal Liability of Legislators 357
Environmental Fluoridation ofAboriginal Peoples 361
U.S. Dept Human Services 1993 Fluoridation Census 362-B to 362-R
Human Contamination from Chlorine Compounds 363
The 1992 EPA Proposal for a Ban on Water Chlorination 363
A Statistical Meta-Analysis of Chlorinated Water and Cancer 363
National Cancer Institute on Chlorinated Water and Cancer 364
The Chlorine Industry Issues a "Study" in 1994 365 
New Proposals to Add Chlorine and Ammonia to Drinking Water.. 365
Cancer Risk Found in Drinking Water with Chlorine 3 66

Contamination of the Human Food Supply and Environment by Chemicals:

Government Fraud, Deception, and Criminal Negligence 368
Dieldrin in Food 368
Dioxin in Food 369
Heptachlor in Food 370
Polybrominated Biphenyls in Food 371
Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Food 372
Sterilizing the Population with PCB's 372
Toxaphene, Dichlorvos and Rabon in Food 373
The U.S.D.A. "Testing" Program 373
Analysis of Human Breast Milk 374
Estrogenic Chemicals: An Introduction 374
Consumer Products as a Source for Estrogenic Chemicals 376
Parallels: Rates of Testicular Cancer and Sperm Production 378
Environmental Estrogens and Breast Cancer 379
Estrogen Duality in the Media 3 80
FDA Total Diet Study of American Food Contamination 381
Comparative Water Decontamination Methodologies 385
Aerial Spraying of the Mass Population With Neurotoxic Chemical Mixtures:
The Development of Phenoxy Herbicides 386
Historical Developments, 1940 to 1972 388 
Mass Herbicide Spraying and Government Agency Involvement 390 
Herbicide Spraying and Military Chemical and Biological Warfare.. 394
Connection Between Phenoxy Herbcides Spraying and the CIA 395
Elements of Fraud and Falsification of Chemical Testing 396
Shareholder Challenge of Dow Chemical on Herbicides 399
Experience with Vietnam Veterans and Agent Orange 400 
Organophosphates and Other Chemicals Used in Southeast Asia .... 402
The Gypsy Moth Eradication Program: Chemical Terrorization 404
Mass Spraying Programs and Government "Police Powers" 405
The "Fire Ant Eradication" Program 405
USDA Acquisition of Authority to Spray Despite Congress 406
Attempts at Reform and Pesticide Politics 408
Why a Ban on a Chemical Is Not a Ban on a Chemical 411
Summary of Medfly Eradication Spraying in the United States 413 
Two Lessons on "Inert " Ingredients for the U.S. Forest Service 414
Secret "Inert" Pesticide Ingredients 415
A Chronological Analysis of EPA's Lists of Inerts 418
Pesticide Manufacturers Non-Cooperative in Releasing Data 419
Partial List of Chemicals Used as "Inert " Ingredients 420
Provisions of Federal Laws Regulating Pesticides 421
Pesticides and Native People in Columbia 422

Gulf War Syndrome and Other Biological Problems - Implementing Malthus:

The Contagious Component of GWS Genetically Engineered 424
An Interview with the Drs. Nicholson on GWS Mycoplasmas 424
Department of Justice Admits Eugenics Programs Since 1940's 429
Evidence of Prisoner Testing of GWS Mycoplasmas 429
Biological Blowback from the Gulf War Syndrome 429
Suppressed Financial Investment in Biowarfare Importation 433
Iraq Admission of Production of Biowarfare Substances 433
1993 Media Interview With Gulf War Veterans 434
GAO Testimony: Potential for Reproductive Dysfunction 43 9
The Changing Face of Media AIDS Propaganda 445
Duplicty on AZT in the Media 464
Deliberate Exposure of Humans to Nuclear Radiation:
Early Discovery of X-Rays and Their Effect on Human Tissues 465
The "Breast Cancer" Detection [Production] Program 466
Radiation Dosage of Unborn Children 466
New Toys - New Radiation Dosage Programs 467
Another Carcinogenic Inducement in the Dentist Office 468
The "Chest X-ray„ Program 468
The "Logic" of the U. S. Medical System 468
Radiation "Therapy" 469
Death for the Slaves of the U.S. Uranium Mining Industry -469
Pollution of the Human Environment by the Nuclear Industry 470
Atomic Bomb Testing in the U.S. and Population Reduction 472
Proliferation of Nuclear Facilities and Radiation Leakage 474
Parallel Developments At Three Mile Island 474
Government Use of Military As Guinea Pigs in Nuclear Tests 476
!949 Memo Laid Plan to Study Radiation Effects on Humans 477
Health Care's Darwinian Dimension 478

The Paradigm of Vaccination and Its Contribution to Human Disease:

Natural Human Pathogenic Immunity 479
The Concept of Vaccination and Synthetic Immunity 483
Classification of Vaccines 484
Viral Vaccines 484
Natural vs. Invasive Viral Entry Processes 485
Normal Processes of Viral Penetration 486
Abnormal Viral Penetration by Injection 486
Bacterial Vaccines 487
Serial Passage of Vaccine Components Through Animal Cell Lines 487 
The SV-40 Virus Contamination of Vaccine Cultures 488
SV-40 as an Integral Part of Genetically Engineered Products 489
Use of Animal Cell Line Substrates for Human Vaccines 490
Known Simian Disease Epidemics 491 
Mobility of Genetic Material Between Life Forms and Vaccination . 491
Foreign DNA and Malignant Cell Transformations in Humans 492 
Things to Ponder: Disease Epidemics and Experimental Vaccines ... 494
The Bottom Line on the Bottom Paradigm 495
Known Components of Immunizations and Vaccines 496
Polio Plague Studies: Sugar, Salt: The Ripping of RNA and DNA.. 497
Rubella and Rubella Vaccine 498
Orthodoxy on Rubella 502
Orthodoxy on Rubella Vaccine Adverse Effects 502
Measles and Measles Vaccines 503
Co-Factorial Subversion of the Human Immune System 503
Measles Infection Mitigation With Vitamin A 506
Racial Sensitivity to Vaccines and CNS Manifestations 506
Orthodoxy on Measles 507
Mumps and Mumps Vaccine 508
Orthodoxy on Mumps 510
Diphtheria and Diptheria Vaccine 511
Tetanus and Tetanus Vaccine 512
Pertussis or Whooping Cough and Vaccines 513
DPT and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 514
Pertussis Vaccine Trials - 515
Doctored Pertussis Trials and Bacterial Doping of Vaccines 516
Sensitization of the Immune System and Bacterial Infection 517
Pertussis Vaccines and Production of Hib Influenza Meningitis - 518
The 1990 Workshop on Pertussis Vaccines 519
Harvard Medical School and FDA Tests on Pertussis Vaccines 519
DPT Trivalent Vaccine: Composition and Physiological Action 520
Promotion of Disease Processes By Chemicals in Vaccines 521
Total Annual DPT Statistics for the United States 522
Efforts at Population Control Using Tetanus Toxin as Carrier 522
The WHO "Special Programme" in Human Reproduction 524
A New Proposed Guideline for Truth in Research 526
Legal Considerations: Vaccination and State Police Powers 527
The Supreme Court on Individual Rights and Due Process 529
Evidentiary Standards of the Vaccine Compensation Program 531
Analysis of Vaccine Injury Compensation Act-1988-1992 532
Vaccine Disorder Matrix Chart 533

Production of Mass Behavioral and Neurological Problems Using Vaccination to Increase Social Control:

Introduction 534
General Vaccine Trends - 1920 to 1990-and Rise of Disorders 537 
Analysis: 1981 UK Participation- Vaccines and Mercury Amalgam ..537
The Problem of Allergic Reaction to Vaccination 540
Children Born With Handicaps and Limitations - 1960 to 1990 541
The Mechanism of Encephalitic Damage from Vaccines 542 
Children Born With Chronic Limiting Conditions - 1969 to 1981 .... 543
Teenage Suicide Rate Progression - 1968 to 1979 543
Disabled Children Born - 1960 to 1980 545
SAT Scores vs. Trends in Crime - 1950 to 1990 545
United States Prisoners: Trends - 1850 to 1990 547
Child Abuse Reports: 1983 to 1986 FBI Statistics 547
Psycho-Chemical Treatment of Minimum Brain Damaged Children 549
Worldwide Use of Methylphenidate (Ritalin) on NOD Children 550
Worldwide Ritalin Production Quotas: 1978 to 1993 552
Ritalin Use - Grams Per Country - 1991 553 
Parallels Between Medical Treatment of MBD, AIDS and GWS .... 554
Appearance of Resistance and Cracks in the ADHD Syndrome 555
Stupid Is As Stupid Does: Cultural Media on Ritalin 556
Grant Us A Grant: Psycho-Pharmaceutical Grants for ADHD 556
Bullets on the ADHD Bureaucracy 557
The 1991 WHO-Rockefeller Childrens Vaccine Initiative 558

The Utilization of Deliberately Produced Multiple Personality Cases for Intelligence Purposes:

A Review of the Multiple Personality Disorder 559
The Paradigm of CIA Use of Multiple Personalities 561
The Alter Personalities 561
Degrees of Inter-awareness Among Personalities 563
Information Permeability Between Dissociative Barriers 563
Attitudes of Alters Toward the Physical Body 564
Alter Switches and Switching Processes 564
Alter Names and Numbers 565
Layering of Alters and Key-Cue Words 566 
The Greenbaum Speech on Ritual Abuse, MPD and Mind Control. 567

The Transition from Mechanistic to Another Perspective:

The Mechanistic World View 588
Fractal Evolution: Extract from Avoiding Extinction 590
Conversations With Research Scientists: 1995
Introduction 600 Brief Historical Overview of the Order from Whence This Comes.. 601
1994 Discoveries About the Sphinx 603
Day One of the Meeting 604
New Brain Research in Quantum and Superluminal Fields 606
Present Status of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Research 606
Secrets of the NASA Clementine Mission 608
Present Status of Electromagnetic Surveillance Technology 609
Present Status of Surveillance of Currency, Cash and Bullion 609 
Surveillance Technology and Phase Conjugation Electromagnetics . 609
1993/1994 U.S. Force Domestic Aerial Reconnaisance Missions .... 610 
Infrared Topographic Imaging Satellite (IRTIS) Systems 611
The U.S. Navy Great Lakes Base as a Confinement Area 611
Opto-Electronic and Photonic Technological Proliferation 612
Electromagnetic Radiation Effect on Thought Processes 613
Subliminal Information Inherent in Television Transmissions 613
The Tactical Importance of 60 Hz as a Power Frequency 613
The Emphasis of Surveillance and Control 614
Telecommunications and Maintenance of Personal Privacy 614
Brain Research and Related Topics: Introduction 614
The U.S. Medical Effort to Eliminate Oriental Medicines 615
Novel Brain Research Tools Available Today 615
Effect on the Brain of CT,CAT and PET Scanning Technology 615
Magnetic Electroencephalography (MEG) 616
Superconducting Quantum Interference Scanning Technology 616 
Practical Use of SQUID to Research Spontanous Brain Activity 617
Relationship Between Thought Processes and Brain Waves 617
Micromagnetic Brain Fields That Preceed Voluntary Activity 618
Consciousness Response States to Subliminal Programming 619
Refinement of Intelligence Agency Mind Control Protocols 619
Three-Dimensional Plotting of Neural Magnetic Fields 620
Description of Real-Time Field Patterns in the Human Brain 620
Brain Magnetic Field Configuration and Space-Time Fields 620
Neural Interior Fields as Einstein-Rosen Bridge Structures 620
Neural Structures as Magnetic-Acoustical Resonance Chambers 621
The Human Brain as a Space-Time Energy Tranducer 621
Neural Quantum Mechanics 622
Sonochemistry and Neurophysics 622
Vibrational Isomorphic Frequencies and Tones 622
Change of Cerebral Magnetic Fields and Altered States 623
Meditative Fields and Brain Field Structural Changes 623
Control of Magnetism and Chi by Intent and Breath Variance 623
Study of Sacred Geometry as Ideal Brain Stimulation 624
Effect of Media Programming on DNA and Chromosomes 624
Day Two of the Meeting 624
New Work on True Structural Topology of Cells 625
Cellular Structure Has 3-D Six-Fold Symmetry 626
New Work with Photonic Crystals 626
Recent work in Synesthesia Research 627
Synethesic Neural Function and Meditative States 627
Learning Process Linkage to Emotions 627
Multiplexing of Cortical Functions 627
VolumeTransmission of Axonal Circuitry 627
Purpose of Training in Transcendental Meditation 627
Light-Sound Devices and Electro-Acoustical Stimulation 628
Modern Technological Use of Electro-Acoustical Stimulation 629
DNA and RNA Alteration with Radio-Frequency Energy 629
Simultaneous Dreams By Multiple Individuals 629
Acoustic Effects on DNA/RNA Molecular Structure 630
Brainwaves and Photonic Geometrical Harmonics 630
Acoustic Effects on DNA/RNA Resonance Frequency 630
Acoustic Effects on Physiological Disease Conditions 630
Dav Three of the Meeting 631
Deprogramming Social Influence Using Creativity 631
Virtual Reality Affecting Brain and Psyche Negatively 631 
U.S. and Soviet Woodpecker Signals and Embedded Information ...632
Rotation of Space-Time Vectors by Orthogonal Pulsed Fields 633
Brain Research Geared Toward Mood and Behavior Modification ..633
Counter-Rotating Fields as a Delta-T Model 633
Review of the Mind Control Work of Jose Delgado 634
Hyperspacial Components of Electromagnetic Fields 634
Neural Machines Linking Psyche and Soma 634
Celestine Prophecies as Energy Utilization Guideline 634
Quaternion Notation in Original Maxwell Equations 634
Invoked Rage as Creating Multi-Level Behavioral Response 635
Creation of Anger States in Populations 635
Captive Audience of the U.S. Mind Control Programs 635
Jose Delgado as Falling Prey to Social Ego Mechanisms 635
B.F. Skinner and the Delgado-Skinner Mind Control Protocols 636
Mufti-Ethnic Specificity in Mind Control Manipulation 636
Skinner Protocol as "Environment Dictates Behavior" 636
Ethnic,Racial,Gender and Cultural Electromagnetic Signatures 637
Ultraviolet-Infrared Technology and Optical Phase Conjugation 637
Electromagnetic Signature Technology 637
Multiple Order Hyperbolic, Scalar and Solotonic Fields 638
Relationship Between Thought Processes and Subtle Body Effect.. 638
Acoustic Vibratory Patternings of the Subtle Bodies 638
The Brain as a Scalar Tranducer of Acoustical Information Bands.. 639
Connections with Chakras and Bi-Directional Hyperbolic Fields 639
Subtle Energy Fields and Physiological Gender 639
Subtle Body Sub-Structure 639
The Interest of Government-Military in Brain Research 640
Tactical Implications of New Science and Technology 640
UNCED Meeting in Brazil - 1992 640
Electronically Generated Genetic Mutations 640
Purpose of Genetically Engineered Plagues 641
Contamination of Foodstuffs and Water Supplies 641
Technology Behind Earthquake Generation for Political Purposes.. 641
Manipulation of Geological Grids by Infrasonic Energy Impulses ... 641
Nazi Mindset Justifying Genocide of Psychiatric Patients 641
General Analysis of the One World Order Paradigm 642
Political Bickering Among the Elitists 642
Massive Electromagnetic Mind Control to Begin in 1995 643
Encrypted Hidden Subliminal Holograms 643
The Vatican and the Central Intelligence Agency 644 
Virtual Reality Manipulation and Induction of Visual Experiences.. 644
Synthetic Spirituality Generation for New Age Consumption 644
Gestalt of They Live! Is Now Operative 644
New Age Community in Danger of Being Mentally Raped 644
Knowledge of Activities Itself Mitigates Some Effects 645
What To Do About Subliminals 645
Demodulation of Photonic Fields Carrying Encrypted Information .. 646
The Takyon Capsule as a Protective Device 646
Power Loss Would Not Affect Mind Control Networks 647
The General Use of Scalar Phase Conjugation Waveforms 647
Microwave Towers as Phase Conjugate Mirrors 647
Creation of Power Failures and Freezing of Weapon Function 647
Discussion of Electromagnetic Theory 648
Project Argus, The Black Cloud and the "Photon Belt" Concept .... 649
The Real Reason Behind the HAARP Project in Alaska 651
The Ecological Status of the Planet 651
Trees and the Transduction of Life Force for Biosynthesis 652
Possible Geological and Solar Anomalies 652
Underground Military Facilities, Storage of Seed Stock 654
Discreet Survival Activities Advisory 654
The Film The Ouiet Earth and Time-Continuum Shifting 654

Research on Electromagnetic Effects on Biological Systems:

Electromagnetic Research References 655
Microwave Irradiation at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow 691
Sample Mathematical Term Conversions 692
Maximum Power Density Status Quo Recommendations 692
SAR-Power Density Conversion 692
Commercial Power Frequencies, SOHz-60z 693
General Frequency Studies 695
Electromagnetic Output of Various Equipment Types 696
Naturally Existing Electromagnetic Conditions 697
Synthetic Ambient Electromagnetic Conditions 697
Directly Interactive Frequencies 697
Analysis of EM Patterns Presented by the WHO 698
Cellular Level Quantum Electrodynamics 700
Electromagnetic Research References 701-7

Appendix A: Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological and Electromagnetic
Manipulation of Human Consciousness - A Composite
Chronological Study of Parallel Developments A-1 to A-209

Appendix B: Significant Media Reports B-1 to B-36 Master Index 


“What a gem! The index itself blew my socks off!” E.K., Worchester, Mass.

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“Matrix III Vol 2 is a treasure of truth. It’s given me quite a lot of input to answer some very hard questions. “ Bill S., Everett, Washington.

“I have been interested in all the Matrix books. I found Matrix III Vol 2 to be highly informative. “ R.G., Newbury Park, California.

“ I recently received Matrix III Volume 2. I would like to take a moment to offer my sincere thanks for your contribution in helping the people like me who are in search of the real truth. You continue to provide people with the tools to take massive leaps into higher consciousness. I am constantly amazed by your work and your ability to compile and research this kind of information.” 
T.B., Bellevue, Washington

“What can I say - you pulled all the strings and brought it together. Any questions I had are settled. Reading your material is a feast of information. Some how I have the feeling you put blood, sweat and tears into this book. A simple “thank you” seems so inadequate.” E.K., Worchester, Mass.

“This new volume adds a tremendous amount of vitally important information. It is must-reading for those who want what is going on behind our backs. The benefit, apart from knowledge, is that after reading Matrix III Volume 2, you can alter and/or stop certain manipulations in your life. Val, you’re to be congratulated. You’ve given us another exceptional volume!”
G.M., Del Haven, New Jersey

“Matrix III Volume Two, alone, is sufficient information to launch several congressional investigations simultaneously!”
J.K., New York, New York


1949 Memo Laid Plan to Study Radiation Effects on Humans 477
1984 Government Study on Cholesterol 114
1984 Workshop on Biocompatibility of Metals in Dentistry 211
1990 Brain Research Study on Alzheimer and Heavy Metals 223
1990 CBS "60 Minutes" Program on Mercury Amalgam 213
1990 Workshop on Pertussis Vaccines 519
1991 Study on Trace Element Deficieny in Alzheimer Brains 223
1991 University of Kentucky Study on Mercury Deposition 222
1991 WHO-Rockefeller Childrens Vaccine Initiative 558
1992 EPA Proposal for a Ban on Water Chlorination 363
1993 Media Interview With Gulf War Veterans 434
1993/1994 U.S. Force Domestic Aerial Reconnaisance Missions 610
1994 British "Panorama" Broadcast on Mercury Amalgam 214
1994 Discoveries About the Sphinx 603
Abnormal Viral Penetration by Injection 486
Aboriginal Consciousness, and Paradigms 1 to 3 5
Abortions as a medium of Malthusian population control 89
Acceleration of Strontium 90 Absorption Due to Fluoride 295
Acid pH in body, relationship to consumption of sugar products 123
Acoustic Effects on DNA/RNA Molecular Structure 630
Acoustic Effects on DNA/RNA Resonance Frequency 630
Acoustic Effects on Physiological Disease Conditions 630
Acoustic Vibratory Patterning of the Subtle Bodies 638
ADA Promotion of Population Poisoning as "Ethical" -„-, 226
ADA Recommendations on Handling of Mercury Amalgam 217
Additional Data on the Effect of Fluorides on the Human Body 296
Additional Persons and Derivative Concepts 40
Additive designation removes requirement for adverse effect reporting 136
Additives and child behavior, the 1979 New York City School study 129
Additives and child behavior, the 1982 Canyon Verde School study 128
Additives, chemical, and the effect on the human brain 127
Advent of Alzheimer's Front Organizations : 268
Age and Mercury Content in Brain Tissue 219
Alexander II as the "Lincoln" of Russia 37
Alitame, Acesulfame K and Aspartame 132
Allele, genetic, definition of 44
Allergic reaction to foods, additives, and psycho-physiological impact 180
Allopathic Efforts to Bypass the Blood-Brain Barrier 197
Alter Names and Numbers 565
Alter Personalities 561
Alter Switches and Switching Processes 564
Aluminosilicates in talcum powder hazardous to lung tissue 267
Aluminum and Alzheimer's disease 269
Aluminum as a selective neurotoxin discovered by Germans in 1897 : 271
Aluminum company funding of Alzheimer front organizations 268
Aluminum compounds, human contamination with 265
Aluminum content in infant milk and bovine milk 270
Aluminum in Infant Formula and Bovine Milk 270
Aluminum in the Human Diet 266
Aluminum, antacids and industry fraud ---- 274
Alzheimer’s and heavy metal absorption, aluminum and mercury 223
Alzheimer's Syndrome Front Organizations 268
Amalgam in Pregnant Humans: Placental Barrier and Fetus 217
Amalgam Manufacturer's Warning 218
American Civil War, narrative on 26 
American Dental Association flyer, "When Your Patients Ask About Mercury Amalgam".. 227
American Dental Association Position on Mercury Amalgam 227
American political system , original as sovereignty vested in the people 28
American Revolution, the 18
Analogies with Other Toxicological Paradigms 276
Analysis of Deliberate Aluminum Dosing of Humans 266
Analysis of EM Patterns Presented by the WHO 698
Analysis of Human Breast Milk 374
Analysis of Scientific Defensibility of Fluoride Use 330
Analysis of Vaccine Injury Compensation Act-1988-1992 532
Analysis:1981 UK Participation- Vaccines and Mercury Amalgam 537
Animal protein, incredible waste of natural resources when producing 119
Animal Tests of Systemic Mercury Absorption 222
Animals, food, antibiotic drugs used in 186
Another Carcinogenic Inducement in the Dentist Office 468
Antacid industry based on total fraud 274
Antibiotic Drug Use and Development of Drug Resistant Bacteria 186
Antibiotics in animal feed , British curb use in 1969 187
Antibiotics, abuse in Third World of 105 .
Antibiotics, half of U.S. production used on food animals 186
Antibiotics, illegal, in U.S. food supply, National Research Council Study 187
Antibiotics, sulfur-based, used on animals destined to be human food 187
Appearance of Resistance and Cracks in the ADHD Syndrome 555
Arizona Legislature Bars State Regulation of Neurotoxins 158
Arizona legislature changes state law to prohibit public questioning of food additives I58
Artificial Sweeteners: Saccharin and Cyclamates 130
Asa Gray, Harvard academician and botanist 31
Aspartame and Seizures 143
Aspartame effects on airline pilot performance 136
Aspartame intoxication, symptoms of 138
Aspartame Sensitivity for Those Prone to Mood Disorders 145
Aspartame sweetened beverages, methanol content of 169,172
Aspartame Technical Committee 158
Aspartame toxicity, latency period before effects : 166
Aspartame, a detailed examination of the coverup on 150
Aspartame, amino acid components o 164
Aspartame, chronic exposure to, effects noted 167
Aspartame, description of research studies since 1984 on 159
Aspartame, double blind study done on 145
Aspartame, effect on brainwave patterns after consumption of 143
Aspartame, effect on the unborn fetus of 142
Aspartame, estimate of world use of : 158
Aspartame, list of doctors familiar with adverse effects of 160
Aspartame, mood disorders and 146
Aspartame, National Institutes of Heath lists 167 reasons to avoid in 1991 137
Aspartame, significant scientific studies on, list of 139
Aspartame, the coverup in literature on the effect of 139
Aspartame, world basis for claims of "safety" 156
Atomic Bomb Testing in the U.S. and Population Reduction 472
Attempt by Geneticists to Avoid Environmental Factors 84
Attempts at Reform and Pesticide Politics : 408
Attitudes of Alters Toward the Physical Body 564 .
Available Methanol in Various Beverages 172
AWWA Manual: Fluoridation Chemicals Contain Lead & More 342
B.F. Skinner and the Delgado-Skinner Mind Control Protocols 636
Bacteria, antibiotic resistant, proliferation in humans, source traced to food industry 186
Bacterial Vaccines 487
Ban on U.S. beef products by EEC, 1989 185
Basal and Proto-Basal Paradigms of Western Civilization 4
Basal Paradigm, definition of 1
Batelle Study on Cancer and Fluorides: Liver and Oral Cancer 291
Beginning of the Fluoride Movement 283
Behavior control on mass populations with fluorides, historical data 300
Behavior modification drug, MSG as a 176
Behavior modifying aspects of aspartame 137
Behavior, modification in children with food additives, study on 128
Behavioral Genetics, narrative on -•--- 40
Behaviorism, origin of the practice of 31
Belief System, definition of a paradigm as 1
Belief Systems vs. Experiential systems, difference between 3
Belief, Experience, Truth and Wisdom, relationship between (footnote) 3
Belief, orthodox legal definition of -" xviii
Biochemical toxicity, list of common compounds in use and effects 205
Biochemistry of Crime and Distorted Behavior 180
Biological and chemical warfare programs, connection with herbicides 388
Biological Blowback from the Gulf War Syndrome 429
Biology, orthodox, as Neo-Darwinism - 47
Birth control pills, export of and use in Third World Population Control 99
Bismark, "Blood and Iron Militarism" of, proponent of Social Darwinism 35
Blood-Brain Barrier 190,191
Bolshevik Revolution, narrative on the 39
Bone growth and fluorides 293
Bottom Line on the Bottom Paradigm 495
Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) 183
Bovine Growth Hormone and premature sexual maturation of human children 184
Bovine pituitary gland as source of BGH 184
Brain as a Scalar Transducer of Acoustical Information Bands 639
Brain cell swelling caused by petroleum derivatives 196
Brain cell toxins contained by processed human foods, primary 177
Brain damage as a result of consumption of MSG, FDA silence on 176
Brain damage, increase in probability in children after consuming aspartame 136
Brain function and molecular environment 180
Brain Magnetic Field Configuration and Space-Time Fields 620
Brain processing and intelligence, effect of food additives on 129
Brain Research and Related Topics: Introduction 614
Brain Research Geared Toward Mood and Behavior Modification 633
Brain tissue, age vs mercury content from dental amalgams 219
Brain tumor agent DKP as a breakdown product of aspartame 135
Brainwaves and Photonic Geometrical Harmonics 630
Breast Cancer" Detection [Production] Program 466
Breast milk, human, pesticides in -•--- 374
Bullets on the ADHD Bureaucracy -•---- 557
Bush, George, created situation for increased pollution without public review 267
But a Small Amount Can't Hurt You 286
Calcium, relationship to protein in diet 109
Canadian Dental Association Cites Government on Amalgam 253
Canadian Study on Amalgams as Source of Mercury in Trssues 240
Canadian Study on Fluorides and Bone Cancer 352
Cancer and the Diet 115
Cancer Risk Found in Drinking Water with Chlorine 366
Canyon Verde School Study on Additives 128
Captive Audience of the U.S. Mind Control Programs 635
Carcinogenicity of cyclamates 131
Carnegie, involvement in development of U.S. educational system of 70
Case of Acute Fluoride Poisoning from Public Water System 354
Case of Mass Fluoride Poisoning in Alaska- 1992 351
Categories of Mercury-Induced Pathology 221
Cattell, James, and "educational psychology" 69
CDC fraudulent announcement on aspartame, 1984 135
Celestine Prophecies as Energy Utilization Guideline 634
Cellular Level Quantum Electrodynamics 700
Cellular mutation caused by metallic compounds in the air 267
Cellular Structure Has 3-D Six-Fold Symmetry 626
Change of Cerebral Magnetic Fields and Altered States 623
Change of Diet and Reversal of Physiological Symptoms 128
Changing Face of Population in the Media 65
Chemical Additives and Effect on Humans 127
Chemical Analysis of Deodorant, Shaving Gel and Shampoo 201
Chemical testing, widespread fraud and falsification of test results 396
Chemical Toxins Table: Metals 280
Chest X-ray" Program 468
Child Abuse Reports: 1983 to 1986 FBI Statistics 547
Children Born With Chronic Limiting Conditions - 1969 to 1981 543
Children Born With Handicaps and Limitations - 1960 to 1990 541
Chlorinated water and cancer, a meta-analysis 363,364
Chlorination, water, 1992 EPA proposed ban 363
Chlorine Industry Issues a "Study" in 1994 365
Cholesterol, 1984 government study on 114
Cholesterol, fraud in industry claims about 112
Chronological Analysis of EPA's Lists of Inerts 418
Chronology of Research and Studies 210
Church of Scientism: Constituent Pseudo Science and Figures 22
Church of Scientism: Doctrine and Dissemination 72
CIA connection to mass spraying of neurotoxins on domestic populations 395,396
Claim of Fluorine as a "Nutrient' 285
Classification of Vaccines 484
Cobden Club Memo for Mandated Population Reduction 73
Coercion into acceptance of a paradigm of belief, discussion of 3
Co-Factorial Subversion of the Human Immune System 503
Cold War, narrative on the 39
Colgate and Palmolive Research New Compounds 317
Collusion between dairy and meat industries and the government 113
Colon cancer, relationship with meat and dairy consumption 115
Color of Law, legal definition of xix
Com products, consumption and lowered serotonin levels 180
Commentary on Scientific Testing of Aspartame in Animals 142
Commercial Power Frequencies, 5OHz-60z 693
Common Neuropsychological Symptoms of Neurotoxicity 207
Common Toxic Environmental Chemicals 199
Comparative Analysis of Totalitarian Governmental Forms 58
Comparative Analysis: Democracy vs. Constitutional Republic 82
Comparative Concepts of Elitism 2
Comparative Toxicity Rate for Sodium Fluoride 321
Comparative Water Decontamination Methodologies 385
Comparisons Between Fluoridated and Unfluoridated 316
Composite Chart: Western Paradigm Development 56
Compounds in Use Causing Biochemical Neurotoxicity 205
Concept of Vaccination and Synthetic Immunity 483
Conditions eliminated when eliminating meat, eggs and dairy products from diet 118
Connection Between Computer Industry and Geneticists 85
Connection Between Phenoxy Herbcides Spraying and the CIA 395
Connections with Chakras and Bi-Directional Hyperbolic Fields 639
Consciousness Response States to Subliminal Programming 619
Constitutional Republic, difference between democracy and a 82
Consumer Products as a Source for Estrogenic Chemicals 376
Consumers Call for Accurate Labeling of MSG 182
Consumption of Fluorides and Pregnancy 294
Contagious Component of GWS Genetically Engineered 424
Contamination of Foodstuffs and Water Supplies 641
Contamination with Aluminum Compounds: General Information 265
Contamination with Mercury Compounds 209
Control by propaganda and advances in technology 46
Control of Magnetism and Chi by Intent and Breath Variance 623
Correlation Between Mercury and Multiple Sclerosis 221
Council on Foreign Relations, narrative on 32
Counter-Rotating Fields as a Delta-T Model 633
Countries Outside the U.S. Reject Fluoridation 306
Creation of Anger States in Populations 635
Creation of Dualism and Chronic Indecision in Public Mind 83
Creation of Power Failures and Freezing of Weapon Function 647
Criminal Behavior, legal definition of xix ...
Criminal Conspiracy, legal definition of xvui
Criminal Gross Negligence, legal definition of xix
Criminal Homicide, legal definition of xix
Dairy industry determination to have carcinogens in U.S. national milk supply 188
Dairy Industry Gambit 109
Dairy industry, criminal fraud in claims of the 110
Dalcon Shields, use in Third World for Population Control 101
Darwinism, analysis of the premises of 51
Darwinism, three major premises of 48
Darwinism's role in making Malthusianism respectable 50
Day One of the Meeting 604
Day Three of the Meeting 
Day Two of the Meeting 624
Death for the Slaves of the U.S. Uranium Mining Industry 469
Deaths of Dialysis Patients Due to Fluoridated Water 329
Declaration of Helsinki, based on Nuremberg Code 103
Degrees of Inter-awareness Among Personalities 563
Deism, as a belief system subscribed to by Jefferson and Washington, definition of 18
Deliberate Delay on Enforcement of Food Safety 116
Deliberate Use of Sugar to Assist Degenerative Disease 124
Democracy, comparison of 1928 and 1952 definitions 82
Democracy, definition and narrative on the concept of 40
Demodulation of Photonic Fields Carrying Encrypted Information 646
Denial of long-term cumulative effect by orthodoxy of chemical neurotoxins 191
Denials in Literature Relative to the Effect of Aspartame 139
Dental Fluorosis 283
Dental Mercury as Aggravator of Xenobiotic intolerance 254
Dental personnel, ADA recommendations on handling of mercury amalgam 217
Dental personnel, effect of mercury amalgam use on 216
Department of Justice Admits Eugenics Programs Since 1940's 429
Depo-Provera, use in Third World countries as Population Control methodology 100
Depression, psychological, and consumption of specific kinds of foods 180
Deprogramming Social Influence Using Creativity 631
DES and Its Effect on Humans 185
Descartes, Rene, and Scientific organicism 14
Description of Real-Time Field Patterns in the Human Brain 620
Description of the Handling of Fluorides by Technicians 338
Detailed Examination of the Aspartame Legacy 150
Detection of Mercury in the Human Body 220
Determinism, behavioral 41
Determinism, narrative on concept of 41
Determinism, physical ----••--- 41
Determinism, psychological --• .................................. 14
Determinism, reductive ------ 41
Development of Basal Paradigms: Computer Metaphor 12
Development of Phenoxy Herbicides 386
Diabetes and Diet 117
Diabetes and Trace Minerals in the Diet 118
Diabetes, and sugar 126
Dieldrin in Food 368
Diet and relationship to diabetes 117
Dioxin in Food 369
Diphtheria and Diptheria Vaccine 511
Directly Interactive Frequencies 697
Disabled Children Bom - 1960 to 1980 545
Discreet Survival Activities Advisory 654
Discussion of Electromagnetic Theory 648
Dissent on Fluoridation from within the American Dental Assn 297
DNA and RNA Alteration with Radio-Frequency Energy 629
Doctored Pertussis Trials and Bacterial Doping of Vaccines 516
Doctrine of internal sovereignty 16
Documented Clinical Side-Effects to Dental Amalgam 246
DPT and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome : 514
DPT Trivalent Vaccine: Composition and Physiological Action 520
Drug Experimentation Shifts Overseas 102
Drugs, toxic, imported to Third World countries 106
Duplicity on AZT in the Media 464
Early Discovery of X-Rays and Their Effect on Human Tissues 465
Early German Mercury Findings and Prussian Education 224
Eastern Trinity, opinion leader institutions known as the 30
Ecological Status of the Planet 651
Education in America, dumbing down the population 67
Effect of Fluoride Consumption on Bone Growth 293
Effect of Media Programming on DNA and Chromosomes 624
Effect of Mercury Compounds on Dental Personnel 216
Effect of Sugar, Synthetic Colorings and Flavoring on the Brain 129
Effect on the Brain of CT,CAT and PET Scanning Technology 615
Efforts at Population Control Using Tetanus Toxin as Carrier 522
Egalitarian Republicanism, original American system, narrative on 42
Electromagnetic Output of Various Equipment Types 696
Electromagnetic Radiation Effect on Thought Processes 613
Electromagnetic Research References 701-7
Electromagnetic Signature Technology 637
Electronically Generated Genetic Mutations 640
Elements of Fraud and Falsification of Chemical Testing 396
Elements of Social Science (1854) by Dr. George Drysdale 17
Elitism as considering itself to have the only valid model of existence 3
Emergence of the Medical Industrial Complex 90
Emphasis of Surveillance and Control 614
Encephalitis, inflammation of the brain, connection with vaccination 534
Encrypted Hidden Subliminal Holograms 643
Endocrine effects from ingestion of MSG 176
Endocrine system, dysfunction as a result of eating food containing synthetic hormones. 185
Environment, behavior controlled by the, idea of B.F. Skinner and behaviorists 31
Environmental Considerations: Aluminum and Alzheimer's 269
Environmental Estrogens and Breast Cancer 379
Environmental Fluoridation of Aboriginal Peoples 361
Environmental Fluoridation of Indian Tribes: A Case History 312
Environmental Sources of Fluoride Compounds 313
Environmental toxicants, discussion of 189
Enzyme systems, fluorides as inhibitors of 288
EPA declaration of activities of George Bush's industry council illegal (footnote) 267
EPA Scientists Challenge NAS 1993 Report on Fluorides 347
Essay on the Principle of Population (1798), Thomas Malthus 16
Estrogen Duality in the Media 380
Estrogen, higher level in food animals injected with hormones 184
Estrogenic Chemicals: An Introduction ---••--- 374
Ethnic cleansing, as part of human concept of elitism 2
Ethnic, Racial, Gender and Cultural Electromagnetic Signatures 637
Eugenics laws in China, 1994 development of 66
Eugenics liaison, German-American, the 35
Eugenics, narrative on : 42
Eugenics, positive and negative ---••--- 42
Eugenics, Sir Francis Galton as the originator of 23
Evidence of Prisoner Testing of GWS Mycoplasmas 429
Evidentiary Standards of the Vaccine Compensation Program 531
Evolution, holistic, suppression of 18
Evolution, materialistic ----•-- 18
Evolution, sexual-reproductive instinct as drive behind, premise of Darwinism 49
Evolution, symbiotic, and Petr Kropotkin • • •.. 24
Example of Using Toxins to Dispose of the Immune Compromised 88
Examples of Media Propaganda on MSG 181
Examples of Neurotoxic Mechanisms 194
Exitotoxin effect on the brain, mechanism 177
Experience with Vietnam Veterans and Agent Orange 400
Experience, avoidance of in favor of a system of belief, discussion of 3
Exposure to Chemical Mixtures and Interactive Effects 193
FAA fraudulent announcement on aspartame, 1995 138
Fact, legal definition of " xviii
FDA and the Conspiracy on MSG 179
FDA collusion in the suppression of hazards of mercury amalgam 225
FDA fraudulent announcement on aspartame, 1984 135
FDA fraudulent promotion of MSG 179
FDA involvement in the coverup concerning aspartame 146,151
FDA pronouncement in 1976 of acceptance of mercury amalgam 210
FDA public media statement on MSG, 1995 181
FDA silence on the issue of MSG damage to the human fetus 176
FDA standards on neurotoxicity 189
FDA Total Diet Study of American Food Contamination 381
FDA withdrawal of pamphlet on MSG safety -„ 178
Federal Drug Administration Collusion in the Mercury Coverup 225
Feingold diet, elimination of additives using, information referral on the 129
Fertility diminished by mercury amalgam 232
Fetal immaturity of blood-brain barrier 191
Feuerbach, Ludwig, contribution to materialism of 43
Fiber Consumption and Colon Cancer 117
Fiber consumption, relationship to colon cancer 117
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, German Nationalist, concept of universal ego and 43
Fifth Basal Paradigm 11
Film The Quiet Earth and Time-Continuum Shifting 654
Fire Ant Eradication" Program 405
First Proto-21st Century and Fourth Basal Paradigm 7
Fluoridated water, natural vs artificial •,,,-,,,-,,.•- 284
Fluoridation and the World Health Organization 308,310
Fluoridation as an issue outside the United States 306
Fluoridation movement, beginning of the •„•-283
Fluoridation of Indian Tribes 312
Fluoridation of Ireland, efforts by Margaret Thatcher to subjugate the population by 18
Fluoridation Status of Some Large U.S. Cities 299
Fluoridation, dissent from members of the ADA 297
Fluoridation, the propaganda plan behind (footnote) 315
Fluoridation, universal, as the goal of Global Socialism by year 2000 309
Fluoride as a "nutrient", claim of 285
Fluoride Compounds ----------• ....282
Fluoride compounds, environmental sources of 313
Fluoride effect on collagen formation in the body 296
Fluoride effects accentuated by existence of malnutrition 294
Fluoride experimentation on mentally retarded children, 1945 314
Fluoride Information Resource Listing ---- 318
Fluoride poisoning, mass ------351,354
Fluoride politics, international --•--- 307
Fluoride promotion of tooth decay -311,317
Fluoride removal from environment, 1939 decision to cancel 314
Fluoride, calcium -------•---- 282
Fluoride, sodium, comparative toxicity rates with chlordane, arsenic and DDT 321
Fluoride-induced human cancer, research on 290
Fluoride-Induced Collagen Breakdown 296
Fluorides and bone cancer, Canadian study, 1990 352
Fluorides and bone growth 293
Fluorides and calcium can bring about opposite enzyme stimuli 288
Fluorides and Cancer : 288
Fluorides and periodontal disease 284
Fluorides and Thyroid Problems 293
Fluorides as a Toxic Industrial Pollutant Impacting Humans 312
Fluorides as a Toxic Protoplasmic Poison •,,,,,,,-,.,,283
Fluorides as an industrial pollutant 312
Fluorides as enzyme system inhibitors •,,,•_,,,,288,295
Fluorides Block Telepathic Reception in Humans 316
Fluorides in India: An Update 317
Fluorides, behavioral effects learned from Germans 314
Fluorides, general suppression of research on : 304
Fluorides, government extortion on the issue of 305
Fluorides, political suppression of information about nature of 309
Fluorinated Exterminators and Anesthetics 340
Fluorinated Tranquilizers 318
Fluorine Pollution in the Environment 287
Fluorosis, dental 283
Food Additives and Hyperactivity in Children 129
Food Safety, deliberate delays by government in policing 116
Food, new types of high productivity --•-- 66
Foreign DNA and Malignant Cell Transformations in Humans 492
Formaldehyde, as a breakdown product of aspartame 166
Fractal Evolution: Extract from Avoiding Extinction 590
Fraudulent Testing for Safety of Glutamates 179
Free Enterprise System, synthetic, in United States : 71
Free radical scavenging enzymes, depletion of, cause by dental mercury 216
French Revolution, the ---•-•---- 18
Galton, Sir Francis, narrative on ---••---- 23
GAO Testimony: Potential for Reproductive Dysfunction 439
Gasoline gambit, the great -•--- 279
General Allopathic Model with Pesticides in Food as Example 195
General Analysis of the One World Order Paradigm 642
General Frequency Studies --- 695
General Prevalence of Mood Disorders in the Population 161
General Suppression of Research on Fluorides 304
General Use of Scalar Phase Conjugation Waveforms 647
General Vaccine Trends - 1920 to 1990 and Rise of Disorders 537
Genetically engineered hormones, use of, and BGH 184
Geneticists as the New Priesthood vs. The New Paradigm _9
Genetics and thought, control over as a political agenda 7
Genetics, Behavioral, narrative on 40
Genius" of the Fluoridation Plan 315
Genocidal campaigns, the Nazi race purification program compared with 47
Genocide, Allopathic medical system a Malthusian practice of 91
Genocide, definition and narrative on 43
Genocide, International Treaty on, conditions under which the U.S. signed 209
German-American Eugenics Liaison, the 35
Germans discover aluminum as a selective neurotoxin in 1897 271
Germany and the Soviet Union ...---•-• 
Germany's rationale for enlarging its boundaries in WWII 53
Gestalt of They Live! Is Now Operative 644
Global Socialism and the dismantlement of the United States 40
Glutamates and Glutamic Acids: MSG and the Brain 175
Glutamic acid, key to orderly brain function, result of consumption of sugar on 123
Gnosticism, reason for suppression of 3
Government Fraud, Deception, and Criminal Negligence 368
Government involvement in spraying of mass populations with neurotoxins 390
Government Use of Military As Guinea Pigs in Nuclear Tests 476
Grant Us A Grant: Psycho-Pharmaceutical Grants for ADHD 556
Great Cholesterol Gambit ----•-- 112
Great Depression, the 28
Greenbaum Speech on Ritual Abuse, MPD and Mind Control 567
Gulf War veterans, free aspartame provided to 137,157
Gypsy Moth Eradication Program: Chemical Terrorization 404
Haeckel, Emst, narrative on 24
Harvard Medical School and FDA Tests on Pertussis Vaccines 519
Harvard University, importance in material scientism of 30
Hazards for Fluoridation Technicians and Engineers 337
Health and safety information as "intellectual property of commercial value" 398
Health Care's Darwinian Dimension 478
Heart disease, as related to consumption of meat and dairy products 111
Heart, effect of methanol on, as a result of breakdown of consumed aspartame 168
Heptachlor in Food -•--- 370
Herbicide Spraying and Military Chemical and Biological Warfare 394
High Protein Intake and Lower Serotonin Production 109
Historical Developments, 1940 to 1972 388
Hobbes, Thomas, and "life is a struggle, each against all" 14
Hobbesian thought, description of 14
Hormone use on animals used for human food 183
Hormones, synthetic, given to animals 183
House, Edward Mandel "Colonel", narrative on 33
Human beings as "free agents", rejection of by B.F. Skinner 31
Human Brain as a Space-Time Energy Transducer 621
Human Contamination from Chlorine Compounds 363
Human Ulcers: The True Nature of 7hings --•-- 274
Huxley, Thomas H, "Darwin's Bulldog" and President of the Royal Society 21
Hydrocarbons, chlorinated, ability to dissolve in lipids absorbed into the brain 193
Hyperactivity in children, relationship to food additives and flavorings 129
Hyperspacial Components of Electromagnetic Fields 634
Hypoglycemia, functional and reactive 180
Hypothalamus, lesions in, caused by consumption of MSG 179
Hypothalmic neurons destroyed by MSG - 176
Idealistic socialism, suppression of 25
Immune system decline co-factor as animal antibiotics 187
Immune system, effect of mercury amalgams on the 232
Implants containing genetically engineered cells, Brown University development of 197
Import of Drugs into the Third World 104
Inability to concentrate, dental mercury amalgam and 216
Increasing the mortality rate of the poor, Malthusian doctrine of 17
Inculcation of the Prussion Educational System 67
Infants, aluminum contamination of infant formula and cow milk adversely affects 270
Information Permeability Between Dissociative Barriers 563
Informed consent legislation on mercury amalgams, 1991 efforts 213
Infrared Topographic Imaging Satellite (IRTIS) Systems 611
Injection of Lead Compounds into the Human Environment 275
Institutions and Government Extortion on Fluoride Issues 305
Insulin, synthetically produced 125
Interactive effects produced by combinations of neurotoxic chemicals 193
Inter-Connections With I. G. Farben Following WWII 302
Interest of Government-Military in Brain Research 640
International Academy Oral Medicine Condemnation of the ADA 226
International Code of Ethics regulating Medical Research 103
International Politics, Intimidation and Bribery on Fluorides 307
Interview with the Drs. Nicholson on GWS Mycoplasmas 424
Introduction of foreign animal proteins into humans, practice of 107
Invoked Rage as Creating Multi-Level Behavioral Response 635
Iraq Admission of Production of Biowarfare Substances 433
Ireland, Margaret Thatchers fluoridation of 18
Iron Mountain Report 76
It's Your Choice: Materialistic Scientism or Scientific Holism 10
Japan Incident.• Fluorides a Component of Satin Nerve Gas 339
Jewish riots in New York because of tyranny of new U.S. 'educational" system 70
Jose Delgado as Falling Prey to Social Ego Mechanisms 635
Jost, Alfred, as a mentor to Adolph Hitler 50
Jost, Alfred, German author of The Right to Death (1865) 33
Jost, Alfred, originator of idea of state control over reproduction 54
Judeo-Christian paradigm of monotheism 3
Judeo-Christian paradigm, system diagram of 6
Kaiser Wilhelm Society, the 37
Key Concepts in Material Scientism 26
Knowledge as fundamentally subjective, view of Descartes 14
Knowledge of Activities Itself Mitigates Some Effects 645
Known Components of Immunizations and Vaccines 496
Known Simian Disease Epidemics 491
Kropotkin, Petr, and concept of symbiotic evolution 24
Latency effect in lead poisoning prevents immediate causal link in time 276
Latency of neutotoxic effects due to period of system maturation 189,190
Latency period with respect to aspartame toxicity 166
Latent production of neurotoxic symptomology because of nature of neurochemistry 191
Layering of Alters and Key-Cue Words 566
Lead as a protoplasmic poison ........ 276
Lead in the environment, sources of 275
Lead Pathways and the Importance of a Balanced Diet 276
Lead toxicity, treatment for 278
Lead toxicity, physiological signs of 277
Lead, physiological effect on the human brain and body 275
Leaded and unleaded fuels 278
Leadership as inherent in "elitism" in nature 2
Learning Process Linkage to Emotions 627
Lebensraum, definition of 53
Legal Case Mere ADA Admits No Duty to Protect Public 250
Legal Considerations: Vaccination and State Police Powers 527
Legal Definitions .......... xvui 
Letter from EPA Admitting Fluoridation Solves Waste Problem 336
Letter from EPA Defining Fluoridation Chemicals 343
Letter from EPA Senior Science Advisor on Fluorides 348
Letter from Federal Employee Union on EPA Abuse on Fluorides 327
Letter from NFFE on the Subject of Fluorides ----• 344
Letter from U.S. DOT on Handling Hydrofluosilicic Acid 341
Letter from USPHS-CDC on Michigan Fluoride Poisoning 355
Letter to the EPA in Regard to the WHO Study on Fluorides 346
Leviathan, work by Hobbes called 14
LG.Farben and fluorides -• •-- ------•---- 301
LG.Farben, interconnectons with U.S. companies after World War II 302
Light-Sound Devices and Electro-Acoustical Stimulation 628
Locke, John, founder of British empiricism 43
Logic" of the U.S. Medical System : 468
Loss of manual dexterity, dental mercury amalgam and 216
Magnetic Electroencephalography (MEG) 616
Malicious Abuse of Legal Process, legal definition of xix
Malnutrition accentuation of the effect of fluorides 294
Malthus as an "intelligence analyst" for the East India Company 18
Malthus, Thomas --•---- 16
Malthus-Darwin doctrine, the 52
Malthusian concept that Populations are out of control 7
Malthusian doctrine, analysis of the : 52
Malthusian League, the 17
Malthusian-based Propaganda on Population Resources 64
Malthusianism, concept
Manipulation of Geological Grids by Infrasonic Energy Impulses 641
Mannitol, effect on blood-brain-barrier, as a carrer for chemotherapy drugs 197
Marx, Karl, deliberations on the subject of population of 17
Marx, Karl, narrative on 24
Mass Herbicide Spraying and Government Agency Involvement 390
Mass Spraying Programs and Government `Police Powers" 405
Massive Corruption, Collusion and Conflict of Interest 305
Massive Electromagnetic Mind Control to Begin in 1995 643
Material Safety Data Sheet from Dental Mercury Provider 238
Material Scientism as a basis of the United Nations 28
Materialistic biology and evolution, Charles Darwin and 18
Mathus, views of European elists on population before and after 49
Mathusian Darwinism, Herbert Spencer as a champion of 18
Maximum Power Density Status Quo Recommendations 692
Mayr, Ernst, German bom American biologist and "Dean of Neo-Darwinism" 31
Measles and Measles Vaccines 503
Measles Infection Mitigation With Vitamin A 506
Meat and milk connected to premature sexual maturation of human children 184
Meat consumption and cancer -•--- 110
Meat industry refusal to obey law against adding banned hormones to cattle 186
Mechanism of Encephalitic Damage from Vaccines 542
Mechanism of Excitotoxin Effect on the Human Brain 177
Mechanisms of Neural Alteration from Mercury 224
Mechanistic World View 588
Media in Canada: Reports on Fluoridation Hazards 345
Media Portrayal of Global Water as a Non-Political Problem 63
Media Report on 1989 Swedish Ban on Mercury Amalgam 236
Medicinal Drugs in the Third World 104
Meditative Fields and Brain Field Structural Changes 623
Memory loss and consumption of aspartame 147
Memory retention and mercury levels in the body 224
Mental and Behavioral disturbances, list of compounds in use that can cause 205
Mental testing, Francis Galton as originator of idea of 24
Merck on Mercury: The Psyching of a Poisoned Public 218
Mercury absorption, systemic, animal tests in 1989 and 1990 222
Mercury Amalgam Fillings and Production of Periodontal Disease 216
Mercury amalgam introduction a linear parallel to Prussian education inculcation 224
Mercury amalgam, American Dental Association position on 226
Mercury amalgam, Swedish research on 225
Mercury and multiple sclerosis 221
Mercury as a component of vaccines 224
Mercury found in brain and kidneys, relationship to mercury in dental amalgams 211
Mercury in the body, detection methodology 220
Mercury in the body, physiological toxicity of 221
Mercury Metabolism and Detoxification in Humans 219
Mercury poisoning, chart on symptoms and psychological effects 235
Mercury poisoning, data from Merck index on 218
Mercury release from fillings when eating, ADA admission of in 1984 211
Mercury uptake by the brain after exposure 210
Mercury, list of effects on human physiology 230
Mercury, persistence in the body after exposure 219
Metallic compounds in air, over 140,000 deaths per year due to 267
Methanol as a component of aspartame 165
Methanol consumption, chronic, from consumption of aspartame in diet drinks 167
Methanol poisoning management 169
Micromagnetic Brain Fields That Preceed Voluntary Activity 618
Microwave Irradiation at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow 691
Microwave Towers as Phase Conjugate Mirrors 647
Mill, John Stewart, originator of idea that personal solitude is impaired by population 44
Minerals, trace, in diet, as related to development of diabetes 118
Mobility of Genetic Material Between Life Forms and Vaccination 491
Modem Technological Use of Electro-Acoustical Stimulation 629
Monopoly, Monopoly Power and Monopolization, legal definitions of xix
Monosodium glutamate, history of the production of 175
Monsanto and American Cyanamid as producers of bovine growth hormone 183
Mood disorders in the population, analysis of the prevalence of 161
Mercury amalgam, list of scientific facts and reference on biological effects 233
MSG as an industrial waste product dumped into food 175
MSG consumption and psychiatric symptoms 177
MSG destruction of hypothalamic neurons 176
MSG effect on children in schools _ 177
MSG Effects on the Reproductive System 176
MSG reaction triggers, food label descriptors 182
MSG, FDA proposals for food labeling in 1995 181
MSG, fraudulent testing on safety of 179
Multi-Ethnic Specificity in Mind Control Manipulation 636
Multiple Order Hyperbolic, Scalar and Solotonic Fields 638
Multiple Personality Disorders, the rise of, connection to U.S. Intelligence programs 559
Multiplexing of Cortical Functions 627
Mumps and Mumps Vaccine 508
Myth of Overpopulation -------- 62
Narrative Regarding ADA Abandonment of Dentists on Mercury 252
National Birth Control League (1915) 17
National Cancer Institute on Chlorinated Water and Cancer 364
National Security Act of 1947, narrative on 30
Natural Human Pathogenic Immunity 479
Natural Selection as a major premise of Darwinism 48
Natural vs. Artificially Fluoridated Water 284
Natural vs. Invasive Viral Entry Processes 485
Naturally Existing Electromagnetic Conditions 697
Nature of Fluorides : 282
Nazi Corporate Ally Under Fire - Aug 10, 1995 303
Nazi Mindset Justifying Genocide of Psychiatric Patients 641
Neo-Darwinism and Genetics in the Media, 1993-1995 87
Neo-Darwinism as the synthesis of Classical Darwinism and Genetics 30
Neo-eugenics, "saving the species" through genetic engineering 32
Nervous System and Toxicant Access 190
Neural alteration caused by the presence of mercury in the body, dental amalgam 224
Neural Interior Fields as Einstein-Rosen Bridge Structures 620
Neural Machines Linking Psyche and Soma 634
Neural Quantum Mechanics 622
Neural Structures as Magnetic-Acoustical Resonance Chambers 621
Neuritis as a result of aspartame consumption 168
Neurodegenerative brain disease, trends and increases 196
Neurologic and psychiatric illness caused by environmental toxins 189
Neurological and Physiological Effect of Aluminum Poisoning 272
Neurological sensitivity of young childen, babies and the fetus 189
Neuronal death from consumption of monosodium glutamate 178
Neurons, tendency of mercury atoms to combine with organelles in 221
Neuropsychological symptoms of neurotoxicity 207
Neurotoxic poisoning and relationship to modification of neural sodium channels 196
Neurotoxic response, manifestation of, described 192
Neurotoxicity, definition of 189
Neurotoxin production of Alzheimer, ALS and Parkinson's symptoms (footnote) 190
Neurotoxin, dental mercury as a 215
New Age Community in Danger of Being Mentally Raped 644
New Brain Research in Quantum and Superluminal Fields 606
New Proposals to Add Chlorine and Ammonia to Drinking Water 365
New Proposed Guideline for Truth in Research 526
New Toys - New Radiation Dosage Programs 467
New Work on True Structural Topology of Cells 625
New Work with Photonic Crystals ---• •--- 626
Newton, Sir Isaac --••--- 14
Normal Processes of Viral Penetration 486
Novel Brain Research Tools Available Today 615
Nuremberg Trials, the 37
Obligation to law by contract of obedience, derivation of the concept of 16
Occupation and Neurotoxic Risk -•--- 207
Old World Order and the Egalitarian New World Cooperative 6
Oligarchy, definition of 3
Opto-Electronic and Photonic Technological Proliferation 612
Organic (holistic) biology and evolution, Jean Lamarck and 18
Organophosphates and Other Chemicals Used in Southeast Asia 402
Orthodoxy on Measles 507
Orthodoxy on Mumps ----••---- 510
Orthodoxy on Rubella -------•---- 502
Orthodoxy on Rubella Vaccine Adverse Effects 502
Osteoporosis, relationship to consumption of dairy products 109
Osteoporosis, relationship to excess dietary protein 108
Other Degenerative Conditions Impacted by Alteration in the Diet -118
Other Facts About Fluorides 325
Other Problems Due to Excess Protein Consumption 110
Outline of U.S. Post-War Population Reduction and Control 60
Paradigm Development.* National Socialism in Germany 36
Paradigm Development: Global Socialism-Corporate Capitalism 29
Paradigm Development: International Socialism in Russia 38
Paradigm of CIA Use of Multiple Personalities 561
Parallel Developments At Three Mile Island 474
Parallels Between Medical Treatment of MBD, AIDS and GWS 554
Parallels: Rates of Testicular Cancer and Sperm Production 378
Partial List of Chemicals Used as 'Inert" Ingredients 420
Partial List of Neurotoxicants 198
Partial List of Scientific Studies on Aspartame 139
Pathological and Psychological Mercury Poisoning Symptoms 235
Percentage of United States Population, by State, Fluoridated 356
Personal care products, analysis of chemical composition 201
Personal paradigm, definition of 3
Pertussis or Whooping Cough and Vaccines 513
Pertussis Vaccine Trials 515
Pertussis Vaccines and Production of Hib Influenza Meningitis 518
Pesticide Manufacturers Non-Cooperative in Releasing Data 419
Pesticides and Native People in Columbia : 422
Pesticides in food as a model of allopathic "treat symptom instead of cause" 195
Petroleum Fuels: Leaded, Unleaded and Production of Nerve Gas 278
Pharmaceutical products containing aspartame 147
Pharmaceuticals, Drugs and the Nervous System 192
Phase-In" of Leaded Automobile Fuels 279
Physical Properties of Aluminum 265
Physiological Effect of Lead in the Human Brain and Body 275
Physiological Signs of Lead Toxicity -- ----•-- 277
Physiological Toxicology of Mercury in the Human Body 221
PKU Syndrome: New Evidence of Extended Genetic Effects 144
Placental barrier, mercury from dental amalgams pass 217
Placental barrier, mercury passage in animal tests 222
Planetary Fluoridation as a Goal of Global Socialism 309
Planetary resources, mismanagement a characteristic of socialist political systems 32
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, origin of the 17
Polio Plague Studies: Sugar, Salt: The Ripping of RNA and DNA 497
Political Bickering Among the Elitists 642
Political Machine of the Church of Scientism 59
Political Suppression by U.S. Medical Journals and Associations 309
Political thought patterns, 20th century, manifestation in forms of socialism 7
Pollution of the Human Environment by the Nuclear Industry 470
Polybrominated Biphenyls in Food 371
Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Food 372
Population behavior control, fluorides and 300
Population control as Social Darwinism's answer to failure of "natural selection" 55
Population Control in the Third World 99
Population Genetics, field of, narrative on 44
Population reduction, compulsory, mandated in 1991 Cobden Club document 73
Population, changes in the way European elitists look at, based on Malthus 49
Population, Earths capacity, research showing upper estimate of 44 billion 64
Populations are out of control, Mafthusian concept that 7
Possible Geological and Solar Anomalies 652
Potential Magnitude of Environmental Neurotoxicity 193
Power Loss Would Not Affect Mind Control Networks 647
Practical Use of SQUID to Research Spontanous Brain Activity 617
Preamble: Complaint to the UN on American Medical Genocide 91
Preemptive damage control by government in 1995 to forestall liability claims 194
Premature Sexual Maturation of Children:Veterinary Hormones 184
Premature sexual maturation of human children because of hormones in food 184
Present Status of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Research 606
Present Status of Electromagnetic Surveillance Technology 609
Present Status of Surveillance of Currency, Cash and Bullion 609
Princeton University, importance in material scientism of 30
Problem of Allergic Reaction to Vaccination 540
Problem of Aluminum Cookware and the Effect on the Brain 271
Process of Conversion of Democracy into Dictatorship 83
Production of hazardous foods consuming 33% of raw materials in the U.S 119
Production of Heart Disease By Consumption of Meat and Dairy 111
Production of Nerve Gases from Catalytic Converters 279
Production of toxic neuropsychosis from gasoline noted in 1946 190
Progression of Cancer Deaths vs. Total Deaths, United States 289
Project Argus, The Black Cloud and the "Photon Belt" Concept 649
Proliferation of Nuclear Facilities and Radiation Leakage 474
Promotion of Disease Processes By Chemicals in Vaccines 521
Proof and Positive Proof, legal definition of xviii
Proposal to Use Toxins to Induce Abortions: Malthusian Mandate 89
Proposed Guidelines for Truth in Research 526
Protein Gambit 107
Protein requirements, human 107
Protein, plant vs animal, in diet 119
Provisions of Federal Laws Regulating Pesticides 421
Psychoactive drugs, lipid solubility of 197
Psycho-Chemical Legacy of Aspartame 162
Psycho-Chemical Treatment of Minimum Brain Damaged Children 549
Psychological determinism, theory developed by Hobbes, description of 14
Psychology as a mask to the connection between chemicals and biological effects 218
Purpose of Genetically Engineered Plagues 641
Purpose of Training in Transcendental Meditation 627
Pyrethroids, types and effects on the body and brain 196
Quaternion Notation in Original Maxwell Equations 634
Racial science, narrative on 33
Racial Sensitivity to Vaccines and CNS Manifestations 506
Radiation "Therapy" 469
Radiation Dosage of Unborn Children 466
Reactionary Elitist NWO Ideological Structures 57
Reactionary NWO System vs. The New World Community 8
Reactionary Synthesis of Newton, Hobbes and Malthus 15
Real Reason Behind the HAARP Project in Alaska 651
Recent work in Synesthesia Research 627
Recommended books containing data on medicines and cosmetic/food additives 204
Recommended Neurotoxic References for Commercial Products 204
Recommended Reading on Fluorides 335
Reconstruction of individuals and society as a policy of totalitarianism 46
Reductionism as reliance on a single interpretation of reality 7
References for the Above Research 145
Refined Foods and Degenerative Physiological Processes 120
Refined Sugar Products and Their Effect on the Body and Mind 121
Refined Sugar, Diabetes and Hypoglycemia 124
Refinement of Intelligence Agency Mind Control Protocols 619
Relationship Between Thought Processes and Brain Waves 617
Relationship Between Thought Processes and Subtle Body Effect 638
Report by Dr. Woodrow Monte on the Effects of Aspartame 163
Reproductive dysfunction caused by consumption of aspartame 154
Research on Fluoride-Induced Human Cancer 290
Research Studies on Aspartame Beginning in 1984 159
Result of Excess Protein in the Human Diet 108
Review of the Mind Control Work of Jose Delgado 634
Review of the Multiple Personality Disorder 559
Ritalin Use - Grams Per Country - 1991 553
Ritual Abuse, Multiple Personality Disorder and Mind Control 567
Rotation of Space-Time Vectors by Orthogonal Pulsed Fields 633
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, and the French Revolution 18
Royal Society, the 21
Rubella and Rubella Vaccine 498
Russia, Abolition of Serfdom in -•-•--- 37
Russian Revolution, narrative on 37
Sample Mathematical Term Conversions 692
Sample of Public Propaganda on Fluoride Safety, 1993 350
Sanger, Margaret 17
SAR-Power Density Conversion 692
Satanic opposition, rationale for, within the Judeo-Christian basal paradigm 7
Schematic Glossary #1: Key Concepts in Material Scientism 14
Schematic Glossary #2: Key Concepts in Material Scientism 20
Schematic Glossary #4: Key Concepts in Material Scientism 33
Science, racial, narrative on 33
Scientific Background of Race Purification Programs 47
Scientific Facts and References: Biological Effects of Fluorides 322
Scientific Facts and References: Biological Effects of Mercury 233
Scientific Materialism, roots of 14
Scientists and Doctors Who Have Done Aspartame Research 160
Secret "Inert" Pesticide Ingredients 415
Secrets of the NASA Clementine Mission 608
Selenium and vitamin E, synergistic effect as anti-oxidants 217
Sensitization of the Immune System and Bacterial Infection 517
Serial Passage of Vaccine Components Through Animal Cell Lines 487
Serotonin levels, consumption of com products and 180
Serotonin, reduction in production of due to consumption of aspartame 138
Sexual activity, diminished by herbicides 386
Sexual activity, diminished by mercury amalgam 232
Sexual identity crisis in children and relation to synthetic hormones in food 185
Shareholder Challenge of Dow Chemical on Herbicides 399
Silicosis, lung condition called 266 Similarity of neurotoxic substances to endogenous substances normally used by brain ... 192
Simultaneous Dreams By Multiple Individuals 629
Skinner Protocol as "Environment Dictates Behavior" 636
Skinner, B.F, father of behaviorism, narrative on 31
Social Contract, views of Hobbes on the 16
Social Darwinism, as an expression of state socialism 23
Social Darwinism, importance of sterilization as an issue to 54
Social Darwinism, Malthusian component of 16
Social Darwinism, narrative on 21
Social Darwinists as "indispensable regulators of population" 53
Social sciences, Social Darwinism as underlying all 23
Socialism, global, Council on Foreign Relations key proponent of 32
Socialism, idealistic 25
Socialism, three major forms in the 20th century, chart showing relationship 57,59
Sociobiology, derivation and narrative on 46
Sociology, derivation and narrative on -•---...---•-- ---- 44
Sodium channel of the nerve membrane, the 196
Some Additives Added to Animal Feed 188
Some Drugs Commonly Misused in the 7hird World 106
Some Effects of Mercury on Human Physiology 230
Some Population Manipulation and Coercion Scenarios 61
Sonochemistry and Neurophysics 622
Soviet Union as a monolithic militaristic empire 39
Spencer, Herbert, narrative on 18
Spread of Social Darwinism by the British Royal Society 20
Stalin and Stalinism, narrative on 39
State Socialism, conversion of the American egalitarian system to 33
Statistical Meta-Analysis of Chlorinated Water and Cancer 363
Sterilization programs, Germany's 1923 interaction with the United States on 54
Sterilizing the Population with PCB's 372
Sterlization, use in Third World for Population Control 101
Stevia leaves, natural sweetener 131
Studies relating heart disease with saturated fats and cholesterol 111
Studies Relating Heart Disease: Saturated Fats and Cholesterol 111
Study of Sacred Geometry as Ideal Brain Stimulation 624
Stupid Is As Stupid Does: Cultural Media on Ritalin 556
Subliminal Information Inherent in Television Transmissions 613
Subtle Body Sub-Structure 639
Subtle Energy Fields and Physiological Gender 639
Sucralose, Stevia Leaves and Steviocide 131
Sugar as a drug to behaviorally modify a population 127
Sugar, diabetes and hypoglycemia, relationship between 124
Sugar, refined, distribution to a population constituting a criminal act 124
Sugar, refined, effect on body, mind and behavior 121
Sulfamethazine, use on animals of 187
Summary of Medfly Eradication Spraying in the United States 413
Sumner, William Graham, originator of concept of "survival of the fittest" 32
Superconducting Quantum Interference Scanning Technology 616
Suppressed Financial Investment in Biowarfare Importation 433
Supreme Court on Individual Rights and Due Process 529
Surveillance Technology and Phase Conjugation Electromagnetics 609
Survival of the fittest, as part of the system of Social Darwinism 21
Survival of the Fittest, origin of the concept of 32
SV-40 as an Integral Part of Genetically Engineered Products 489
SV-40 Virus Contamination of Vaccine Cultures 488
Swedish Conclusion ---••--- 225
Symptom Analysis Before and After Amalgam Removal 264
Synethesic Neural Function and Meditative States 627
Synthesis of Classical Darwinism and Genetics, by agreement at Princeton, 1947 30
Synthetic Ambient Electromagnetic Conditions 697
Synthetic Philosophy, book by Herbert Spencer called 18
Synthetic Spirituality Generation for New Age Consumption 644
Tactical Implications of New Science and Technology 640
Tactical Importance of 60 Hz as a Power Frequency 613
Takyon Capsule as a Protective Device 646
Taylor, Alexander Fraser, "democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of gov't" 41
Technical Aspects to Water Fluoridation and the "Standard Dose" 298
Technology Behind Earthquake Generation for Political Purposes 641
Teenage Suicide Rate Progression - 1968 to 1979 543
Telecommunications and Maintenance of Personal Privacy 614
Testing of Additives: A Commentary --•-•--- 129
Tetanus and Tetanus Vaccine 512
The Cure for Cancer and AIDS, book by Hulda Regehr Clark, PhD (footnote) 196
Theocratic monotheism, replacement by technocratic totalitarianism 7
Things to Ponder: Disease Epidemics and Experimental Vaccines 494
Third Reich, narrative on 37
Three-Dimensional Plotting of Neural Magnetic Fields 620
Thymus gland, effect of artificial sweetener sucralose on 131
Thymus, effect of petroleum derivatives on, production of parasitic infections 196
Thyroid problems and fluorides 293
Tooth enamel, composition of 286
Total Annual DPT Statistics for the United States 522
Totalitarianism, description and narrative on 46
Toxaphene, Dichlorvos and Rabon in Food 373
Toxic psychosis production by neurotoxic substances 190
Toxic Tort Legislation: Personal Liability of Legislators 357
Treatment for Lead and Other Heavy Metal Toxicity 278
Trees and the Transduction of Life Force for Biosynthesis 652
Trends in Crime vs SAT Scores- 1950 to 1990 545
Trends in Neurodegenerative Brain Disease 196
True Life Story on Aspartame's Effect on the Unborn Child 144
Truth, legal definition of xviii
Tucson Study in 1992: Fluorides Promote Tooth Decay 311
Two Lessons on "Inert" Ingredients for the US. Forest Service 414
Types of Paradigms Inherent in a Culture 1
U.S. and Soviet Woodpecker Signals and Embedded Information 632
U.S. Indian Reservations, Fluoridated, Have More Cavities 317
U.S. Medical Effort to Eliminate Oriental Medicines 615
U.S. Navy Great Lakes Base as a Confinement Area 611
U.S. Public Health Service Coverup of Fluoride Studies 293
U.S.D.A. "Testing" Program 373
Ultraviolet-Infrared Technology and Optical Phase Conjugation 637
UNCED Meeting in Brazil - 1992 --- 640
Underground Military Facilities, Storage of Seed Stock 654
United Nations, character and basis for the 28
United States as the Most Medicated on Earth 304
United States Prisoners: Trends - 1850 to 1990 547
United States shift from egalitarian republicanism due to the Civil War 26
United States: To Post World War ll 27
University of Arizona Study: Fluorides Promote Cavities 317
USDA Acquisition of Authority to Spray Despite Congress 406
Use of Animal Cell Line Substrates for Human Vaccines 490
Use of Aspartame By Pharmaceutical Companies 147
Use of Fluorides for Population Behavior Control 300
Use of Hormones on Animals Used for Human Food 183
Use of Mercury Implants in Dentistry 210
Use of Sulfur-Based Antibiotics on Animal Food 187
Use of Valuable Plant Protein to Produce Animal Protein 119
Vaccination, use of paradigm to increase social control 534
Vaccine Disorder Matrix Chart 533
Vatican and the Central Intelligence Agency 644
Veterans Administration fiasco on Agent Orange 400
Vibrational Isomorphic Frequencies and Tones 622
Viral Vaccines 484
Virtual Reality Affecting Brain and Psyche Negatively 631
Virtual Reality Manipulation and Induction of Visual Experiences 644 Vitamins, natural, removal during processing of food and replacement with synthetics .... 123
Volkschulen and realschulen, divisions in America's Prussianized School system 67
VolumeTransmission of Axonal Circuitry 627
Wallace and his interaction with Darwin 48
Walton, Hudak and Green-Waite Study on Mood Disorders 146
War, Hobbesian thought as an essential component of 14
What To Do About Subliminals 645
WHO "Special Programme" in Human Reproduction 524
WHO report that mercury exposure from dental amalgams greatest source 1991 213
Why a Ban on a Chemical Is Not a Ban on a Chemical 411 Why exposure of the nervous system to a chemical lasts longer than actual exposure .... 193
Wilson, Woodrow, and Colonel House, interaction between 33
Wilson, Woodrow, narrative on 28
Wirt, William, dupe of Camegie in Indiana 70
World War I, narrative on -•--- 28
World War II, narrative on 30
Worldwide Ritalin Production Quotas: 1978 to 1993 552
Worldwide Use of Methylphenidate (Ritalin) on MBD Children 550
Wundt, Wilhelm, experimental psychologist in Germany, and U.S. education system 69
Yale University, importance in material scientism of 30
Yale, Harvard and Princeton as the "power priesthood" in the United States 72
Yiamouyiannis Study on Fluorides 291
Zinc-insulin relationship, trace minerals in the diet and the 118