Airport False Flag, Pre-Graduates & Observations

Post Publication Segment - 11 August 2006

Copyright © 2006 Leading Edge International Research Group

The latest true Axis of Evil (Washington/London/Tel Aviv) concoction/false flag brew is the airport hassle that started in London this week. Hmmm, London - seat of the Ninhursag – no surprise that it would be staged there. Examine this event carefully. What was on the front page of the news for the past month or so and not going away? Israel’s invasion and butchery of the Lebanese. What’s the best way to take attention off Israel’s war crimes? The Hitler parade was not strong enough, so divert the spotlight by inventing ‘terrorists’ who would be planning to blow up several planes between Britain and the U.S.

Of course this bullshit is playing well with the majority of Americans (minions/Low/Mid levels). I happened to be at a work group training session the day this was announced on the news. The hand-wringing and power-giveaway-to-the-government was what many attendees were engaged in. Not only were they chattering about this fable, they were adding to the nonsense it generated. Body ID in full display.

The sequentials, of course, are overjoyed with their current high drama. It takes axis member Israel off the front page. The Iraqi civil war is also well removed too. While the riff-raff is looking at the current high drama/false flag, beware what is happening elsewhere. The news happily shows interviews with people who are eager to give away more power to the government in exchange for security promises. Remember V For Vendetta (now available on dvd). I got a copy of the dvd (that came with the V mask as a bonus) and watched it last weekend. I cannot recommend this film high enough for those who want to know.

I have had M5 readers complain how bad it has become living during EndGame. I agree. I don’t know how much more disgusted one can get from watching people give away their power as Earth rapidly becomes sequentialized. 

A M5 reader sent me this book link that you may want to check: He is a friend of this book’s author. I sent for a copy since ‘dangerous knowledge’ is something that the sequentials do not want us to know. Body ID’d people fear ‘dangerous knowledge’ primarily because it may threaten their belief structures.

Something you should know is that besides the massive amounts of experiences we gather while in the Game, the simultaneous path pre-Graduate will learn to recognize the manipulative nature of the sequentials. Pre-Graduates will see how sequentials will take a simultaneous-designated planet and strip away its individuality during EndGame to make it conform. The insidious nature of the sequentials: demanding conformity in action/speech/attitude directly clashes with the real nature of one’s Higher Self. Once your Higher Self reaches pre-Graduate status, shim’s Very Advanced incarnations start to really see the Game for what it is.

Pre-Graduates are not here to ‘save’ simultaneous Earth as the Lightsiders beLIEve they can. It just cannot be done. EVERY simultaneous planet has eventually fallen in a similar pattern as Earth is. Not all of these simultaneous planets had a Planetary Spirit Graduation to assist in transition. Remember this IS a Game and Game endings have goals that remain the same regardless of the simultaneous planet de jour.

Pre-Graduates are the genuine rebels and non-conformists who are shunned by those heavily into the Game. This is part of the rocky road. I spoke with a M5 reader the other night and told him that the trials of endurance are part of the latter stages of EndGame for pre-Graduates. We must observe the destruction of simultaneous path Earth and the joy that the sequentials take watching Game-playing Earthers eagerly give away their personal power for bogus security. Once again, re-watch V For Vendetta! Pay attention to what V says.

Pre-Graduates can find (depending on their level of spirit ID) that their body ID really works overtime to attempt to drag you back into the Game. If you find it does not with you, that’s because you have broken significant loops and your spirit overrides body ID pulses. There are many active electronic and chemical enhancements that are intended to enhance body ID at the expense of spirit ID. The body ID can make one spiritually unbalanced when it is in overdrive. This is not a ‘fun’ time. It is very perilous. It is imperative that you maintain trust in YOUR Higher Self.

The current false flag is not the last. This coming fall could very well bring an even more serious event that will be blamed on people who are on the business end of the genuine Axis of Evil. Be prepared for you to be expected to obey and surrender to the sequentials. Remember V and trust in your Higher Self.