Astrological Matrix V

Post Publication Segment - 18 October 2007

Copyright © 2007 Leading Edge International Research Group

Previous segments mention astrology in connection with Matrix V. I have been requested to add more details. What I write here will make far more sense to someone who is an astrologer than someone whose astrological basis is the daily newspaper horoscopes (never rely on them).

One’s horoscope contains the path program for that individual incarnation. Depending on the degree of proficiency, one can read about that Higher Self’s plan for the incarnation’s development and purpose. A horoscope will not tell if you will get married/partnered, but it will tell you what will occur and the type of person IF you decide to enter this type of relationship. Similarly, it will not tell you if you will or won’t have children but it does tell your potentials in that area and the types of children you will have if you enter the breeding path. Obviously I neither want nor will ever have children in this incarnation. Yet, I can interpret what types I would have IF I would have regressed to that incarnational stage.

In order for a person to get an accurate horoscope, you must have the full birth date, location (city/town) of birth and birth time. The time must not be in around/about terms, but to the minute. A horoscope cast for 3:31am will be different than one cast for 3:46am. Even a horoscope that is only a minute or two off may reflect errors in interpretation. If you don’t have your birth time, there is a long method called rectification that can discover your time based on major events in your life. It is a time-consuming process that most astrologers will not do. Nevertheless, IF you are meant to have your correct horoscope, you will have it. That should be obvious to those for whom M5 is written.

If you absolutely cannot discover a birth time, there are less accurate horoscopes, such as a Johndro which uses birth date and location, but you cannot get your Rising Sign or correct house placements with it. Then there is the simple wheel that only uses one’s birth date. I use that for a quickie when I meet someone potentially interesting. It gives the planets for that day, but where they reside in which astrological house cannot be determined without the time.

In the past, I have done a chart here and there which the person came back later and said their time was wrong. In that case, their reading was wrong. It’s not the astrologer’s fault, it’s the flawed data. Bad data = incorrect interpretation.

The true origination of what is known here as a horoscope comes from one’s Higher Self. The horoscope is a blueprint of that single incarnation’s purpose/path on Earth. Each of our Higher Self’s incarnations on the simultaneous path has its unique blueprint designed BY that Higher Self before incarnating. The same is true for sequential incarnations, but one at a time in their case.

The path is transmitted via the energy stream from the Higher Self. Think of it like a computer. Whatever you program your computer to do, it will do within the limits of the computer’s hardware. For Earther simultaneous path incarnations, the hardware is the physical body complete WITH the DNA command structure. The program (represented by the horoscope) is spiritual ID as well as basic path directions (body ID that engages DNA commands).

It’s not that simple, but it serves a basic comparison.

As one’s spiritual ID Advances, the body ID is suppressed. A Low incarnation’s horoscope is compatible with the Low incarnational DNA commands. A Very Advanced incarnational horoscope is heavily spirit ID’d and suppresses DNA command structures depending on how Advanced the incarnation is. Keep in mind that the body is a vehicle for the Higher Self. As one Advances from Low to Final, custom changes must be made by the Higher Self to induce progression.

The incarnation’s horoscope has various areas of interest for an M5 astrologer. Here are some of them:

  • 12th House: From an M5 point of view, this house refers to your closest incarnation based on the lesser stage of Advancement than your current one.

  • 2nd House: From an M5 point of view, this house refers to your closest incarnation based on the more Advanced incarnation than your current one.

  • 1st House: Your current incarnation’s appearance, your Rising Sign. This is where you are.

  • Lunar Nodes: We all have a North and a South Node of the Moon. The South Node describes, by sign and house placement, where we come from/what we have accomplished on our simultaneous path. The North Node describes, by sign and house placement, where we are headed/where our progression will take us.

  • Rulers of the 12th and 2nd houses will give you some insight to those incarnations’ path progress, but only limited. We are to be concerned with our current incarnation and not get lost in the ‘past’ or the ‘future’. This is by design.

  • Comparing the horoscopes of people close to you indicates other life ties, both good and bad. Their planets aspecting your Nodes are significant. Your Nodes to their Nodes may indicate Higher Self to Higher Self interactions.

Astrology is the most complex of the predictive sciences. It tells you why you are the way you are. There are astrologers who increase the complexity unnecessarily, in my opinion: Virgo-ish types who thrive on excessive details. There isn’t an asteroid that they don’t like having cluttering up their horoscopes.

Astrology isn’t something you can learn overnight. It takes years of serious study and the study never ends. Adding the Matrix V perspective to astrology can give one many important answers to ‘why’ from an incarnational standpoint. Our Higher Selves have several key incarnations: Dominants and Final at the top of the list. There are also lesser key incarnations that are responsible for path Advancement from Low to Mid to Advanced to Very Advanced areas. Key incarnations have key placements in their horoscope.

Whether or not you are a key incarnation should not matter. EVERY incarnation has a role to play in YOUR Higher Self’s overall path. There are no worthless incarnations. Horoscopes are a valuable assist. IF you are meant to have one, you will. IF you never have one, it was not necessary. Remember one of my prime mantras: Trust in YOUR Higher Self.

Also, to save this question, no, I do not do horoscopes of the general public. For those interested in locating accredited astrologers in their area, the American Federation of Astrologers is the oldest organization that also gives tough accreditation testing for professional astrologer standing. Their website:

They have a section: Selecting An Astrologer subdivided into Canada, International and USA. It would be a good place to start, if you are so inclined. Just remember that these are not Matrix V astrologers and will not know what you’re talking about if you bring it up, but they are competent in their fields. The AFA also offers correspondence courses in basic astrology if you are so interested.

One other astrological organization you may wish to look at is NCGR, the National Council for Geocosmic Research:

They also are a respected organization with astrological professionals locator.