Earth, Pluto and the Galactic Center

Post Publication Segment - 21 December 2005

Copyright © 1988- Leading Edge International Research Group

As we prepare to enter the EndGame dangerous year of 2006, I strongly suggest M5 readers re-read the Volume III segment: The Galactic Center and EndGame (p.183) as it will enhance this segment. The Galactic Center’s degree of 26 Sagittarius 52 is the center of this Galaxy as viewed from Earth. Major Game events occur when this point is activated astrologically by major transits.

Pluto’s transformative energies (burning hell at this degree and sign) will visit us in ways that will not be pleasant from a global standpoint. Aware M5 readers will observe how combative the Bushlings and other fascist allies are when their traitorous actions are made public. They go on the offensive, as did Germany’s fascists in the 1930’s. This bullying approach intimidates minions and Low incarnations (the majority), who are fear and necessity oriented (body ID’d to the max). They obey authority figures. The weaker the body ID, the less likely it is for that incarnation to obey just because some ‘authority figure’ demands conformity. The stronger the spirit ID, the less power is given away to those who seek it!

The treasonous, badly named American ‘Patriot Act’ is set to expire at the end of December of this year. The fascists play as if this is a ‘tragedy, however it is a staged drama. They really want it to fail so that they can pull the next stage in America’s ‘Reichstag fire’. The Oklahoma event and 9/11 were the first two overt acts in this deceptive, sequentializing play. Act III will be far worse, just as Act II was worse than Act I.

Those who demand Earth’s sequentialization will not be denied and those behind this sequentialization are ancient Game players who are entrenched in 3rd density body ID. These concepts are stressed throughout the M5 trilogy. These Higher Selves behind the sequentialization are very capable in what they do, yet they are bound by the Game’s rules and there is nothing they can do about that. They are smug in the knowledge that the Earth phase of this Game appears to be stacked in their favor. They are counting on using the energies of Pluto at 26 Sagittarius to their benefit, at the expense of simultaneous Earther incarnations.

Pluto energies are sinister, extremely secretive, complex and live for power and more power. These Game addicts think that they will be able to combine the energies of Pluto and the Galactic Center to win on Earth and defeat the simultaneous path Higher Selves.

The M5 materials have been saying that the Game is far more complex than can be explained in writing. The Rules work both ways. What I can divulge has been done to assist pre-Graduate Higher Selves make path decisions. It is not to satisfy curiosity or any other simple whim. As stated before, the Graduation Key is particularly vexing to these other Game players and there is nothing they can do about it.  Nevertheless, this will not prevent them from trying.

Know that when major events happen in 06 and beyond, that they are NOT caused by what “official” statements say they are caused by. Those that “officials” blame will be set up and targets by the sequential string-pullers. I caution against getting caught up with ‘official explanations’ and blame throwing. Those who point the fingers the most are those you should be most suspicious of. March and April of 06 have some particularly intensive energies, but the whole year is connected to the energy of the Galactic Center.

We all have incarnational paths to follow and experiences to endure, for positive and negative consequences. Do what YOU feel YOU must. Many will be required to make quick decisions. As usual, my ultimate advice is to trust in YOUR Higher Self! Your Higher Self will ensure that your path will not be blocked. The less body ID’d that you are burdened with, the better you will fare. Meanwhile enjoy this holiday season and get the most out of it that you can.

Yes, of course the day after I wrote this segment, when the reports were that the treasonous 'Patriot' Act would expire in Dec, the Senate passed a final compromise for a 4 week extension. As I say in this segment, although March and April look particularly threatening, it's the whole of 06 that is dangerous and not just any one month by itself. Expect the unexpected and don't get hung up or distracted by any single facet.