Earth Sequentialization Update

5 May 2012

Copyright © 2012 Leading Edge International Research Group


The sequentialization of Earth has been discussed before in M5 segments. It is just getting so much worse. The bogus 'political correctness' (which is sequentialization on a personal scale and I hate that term) has infected so many people that they are afraid when near those who choose to be a simultaneous path individual (smooth road to nowhere). Of course if those who fear not being part of the crowd are around me, watch out. I will say all manner of things (depending on the topic) that cause my friends' eyes to dart about seeing if anyone else is listening and trying to gauge reactions (if any).

So I will touch on a couple topics that sequentials have decided are sacred and part of the attempt to make us all one and the same, as on any sequential world. Keep in mind that nothing is 'sacred' to me and I am a true iconoclast. The example topics for this segment are sexism, racism and zionism.

At first sequentialization had to start from some group with that agenda. They introduce these concepts to society in general and hope they take root. They must take root for sequentialization to succeed. It's gotten so bad now that we have a bucket of crabs situation and, if one tries to leave the bucket, the others drag it back down. If a simultaneous path individual says something the sequentials don't like, you get 'you can't say that' and, if you persist, 'you're a (fill in the blank)-ist' wanting to shame the person to conforming. That only encourages me to say more. Those, for whom M5 is written, would love to hear what I say.

When I was playing on World of Warcraft online one night, someone felt it necessary to tell all the people playing the game that 'everyone must hate the haters'. Prime sequentialism comment. I tuned in with "I hate pea soup and am proud of it". Of course they don't know how to respond to that. The use of the word "hater" has also taken on a sequentially conformative thrust. After all, no one (they assume) wants to be known as a 'hater' unless it's an approved hater, thus 'hate the haters'. of one what others do...individuality is a threat. If you hate something, that's part of your path as much as you liking something. Anyone who tries to switch you from your path to theirs just because they say so are of a sequential mindset.

So, now to examine a few of the holy chestnuts of sequentialism today:

Sexism - This worn out turd was introduced into society by agents of the Orion Empire in order to diminish the place of men on simultaneous Earth. Now you should note that all sequentialist phrases, words and -isms are clung to by those who want a free ride to the top without effort or earning, but rather just because they belong to a group that wants to be in control and remove those who they want to take control from.

The Orion Empire was once male ruled like the Sirian Empire is. The power demanding females were successful in eliminating the male rulers and taking power. They proved to be more demanding than the former male rulers, but that's the way it goes. Since Earth is in the Orion sector of space, it is in their interest that Earth be female ruled. I remember when I was told that Mintaka would never deal with male dominated governments on Earth, but notice that they do with the Sirian Empire (hmmm).

Anyway, for some manipulative reason, many Earther males have given over power to females based on the false basis of 'equality'. Using 'equality' is a sequential ploy to get those in power to become less in standing while raising the lesser to 'equality' leading to superiority. And that's exactly what has been happening.

Even so, sequentialized, Orionized females have been yapping for more and more and foolish Orionized males give it to them. It always gets me when I hear "women and minorities", well, women are the majority and when lumped in with 'minorities' (keyword for non-Europeans), you have a super majority that loves to gang up on those who have kept Western governments functioning for a long time.

Yes, there are exceptions but I'm not talking about exceptions. I'm talking about the majority of ANY one group.

Saying what your impressions are, if that makes you a sexist, wear that badge proud. When confronted with one of their coercive bullet words like 'sexist' or any other -ist, watch their faces when you say 'yes and proud of it'.

Keep in mind that Earth is designated simultaneous and that means NOT equal due to the nature of simultaneous. Higher Selves need all experiences at all levels. If they wanted equality, they would have stayed on a sequential world!!!

Racism - This is another hand wringing sequentially coercive bullet word. Yet all those who use this word actually ARE racists. They will 'oh-poor-you' at anyone whose body ID doesn't come from Western Europe. They are rabidly anti-white (Western European). They emulate others races, in America, depending on location, these types want to be Mexican (various brown/red races) or black (whiggers being a commonly heard term most likely because they have incarnations IN that physical close, in time period to now).

Sequentials would have all beLIEve that the 4 Earther races (white, red, yellow & black) are all equal. They are not nor were they created by the alien genetic scientists to be equal. I will give you a 5th Earther race - mulatto which is any combination of any of the 4 races. The American Constitution is a lie and sequential concept of 'all created equal'.

As said before, the oldest race created is the black which the aliens created as manual laborers.

The root which those, for whom M5 is written, and key concept to keep in mind is that we are NOT our body. We simultaneous pathers have incarnations in ALL 5 races, in BOTH genders and all social strata. Keeping that in mind, you cannot logically be called a 'racist' with the definition they mean it as.

To be a true racist in the literal sense is to hold no race as sacred and above commenting on. Look at the faces of those I admit to being a 'racist' too. They cannot comprehend what I mean when it's explained to them. In their estimation, a racist is someone who is not anti-white. Sequential mindsets - so immature.

Yet 'racism' is a popular coercive bullet to bullshit 'equality' that many have fallen victim to beLIEving. And all this high drama over the word 'nigger' these days. And notice that those who swoon over the word usually don't hesitate to use words they mean to be the anti-white equivalent: 'whitey', 'cracker' and 'honky'.  Very unimaginative, but the intent is obvious. If one doesn't like being called by racially colorful words (the soundtrack from the musical Hair has most of them), one should not use them. And once again, we are NOT our body. The African slave of long ago is likely an English gentleman or Chinese party official today.

Zionism - Now this one is a real mess as it isn't a jewish-only tag. When I was in college, one of my teachers (a mormon) said he was 'proud' to tell everyone he is a zionist. Mormons are zionists for alternative reasons, mainly conversion of jews to mormonism.   Meanwhile, there are a lot of jews who abhor zionism.

Zionism has its root in alien sequentialism (WHAT a surprise). Jewish zionists (the ones who run Jewrael) (might as well call it what it really is) have world domination as their goal. They appear well on their way to gaining that (but it's not going to happen). 

Say anything critical of Jewrael and you're a (gasp) 'anti-semite'. That's a sequentially coercive bullet that is over-used. First of all, those who use it are not semites, but rather European Ashkenazi heritage. Arabs and Sephardic jews are semitic, but Ashkenazi jews discriminate against ethnic jews. So being 'anti-semitic' really means anti-Arab of which most of the rogue state of Jewrael is.

The zionists create all manner of fairy tales to get people to beLIEve in their bogus claims. The tired phrase that christians love to use, 'judeo-christian', is just SO wrong. I had an Ashkenazi friend of the jewish religion who said she cringes every time she hears that because it's just not true. She is correct. The jews are taught that they are superior to all non-jews, but that takes us back to the core reality - we are not our bodies.

Yet, even considering 'anti-semitic' in the way it is misused today, put it in the same bin as others put 'anti-communist', 'anti-fascist', anti-(whatever isn't currently in vogue). My advice is to not compromise your observations for sequential approval.

I could go on. It doesn't take much to get me going, as the few M5 readers who have visited me know. Trust in your Higher Self, remember you are not your body. And I DO hate pea soup!