An Apache Shamanic Elder

11 November 2009

Copyright © 2009 Leading Edge International Research Group


I have mentioned shamanic practices in various segments of M5. One of my teachers, an Apache elder Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf, taught me much especially in regard to stones and crystals. The shaman that I was apprenticed to, urged me to spend some time with Oh Shinnah.  I had the privilege of spending some days with her back in the late 80’s. She’s a fascinating woman. I remember when I asked her (late 80’s) about the aliens, she replied that the aliens will be to the Earthers as the western Europeans were to the Native Americans and then declined to say more.

Oh Shinnah has her own website. That’s where I discovered her dvd.

Not having heard much about her for a number of years, except something now and then from the Cherokee shamaness I was apprenticed to, I was surprised today when I discovered that Oh Shinnah has a dvd available ( She discusses some Native American shamanic traditions and the video looks fantastic. I ordered it to have in my collection and to show others who have an interest in this subject.

For any interested M5 readers, use the following link to see a clip from the dvd and see who Oh Shinnah is. The dvd is entitled All Is Made Beautiful.

A second clip with a different interview with Oh Shinnah can also be located on this site:

My apprenticeship was for 6 years and I spent a further 6 years after that learning a lot more. Shamanism cannot be learned from reading a book or books nor can it be learned by going to a lecture or weekend conference. It takes years. I asked a local NH woman, who claims to be a shaman, how she learned. She said she went to a lecture with some South American shaman (most likely a Darksider – LOTS of those in South America) and that was her sole event.

Dark shamans love setting lots of pseudo/faux shamans in the world to fuck people up spiritually. A look at Dark shamans may be the subject of another segment.

 I hope this information, whether you get the dvd or not, will help you understand what a real Native American shamanic elder is like.