Freedom and The Law of Allowance

Post Publication Segment - 26 January 2005

Copyright © 1988- Leading Edge International Research Group

The word ‘freedom’ is constantly used and abused by people around the world, especially hypocritical Americans. ‘Freedom’ is a word that appeals to the individual because it has a strong connection to our Higher Selves. Everyone wants to be ‘free’, but few truly understand the spiritual definition of the word.

People are always being propagandized with illusionary American ‘freedoms’. Alien technology has assisted this greatly by allowing for global propaganda via electronic means. This use of ‘freedom’ has been exposed as a lie and tool of those in power in several previous M5 segments. Unfortunately America has always been pharisaical about ‘freedom’. It does not exist, nor has it ever existed, in the manner that it is presented.

True ‘freedom’ is intertwined with the Law of Allowance. Higher Selves know and engage in this. In higher densities, above those dabbling in polarities, it is unthinkable not to embrace the Law of Allowance. Just as Game participants gather experiences and strive (eventually) to break the loops and fences of Game deceit, the true ‘freedom’ of the Law of Allowance is tugging at one’s spirit as well.

The Game is well aware of this and the Game designers have incorporated features that would mimic and mock the Law of Allowance by warping the true meaning of ‘freedom’. Here on Earth, we are well aware how ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ have been manipulated, especially in recent times, to further empire building and the suppression of cultures and ideas that do not conform to the invading group.

Remember when Eastern Europe and certain other countries around the world were “Democratic Republics” set up by American-competitive empire builders Russia and China? In western countries, we were taught in school that these governments were neither ‘democratic’, ‘republics’ nor ‘workers’ paradises’ Yet that did not stop their propaganda machines from spinning their tales. Today we have the American empire, under fascist control by the Bush gang and supported by the christian American Taliban, using both Communist and German fascist propaganda methods to build the American empire under intolerant, christian rule.

The excellent television series, The Book of Daniel, was cancelled by the network after only 3 weeks. The American Taliban has taken credit for this Dark action. There is nothing ‘freedom’ oriented by mainstream-based religions, although they constantly parrot the ‘freedom of religion’ mantra. The American Taliban demands censorship (where’s the ‘freedom there?) over all facets of life. The American government censors broadcast and print, yet waves the false flags of ‘freedom of speech and press’. American ‘freedoms’ are an illusion!

The christian American Taliban would be as severe in the United States as the Afghan Taliban was in that country IF they are able to complete their seizure of power in Washington. Mainstream, proselytizing religions know that using ‘freedom of religion’ is disarming to the general, naive population. After all, what can be wrong with ‘freedom’? However they only mean that they have ‘freedom’ to impose their beLIEfs on those who do not bow to their imaginary deity. That is sequentialization at its worst.

The Law of Allowance is well defined in the M5 segments. Yet it is ‘allowance’ and not ‘acceptance’. The Law of Allowance allows you to do what you will as long as you do not attempt to impose your perspectives on others.  That is true ‘freedom’. Experience and experiment, but never dictate.

To use The Book of Daniel case, if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Nothing more, nothing less using the Law of Allowance as a guide, especially from a simultaneous (hence more spiritually Advanced than the sequential) path perspective. As another example, I don’t care to watch sports, but would never try to impose my incarnational preference on anyone. I don’t demand that sports be removed from television. I don’t demand that everyone conform to my tastes. Yet sequential-minded, power hungry incarnations are demanding that all conform to their religious or other doctrinaire, narrow-minded perspectives. Surrender your will and individuality to ours or suffer for it!

Using ‘freedom’ as a rule, based on the Law of Allowance, any religion that moves beyond the private and manipulates politics and culture to enforce the will of their sequential philosophies, that religion should be reigned in and made illegal as an attack on the concept of ‘freedom’. Of course this is not going to happen while in the Game, but it is a realization that must come to pre-Graduates because if you cannot fathom this, you cannot participate in higher densities beyond polarities.

Obviously, all Game Graduate Higher Selves do know and support this. Bringing it to your attention during this stage of EndGame is an assist in pre-Graduate preparations. Know the players in the Game for their agendas and do not be fooled into beLIEving their propaganda. Their goal is sequentialization for Earth and nothing less will satisfy them. Only Planetary Spirit Graduation will stifle their ambitions and that will come, although not soon enough for me.