Graduation: Further Information

Post Publication Segment -  19 April 2009

Copyright © 2008 Leading Edge International Research Group


While returning home from a long car trip today, I felt impressed to listen to Swan Lake (the version recommended in an earlier segment). I haven’t played that disc for some months, but it was a 6 hour drive, so I had plenty of time.

When the final track came on, my title: Graduation Day, I was given a vision of the event from my Final’s perspective. At first, there was nothing new. As per earlier segments, the Final engages the Nexus of Time to recall all simultaneous incarnations. Nevertheless, by itself, this is a very exciting track for me.

This time, I was shown inside my Higher Self preparing to operate the Nexus. Now, I saw myself turn slightly and look behind me. I saw my 3 Dominant Incarnations anxiously watching for what was about to occur. Then I activated the Nexus and the rest has been previously disclosed.

I thought this was just so magnificent to see and it was quite moving. 

So I listened to this track again. Now I saw myself look at my Dominants and then activated the Nexus. This time I was prompted to look at the inner chamber of my Higher Self. As each incarnation returned to my Higher Self, the image of that incarnation faded from the chamber wall and the wall became smooth, as if it was never there. I had not noticed this before either.

Then it came to me that, at this time, I need to listen to this track a third time. I saw as above but was also given a more detailed explanation of the music: which sounds indicated the arrival of the Final to his Higher Self, the music announcing that a Higher Self was now Graduating from the Game and even some of the words that accompanied these key (for me) sections.

My Higher Self does have a thing about giving me fascinating information when I’m driving. Shim always has and it usually makes me teary. This definitely did. It has always been that powerful.

The Swan Lake music is significant for Dominant and Final Incarnations with keys that they will respond to. As with M5, an incarnation processing the music will pass the keys to where they belong with their Higher Selves.

I knew I needed to write this brief segment when I got home. Trust in YOUR Higher Self.