Graduation Track 14

10 July 2012

Copyright © 2012 Leading Edge International Research Group

I have not listened to Swan Lake for a few years, but it was impressed on me that I should and I have it in my car's cd player. It is as magnificent as always, yet when I got to track 14, the Graduation track, certain things were impressed on me that I had not gotten before. They were not needed before.

An M5 reader in San Francisco emailed me about a massive earthquake that is expected next week with the window of the Event being July 15-19 on the US West coast. His information is interesting and he will be heading East before then. As he said, if nothing happens at least he would have had a vacation. Nevertheless this is what his Higher Self wants him to do. Here is what I can share with you from his email:

A very old dear friend who currently lives in Thailand emailed me out of the blue a few days ago and said that three psychics she knows personally have had very strong intuitive hits about a massive earthquake affecting the west coast in the immediate future. One was positive it was Seattle; the second thought it was the San Francisco Bay Area; the third thought it could be either or both. The dates converged around the period of the 15th-19th. She suggested I try to be out of town or at least very prepared. (I live in San Francisco proper.)

I came home and told my roommate this. Her eyes popped wide open; she said she'd been hearing very similar things from a number of sources herself. One person told her to leave civilization ASAP if possible, and find a retreat in nature. Another person told her that the west coast, specifically west of the Sierra Mountains, was the most dangerous place to be in the entire country. A third person, a shaman, told her that they have witnessed "death portals" opening up. Four animals/pets in my roommate's family and immediate circle all died within the past several weeks.

I came home tonight and consulted the I Ching, my personal oracle of choice as it's  pretty user-friendly. The question I formulated, with as much specificity as I could, was "Would it be wise for me to leave town on Sunday the 15th and stay out of town for the following week in order to avoid earthquake and or other disaster? Would this be a smart move for keeping me protected from chaos and/or harm?" I got the first hexagram. Creative power. From my book, "The time is exceptional in terms of inspiration, energy, and will." "The force of this time is the primal directive that propels us into our destinies regardless of what our reasoning or recalcitrant minds may think." "All activities will now center around your imperatives. You can now catapult yourself and others into great and significant activity."  "You must use this time wisely and not squander the extraordinary creative power available to you. "Skillful timing is a great factor in this." etc etc. The secondary hexagram I got with regard to the same query:

#49, Changing (Revolution). "Clarity, forethought, and great devotion are now required to achieve your purpose. If correctly handled, however, the results can lead to a new progressive era." "Your timing in this matter is crucial."

Coincidence or not: another friend of mine scheduled a surgery for this coming Friday and will be gone.

Coincidence or not: my therapist/analyst I've been seeing is away in India and will be gone for several weeks. So: I am going to buy a bunch of stuff this week and go on an impromptu camping trip this Saturday, and call in sick at work for the next few days after I leave. Worst case scenario, I went on a nice little camping trip, and I can proudly know that at least I listened to my intuition when I received signals.

If you feel moved to share this with anyone, by all means.


Note: The quake segment did not originate with predictions from me. In this case, I'm basically just passing it on.

Well, how about that. Astrologically, Uranus is the planet of earthquakes and it is in violent fire sign Aries squaring (hard aspect) to Pluto of transformations in earth sign Capricorn for a while yet. These are not the 2 - 4 range quakes, but really significant ones indicated. Yes, there are astrologers who specialize in these matters, but I am not one of them, so I know very little about these matters.

His sources indicate Seattle down to California are in the range of this potential Wild Card. This could set off a chain of events that would make me glad I don't live in the western half of the country. the possibility exists of losing Val's Leading Edge which means this may be the last segment you will get since I would have no way of getting any potential segments to my readers.

In any case, those of you who have the Swan Lake cd that I wrote about in M5, may want to give it some listening again and pay special note to the final track - 14 and see if you glean anything new from it. It is the Graduation track.

Even if nothing happens next week, the true Axis of Evil: Israel, US and Britain are foaming at their collective mouths for World War III to start in the Middle East. sequentialized governments just can't leave anyone be (don't get me started).

One way or another, there is a huge swirl of competing Dark energies at work. Dark is 'all about me' and 'what I want'. Dark (and Light) on simultaneous Earth are in conflict with the Galaxy Game creator(s). Want to guess who will lose?

So, above all, trust in YOUR Higher Self and do keep this picture below in mind. It is my new desktop image: The Beginning Is Near!

When it comes time for the Graduation gathering, do look for me. I should be the festive looking Higher Self!