An Inconvenient Truth, Plus More

Post Publication Segment - 2  January 2007

Copyright © 2006 Leading Edge International Research Group

I was given a DVD copy of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth by the owner of my local health food store. It was interesting and fast paced. It was enjoyable, informative and entertaining. I found parts of it too conservative and also too optimistic. Of course if it did not have an ‘everything can be alright’ thread, it would not sell.

The environmental manipulation of Earth is not accidental. Re-engineering of the atmosphere is the goal of several alien groups to make Earth more habitable for them. On the other hand, there are also alien groups that desire Earth to be pristine as a source of natural wealth with a minimal population. Add to those groups are well meaning (Lightsiders) Earthers who want their world preserved countered by those who say Earth is here to be used for how we want it used (Dark-siders). 

Then there is the smallest group: those who know what is happening with Earth.

In the film, Gore presents the seasons of Earth to demonstrate how the planet breathes. He is correct. However all living, incarnated entities within the Game have a pre-set span of existence. As M5 readers know, we are in the latter stages of EndGame. The Planetary Spirit has begun shim’s transition and Graduation. 

Nature is rapidly losing a large variety of species. The weather is erratic and increasingly violent (government weather machines not withstanding). The planet Earth is dying and nothing anyone can do will stop or reverse it, nor does the Planetary Spirit want it reversed.

Just as each of our incarnations has a set departure date (death), so does the nature realm, although nature also has vastly different operating procedures than our incarnational lines. Earth’s Planetary Spirit is fully aware of the transition activities and Graduation. There is no anxiety about it with shim, no matter what Lightsiders may say. 

Other Items:

  • A Matrix V reader sent me this link today which will probably be worth your time to check out: 

    The person being interviewed is a sequential as you will be able to easily deduce by reading it. 
    One of the interesting items he talks about is an upcoming war between the US and China in late 08. If that comes around, I will be glad to have relocated later this year. Since the majority of merchandise in America comes from China, guess which country will be up shit creek without a paddle! Also mentioned in the interview are star gates, aliens and their agendas, time related matters and much more. 

  • 2007 has arrived. This is the second anniversary of the formation of the Graduation Key. Since the number 3 (and its multiples) has been so prominent with M5, 2008 (the Key’s third year) may well indicate something significant globally. I knew 4 years ago that I would be relocating in 07, although I knew no details or reasons why I was putting some things in motion back then. I know much more today, but not as much as I’d like to know. It appears that I am leaving one area where there are no M5 readers to another area that has none as well, unfortunately, but I gotta go where I gotta go. 2007 is a 9 year…a year of completion with the end of one chapter and start of another. 

    I have done the bayberry candle lighting on the winter solstice and New Year’s Eve for years. Last month’s was a very different intent connected to the lightings: trust in my Higher Self. I have to as I have told all those, for whom M5 is written, to do likewise. 

    In talking to some other M5 readers, there are those who know they must stay where they are. Others say they will relocate. Only you can speak for your path and do it for yourself.