Incarnational Interactions

1 January 2010

Copyright © 2010 Leading Edge International Research Group


As I have said before, we entered this Galaxy Game with a group of other Higher Selves and we have been interacting with this group from our very first sequential incarnation all the way to now on the simultaneous path. Yours may or may not be of this group, yet I’m sure you have a group that your Higher Self did enter with.

The one thing about the sequential interactions: we were all close to the same level of Advancement. When it came time to take the leap of faith to the simultaneous path, this entire group did not choose to move at the same time. This is where some of us parted company. Only our Higher Self knows the full story on this and we are not meant to know much of it while still in the Game.

Returning to the Higher Selves of this original group that are here on Earth for the simultaneous path experience, this is where we have a huge variety of interactions while in the same, different or unique stages of Advancement.

An example or two: one of my Mid levels is neighbors with an incarnation from a friend Higher Self who is an Advanced incarnation – one of my Dominant incarnations is a student of another’s Very Advanced incarnations who is also a Dominant – and so on, the combinations are many and apply to all of us on the simultaneous path..

Now consider our current incarnations, me as my Awakened Final and you as wherever you stand within your Higher Self. If you’re reading M5, you should be in the mid-Advanced to Very Advanced levels. In our daily lives, we meet someone whom we feel pulled to. Sometimes that person has the same or similar feelings. This is someone you don’t “know” but whom you are pulled to get to know. This is our spiritual ties via our Higher Selves. This is a favorable scenario. Many friendships start this way.

Then there are those you feel pulled to get to know and they are, at first interested, and then quickly pull away. The one who quickly pulls away is being hauled back by their body ID codes. The one who pulled away sent a spiritual signal that alerted the body’s command structure. This also indicates that the one person is not spiritually ready for these two incarnations to fully interact.

Lastly here, there’s the ‘curse’ of the Awakened Final (as I call it). This is when you not only feel that you want to know someone but you also have an energy stream knowledge of other life connections (limited, but still there). These people usually freak out in some way. Body ID alarms are at their peak with ‘run away, avoid this person’ and who quickly looks for an exit as their body drags the weaker spirit away.

I know one such example of an incarnation that one of my Very Advance looks up to. When this Dominant appeared to me one time, she had another person with her whom she introduced with devotion as her teacher. I thought ‘ok’ but he didn’t mean anything to me at the time.

Since then I have met this Higher Self but in a not-so-astute Advanced incarnation. I know (astrally) that he is the one she introduced to me, but he doesn’t have a clue. He is still heavily body ID’d although he has some good psychic abilities, although not enough to overcome the DNA commands.

Anyway, no matter what this Higher Self’s incarnations are to mine in countless incarnations, it is shim’s current one that is the only incarnation that matters to my current one. I can’t say why his Higher Self chose this strange incarnation unless shim has decided not to Graduate but continue on the next simultaneously-designated planet. His Game addiction is stronger than his ancient friendships, it would seem.

These are my observations, though, and his Higher Self may still have some interesting cards to play, but time is short and he has abandoned contact with me a while back. And so it goes.

I still do meet incarnations I would like to know because of ancient ties, but I can come on strong and they usually make a mad dash for less-intense auric fields.

The Final really has a lonely life, but I wouldn’t give up being my Higher Self’s Final for anything. This incarnational stuff will pass and I can get on with other things on higher levels, eternally glad to have Graduated this Galaxy Game.

My wish for you all in 2010 and always is Trust in YOUR Higher Self.