"Love" & Reality Altering 

Post Publication Segment - 7  June 2007

Copyright © 2006 Leading Edge International Research Group

The Lightsiders thrill to say that ‘love conquers all’, ‘love is the answer’ or any other fanciful, comfort-sounding catch-phrase involving ‘love’ that they can swoon to. Previous segments of M5 have addressed Lightsider beLIEfs.

David Icke has done much in exposing what is happening on Earth. I really do like his materials until he takes the Lightsider stance of ‘loving’ the reptilians and others involved in the mess we have here. Along with this is the bogus concept that using ‘love’ one can alter reality (the Game).

It amazes me that all these ‘love’ practitioners over all these EndGame years preach that they have the solution to all problems by using ‘love’ and, thereby, altering reality to accommodate this ‘love’. I have no doubt that many of these people (Icke included) actually DO believe this. However, for all their belief and enthusiasm, has it changed anything? No.

It cannot change anything except lighten the wallets of those who fund this idea. It can also make one, for a time, self-delusional with a messiah complex, that they can ‘save’ the world.

Have any of these holders of THE solution changed anything on a global scale? Have they succeeded in driving the aliens off world? Have they altered the current global reality?

No…because they cannot.

An incarnation or groups of incarnations cannot change the Game by attempting to mimic Higher Self abilities. Lightsiders are all about ‘saving’ everyone to conform to their interpretation of how things should be.

Yet the Lightsider reality is extremely boring with no challenges. Nevertheless, in Game-designated areas of this Galaxy Game, the Light polarity is supreme. It is also supremely wearying and stagnant.

While it is one thing to do a very minor bit of reality manipulation, such as create a parking space for yourself for your shopping trip (Monroe taught on of the groups I was in how to do this – DON’T ask), it is a whole other matter to alter Game rules. It just cannot happen.

In one of Icke’s recent newsletters, he talks about a man who has discovered that water crystals will form patterns according to a word that is written and applied to that bit of encased water. I don’t doubt it is true. Pretty pictures, but try taping a word to war criminal George Bush and his co-conspirators. If this works and the body is 70% water, Bush should admit openly that he is a war criminal and submit himself to the Middle Eastern version of the Nuremburg war trials. After all, ‘love’ would dictate it.

Don’t hold your breath. Lightsiders talk a good talk, but cannot deliver.

Why haven’t David Icke and his closest companions able to change anything? It would interfere with EndGame and that is not permitted. What is permitted is to learn that many things just cannot be changed no matter how good the intent may be.

Earther EndGame is going according to plan. The United States has become a police state trying to impose its will on the world under the guise of ‘democracy’. Remember when the Communist states were all ‘democratic republics’? The United States has become a Dark nation populated with a majority of minion and fools waving flags and believing in a national ideal that never existed.

While it is one thing to do a very minor bit of reality manipulation, such as create a parking space for yourself for your shopping trip (Monroe taught one of the groups I was in how to do this – DON’T ask), it is a whole other matter to alter Game rules. It just cannot happen.

Lightsiders cannot alter reality on the global scale that they preach can be changed. Yet, they will not hear of it. They have bought into the lie that Light is more powerful than Dark rather than the truth that both polarities are equal. The proof is in the results. Lightsiders’ reality shifts have NO results. Pity the Lightsiders caught in this experiential loop.