Commentary: Moon Rising

29 June 2009

Copyright © 2009 Leading Edge International Research Group


I was able to watch the new film by Jose Escamilla: Moon Rising. It’s a 72 minute documentary about the Earth’s moon and what is revealed on it by NASA pictures and more. 

Moon Rising is heavily researched and well presented – fast paced and very informative. Revelations about NASA and the American military’s cover-up (WHAT a surprise…clutch the pearls!) of alien structures and more. You can see what NASA blacked out and filtered by updated, filter-removing technologies.

The Earth’s moon indeed is artificial and alien occupied as a base to observe and meddle with simultaneous path Earthers. You don’t think that the Orion and Sirian genetic scientists (and others) commuted from their home worlds, now do you?

I viewed this film on excellent quality DVD and recommend this to all M5 readers. It also has a great soundtrack.

The one liner quote, on the back of the DVD case, says it all: “We lied about everything” – BellComm/NASA Insider.

On another subject:

I saw the crop circle “jellyfish” when it first hit the Internet and countless times since when M5 readers (who must figure I have no Internet connection) sent that picture to me. Please keep in mind that IF I have any comment on this or any other topic, it will appear on the M5 Vol 4 site. Also remember that I am not your personal advisor, as stated in M5.

Please continue to send me items you think I may need to see, but don’t expect (or demand, as some of you do) a reply. I have a lot to do and am quite involved with many activities that would be considered M5 related.

The recent flurry of crop circles are increasingly complex and very interesting. Other than that, I have no comment at this time. Enjoy your experiences and trust in YOUR Higher Self.