Where's The Quake?

20 July 2012

Copyright © 2012 Leading Edge International Research Group

Well the time has come and gone for the predicted US West Coast earthquake devastation. If one psychic says something will occur, I usually sigh. If several psychics say the same event will happen, I usually pay attention, as with the last segment. Now I want to know what these people have to say about their flub. So much for Thai psychics or as Clara Peller asked in the funny 1984 commercials (found on YouTube), "Where's the (psychic, in this case) beef?"

I would be remiss if I did not pass on to M5 readers a multi-psychic prediction associated with known facts. In this case the Seattle, Washington area has lots of volcanoes and the quake zone for the West Coast is ready to shake, rattle and roll much of the land into the ocean. It's a matter of timing. It's not that it didn't happen, but rather that it didn't happen this past week.

 Now with the Mayan calendar, the Dec 21 date is not limited to that piece of carved rock. There are predictions for that date from all over the world due primarily to this solar system's alignment with the Galactic center. This is where the Galaxy Game creator(s) are located. Also, with 2013 having a lock on it keeping out psychic time travelers, remote viewers and others, it seems more than fair to say something huge is about to come on stage.

In any case, stay alert and make sure you are as prepared for anything as you are able to be. The days are moving rapidly. The Axis of Evil (Israel, US and Britain) are eager for World War III in the Middle East and October looks very possible for that.

Graduation is not going to come with a whimper. This is a huge Event as the next class prepares to move to higher matters. So, if nothing else, trust in YOUR Higher Self.