Commentary on the Video "The Quickening"

14 September 2011

Copyright © 2011 Leading Edge International Research Group


The YouTube link to the video: The Quickening was sent to me by an M5 reader urging me to watch it. This video is over one hour long, but worth watching. The link:

This video deals with the Mayan calendar ending Oct 28, 2011 and Elenin being a central figure in what will occur. The presentation is compelling, even though there are plenty of Lightsider 'oneness' zaps and 'divine creator'.

The 'oneness' concept is from Lightside-centered sequential systems as is the 'divine creator'. For this Galaxy Game, the 'divine creator' is the three creators of this Game. Hmmm, maybe that's the origin of the three aspects of christian deity.  Nevertheless, they do not concern themselves with the silliness of godhood and we pre-Graduates will be on the same level before too long. Hmmm, maybe that's the origin of the mormon teaching of how we will all become as 'god' is now. Anyway, that is not how this video intends these words.

All the destruction they mention: nuclear war, exploding nuclear power plants, radiation galore, WWIII, earthquakes, massive tidal waves…lions and tigers and bears (oh, my!)…and even alien invasion! The planet would be so polluted that nothing human could live here.

Alien invasion is shown (as being staged). Well if the trumpet I constantly hear is 'it's fake' then that's what you are expected to beLIEve. It MAY be staged, but the aliens are already here. The video says that Elenin may actually be a ship…hardly 'faked' if it is. Those with psychic abilities will be able to tell if the alien invasion is genuine or staged. Even if staged, genuine aliens will be partners in it. No matter what, I will be available for "I told you so".

The video also ass/u/mes that all people on Earth are (of course wrongly) sequential path incarnates. It doesn't take into account the sequentials (alien and human) and minions. These will not react the same way simultaneous path incarnates do. Hence the sequential Lightsider approach to much of the video as sequentials cannot grasp the complexity of simultaneous Earth.

Lots of 'love & light' commentary in the video - forget yourself/help others at your expense - we are all one…all the same…ooooo, ahhhhh. Hells bells I can't stand that bullshit. Different if that were true in the Game but never on the simultaneously-designated planets. It's as anti-Game as you can get from the Balance perspective.

She constantly beats the 'all are one' drum. Wrong drum for the Galaxy Game simultaneous designated planet. We are individuals having unique experiences. The 'one drum' is a sequential, Lightside concoction to get everyone to submit. The narrator wants you to "surrender" your individuality in order to be 'saved'. That, in itself, should tell you where they're coming from.

And, yes, they even drag out Lightsider icon, mythical Jesus as having been a real person…sigh. One other thing, this video fails to take into consideration the Planetary Spirit and that being's Graduation. 

They refer to incarnations from a sequential perspective, as 'one may see the spirits of the dead rising to meet the coming dawn'. Very linear. Does not take into consideration that linear time is an illusion.

"The truth of oneness"….just like other religions, they claim to have 'the truth' so if one doesn't agree with 'the truth', all the more pity and shame for you. The only truth you need to remember is to trust YOUR Higher Self.

DO watch the video and learn from it.

Trivia comment:

September 2011 marks 6 years to the month when Matrix 5 Vol 4 began online. That's a LOT of segments and still being added to as long as it is possible.