Sequential Demand - Cartoon Indignation - An Update

Post Publication Segment -  4 February 2006

Copyright © 1988- Leading Edge International Research Group

Taking note of how both the American and British governments condemned the Danish cartoons the other day, I was expecting that another thread in the sequentialization of Earth would be set in motion. Today the news reports that both governments now say that freedom of speech is ‘the problem’ and ‘should be restricted’.

First note that these countries are supposedly the two main centers of “freedoms”. These are also the two main centers of alien sequentialization activities (allied factions) on Earth. Problem: Freedom of expression and speech. Reaction: a religious segment gets “offended” because other segments of the global population do not adhere to their rules and is stirred up (want to guess by whom?), reacting with violence and demands for global conformity and the death of those responsible. Solution: Condemn freedom of expression/speech in order to not offend and enforce sequentialization even further on Earth by restricting freedom of expression/speech for the ‘good’ of all.

Those for whom M5 is written should be able to easily see what is going on here and where it is leading. This is a major part of the sequentialization of Earth. Independent thought and expression is forbidden on sequentialized planets. Earth is marked for overt membership in the Orion Empire. Earthers must be conditioned to act and to think in sequential manners. They are attempting to force simultaneous path incarnates back onto the sequential path that we moved away from. This is a very sinister action on the part of Game players.

By using Lightsider tactics – ‘being offended’ (see past M5 segments on this tactic) – and Darksider tactics – ‘violent reactions to independent thought’, the sequentializers are employing a double-pronged attack on a basic simultaneous path icon: individualization.

Sequentialization is moving at a fast pace with the sequentializers appealing to many independent groups with one issue matters – bogus ‘hate crimes’ are their key western arsenal. Dark motives wrapped in a Light package. The ONLY thing that will end this on Earth is the Planetary Spirit’s Graduation which cannot come soon enough for me!