Sequential Demand - Cartoon Indignation

Post Publication Segment -  3 February 2006

Copyright © 1988- Leading Edge International Research Group

The current commotion over Danish editorial cartoons (and European reprints of the same) about Mohammed is a perfect example of sequentialization and the attempted suppression of individuality. Keep in mind that as long as one group tries to enforce their views (be/think as we are) on another, this should be seen as a sequentialization attempt. This comes in many forms: ‘hate crimes’ concepts, religious superiority (primarily the one god fanatics), etc.

When this was first reported on CNN and major news channels, I was curious what the cartoons were, but the news feared showing them. Intimidated by the mobs, they surrendered individuality to sequentialization. A Google search gives several links to these cartoons and I checked them out. They are as valid a comment as any other. I love christian god/Jesus cartoons and mockumentaries. Some of these are equally amusing, especially the one that told the bombers that there are no more virgins in heaven.

Today’s news shows a picture of Arab women holding signs demanding “respect religion”. From a simultaneous, Advanced standpoint, respect of religion, actually respect of anything – using the Law of Allowance as a guide – means one is allowed to be involved in <whatever> without restriction as long as they do not try to force their views on anyone else to demand they surrender their lifestyle to conform to theirs. Not once did I see the Danish cartoon demand that any religion be banned from practice. Opposing opinions are valid. Because one person shows a certain level of fear/intimidation/awe of a religion or religious figure (body ID) does not validate their demand that everyone do the same. Doing so, against your will, is giving away your power!

The demonstrations of violence and demands for ‘apologies’ are sequential when it comes to suppression of individuality. If anyone should apologize, it should be those who demand others give up individual expression to conform to their view. One may not agree with the Danish cartoons, but it is their right to create and publish them. However, as M5 readers know, it is in the interest of several alien, sequential agendas that the rabble be roused in order to feed the lower astrals and create a sequentialized Earth. In the U.S., it is the American Taliban christians that are doing so, using the gay ‘issue’ as a main mob inducer. Conformity and homogenization of thought/practice is their goal.

This is just another thorn on EndGame simultaneous Earth, agitated by the mass media (alien technology), intended to sequentialize Earth. All fundamentalist religious nuts, of any religion, are minions and Low incarnations catered to by those in Mid level incarnations while those who are Very Advanced shake their heads and roll their eyes over the body ID control attempts. Yet those who stir the religious mobs are sinister Dark in nature with extended agendas for simultaneous path Earthers.

Of course the core problems are rooted in religion and its warped one path/straight and narrow bullshit. As long as one clings to ‘sacred’ and ‘holy’ concepts, one is giving away of their personal power. Progression means shedding of these body ID’d beLIEfs.  As long as demands are made that everyone else surrender one’s will to theirs and live as they do, they are engaged in the sequentialization of Earth. Respect works both ways. It does not mean agreement. Being ‘offended’ is not a bad thing. It can make one think. To enforce an atmosphere where one must sacrifice individuality, so that no one is ‘offended’ ,is sequential.  Bring on more religious cartoons! Religion IS the joke when you have broken that experiential loop.