Sequential Acceleration

Post Publication Segment - 22 June 2008

Copyright © 2008 Leading Edge International Research Group

Sequentials have dramatically accelerated their agenda for simultaneous Earth. This should be obvious to those for whom M5 is written. Dark excels in using Light tactics on Earth. Keep in mind that we are in a Dark sector of this Galaxy Game. Dark uses this in tandem with its own heavy, “all about me” agendas.

The bogus ‘global warming’ shenanigans, increased ‘political correctness’ (which is nothing less than the sequentialization of thought and communications), attacks on those who don’t conform (globally, regionally or locally) and much more increase daily.

Both in Western Europe and (north of Mexico) North America, floods of riff-raff (minions and Low incarnations) stream in to dismantle the former effectiveness of these areas. You won’t see these people attempting to change their native countries, but they want the instant social benefits of the West. A sign of a minion and many Low level incarnations is wanting to be “taken care of” and catered to solely because they showed up on your doorstep…as if it is owed to them.

Alien sequentials are behind all this bullshit. They beLIEve that by diluting the native cultures and homogenizing them into a basic one with slight regional differences, they will have succeeded in sequentialization on a cultural level. They need to break down simultaneous strongholds and integrate them with riff-raff. The sad thing is that the governments of these countries permit this because they take orders from the sequentials. They also intend a single race for sequential Earth, so interracial/intercultural mingling is encouraged and demanded.

We have sequential factions fighting for control with their Earther ally proxies. The main factions are one god fanatics: christian, muslim, jew. These seek planetary control of religion: The fight for the soul of the incarnate (foolishness) because they are incapable of grasping the true nature OF the soul while on the sequential path.

On one hand are the christian/jew groups with the jews claiming to be the latest ‘master race’ (chosen people-same thing) and the christians (whom the ‘master race’ controls through banking, entertainment and media).

On the other hand are the muslim factions with radically different views where religion controls culture. Instead of both living in coexistence, in a simultaneous path way, there is the move by the ‘master race’ to control them using their christian servants as military fodder. How Orion Empire can one get!

Remember, too, that the credit/debt system on Earth originates in the Orion Empire and is controlled on Earth by the self-proclaimed ‘master race’ centered in London.

The problem with one god religions is the sequential thought pattern of demanding all follow a ‘one path’. No matter that ALL of the one god cult religions are fractured into multi-paths. Even the muslims have their two main factions always fighting. So, convert to islam, but to which of the factions? They get you coming and going. The eventual sequential goal is that the winning prime faction will consolidate its hold. But first, a major faction must take planetary control.

 The ‘master race’ is strongly pushing for the end to any threat from the muslim factions. They intend to keep others in line with nuclear/military threats and much of the world is allowing this to happen…so far. But alien politics being what they are, factions win and factions lose with sequential China and independent Russia being two unpredictables. If they step in against the ‘master race’, a whole new playing field comes forward. The ‘master race’ is also expert at pointing the finger at “evil” and “axis of evil” because they themselves are ‘evil’. Beware of this manipulation.

Then there is the sequential agenda against the Planetary Spirit. This continues to fail. Incarnations can never succeed against a Planetary Spirit in the way they seek to.

I know someone who had the misfortune to meet a reptilian this year. This person said that he didn’t believe what I had told him about certain things until he met this person who shape-shifted in front of him. When he saw that, THEN he believed (no kidding). The reptilian told him that Earth would be transformed into a pristine planet in the 2010-2012 timeslot. Of course for this to happen, the people would have to be removed (harvested and/or destroyed). I found this interesting but also Orion fear-based propaganda.

Earth’s Planetary Spirit has been attacked by sequential and Earther groups for a LONG time. It is part of the Planetary Spirit’s incarnational experience, but this Spirit has its own Graduation agenda. The forming of the Planetary Spirit’s own Graduation Key in tandem with our own is very significant. Likewise is the decreasing activity in the Sun. Aliens, running in their ships trying to strengthen the planetary grid to hold the Spirit, are engaged in worthless efforts.

Sequentialization of thought/communications is working very well with most Westerners. The ‘master race’ is very successful in most of Europe and Canada by denying them the right to criticize Israel or anything connected to the ‘master race’, especially World War II activities in Europe. They want this for the United States as well.

The ‘master race’ also controls the medical and legal establishments in the U.S. and other Western countries. When I visited my chiropractor last week, I mentioned AMA quacks and the reception women did a ‘clutch the pearls’ gasp and “watch what you say” was the response. I said that I’m no practitioner so I can say what I want. Besides, I say what I want whenever I want. You will find no ‘political correctness’ here. You should hear me get going on things!

What is really amazing is how such a small group of people, the ‘master race’, is, and how they’ve slithered into such positions of control. When one factor in the aliens and their eternal meddling, the dots are all connected. They needed alien technology to allow for control. This may yet backfire on them.

This segment discusses only some of the sequential agenda for Earth. Look to any of them and see how fevered the pace is to try and sequentialize Earth. This huge rush forward is because the sequentials know that simultaneous Graduation is coming and, worse yet (for them) that Earther Planetary Spirit Graduation is as well.

However, despite all their technology and physical intimidation, there is nothing they can do EXCEPT make things worse.

In an earlier segment I mention how certain sequentials will cling to the Game even as it is shutting down permanently. These Game addicts will be ejected when this Galaxy Game has ceased to exist. These immature Higher Selves (Orion royals, for one group) will instantly locate another Galaxy Game and enter in there. Unfortunately for them, they will have to begin their new Game with NO memory of our current Game and this will be a true blessing for them. They will have no power, no control and must start from the beginning as the new (for them) Game will have different aspects than ours does. This will allow them to finally progress and break their addiction. But I digress.

I know that certain sequentials are reading M5 looking for loopholes to make their version of EndGame work. Instead of letting a simultaneous planet just exist unmolested, they continually seek it and meddle in that planet’s internal affairs. Talk about no Law of Allowance. That is an anathema to sequentials. It is also sequential bane to them when embraced by simultaneous pre-Graduates.  

Trust in YOUR Higher Self.