Sequentialization of Christmas & Ships in Orbit

Post Publication Segment - 21 December 2007

Copyright © 2007 Leading Edge International Research Group

Once again one of the rages in the United States is December 25 and what to do with it and what to call it. Why do they fuss over Christmas and not Cha-new-kah (you all KNOW what I mean) or Kwanza in December?

Unlike the christian bogus mantra would have all beLIEve, “Jesus is the reason for the season”, it is just not true. The christians stole the Yule holidays from the pagans. Jesus has nothing to do with the season. Santa Clause has much more to do with it. Yes, they are both fictional characters, but Santa is the spirit of Christmas giving as far as I’m concerned. However whatever fictional character suits your incarnation is all that matters to you. So if the christians want to beLIEve their double myth, that’s fine. The problem is the mantra is meant to coerce those who do not so beLIEve.

I was brought up catholic with all the neat Christmas trappings: tree, lights, Santa and all. I like those trappings. Of course I haven’t been in the fog of religions for years now, but I still like having my Christmas tree up and all the fa-la-la-la-la that I can decorate with. I like the sound of the word ‘Christmas’ and it has zero to do with mythical Jesus to me.

One of the cards I received this year was from one of my astrology teachers of years back. I remember in the 80’s when an astrologer she knew ‘found Jesus’ and dumped astrology, she just pitied them so much. Well, guess what she did? Yes, now she found Jesus and even sent me this ‘Jesus is lord’ card. Before I would consent to hanging that tripe with my other cards, I changed it to read ‘mythical Jesus is not lord’. Poor woman has regressed in her incarnation and become the pity object she so felt badly for. Anyway, that’s her path now.

We see on the TV (NBC evening news tonight) about the ‘war on Christmas’. This is about the use of ‘holiday’ in place of ‘Christmas’. Good M5 observers can see what is going on.

“The holidays” refers to all the holidays taking up residence in December, including New Year’s Eve. Saying ‘Happy Holidays’ is the best way to give a good overall greeting. Including whatever holidays one chooses to celebrate during December.

   I don’t limit my cards in December to just Christmas since I mean both that and New Year…both holidays, hence ‘Happy Holidays’.

   Many segments discuss the sequentialization of Earth. Now for the sequentialization of Christmas.

   Look at how the word ‘Christmas’ has been altered to ‘holiday’ when they are referring to December 25. The Christmas tree is being called the ‘holiday tree’ by many commercial and governmental entities. This has raised the ire of many, especially those who beLIEve the mantra. It is not the ‘holiday tree’. I agree completely with them. It is the ‘Christmas tree’.

   Do you see the menorah being changed to the candelabra? Do you hear Kwanza referred to as, gee, I don’t know what they might think to call that one. But the point is that the sequential entities do not care about them since they are minority events. What they are concerned about is dismantling America as it was and reforming it in a sequential way. Calling it a ‘holiday tree’ does sequentialize it.


   Of course I have no objection to the commercialization of these holidays. That’s by individual choice. One can choose not to participate in the commercialization if they want to. It can be as religious…or not…as you desire.

   In another 07 holiday rage item, I saw where one town put up a huge menorah and a Charlie Brown Christmas tree of only @3 feet tall. The howl finally brought a tree as large as the menorah.

   A Christmas tree is a Christmas tree, not a ‘holiday tree’. I grew up in an area with jews who liked the Christmas tree idea and adapted it to the Hanukah bush. Great idea. The christians took the tree from the pagans anyway. Adapting a holiday to fit your needs is fine.

   It’s true that the christians have been criminally notorious for stealing holidays and forbidding them to be as they were. So, is it punishment for having stolen this holiday? No, that would be justice and justice has nothing to do with Earth’s sequentialization. Keep in mind we are in one of the Dark polarity zones of this Galaxy Game. The christians are fierce when it comes to religious tolerance beyond their own. How about a pagan chaplain for Congress? Not just yet.

   American christians are viewed as an obstacle that needs to be addressed since they are extremely resistant to sequentialization unless it is sequentialization under their banner. That is not to be. American christians, especially fundamentalist types, want America as it was, not as it is becoming, hence the attack on Christmas. This is why there is no attack on Kwanza or Cha-new-kah. These people are working with the sequentials although most have no idea that they are doing so. Keep in mind the Zionists and their sequential friends are behind the government and major commercial enterprises pushing ‘equality’. Also remember that ‘equality’ is the banner of a sequentialized planet. Connect the dots.

   They will keep testing the resolve of those who dare to resist the sequential version of ‘equality’. Beware of those who try to force ‘holiday trees’ and the removal of the word ‘Christmas’.

   First comes sequential ‘equality’, then comes pure sequentialization, a homogenization process that is necessary for a sequential world: one planetary religion, one planetary race, one planetary government, etc.

   *On another topic: the ships that are hovering in Earth’s orbit. There are a number of huge ships in Earth’s orbit. Here’s the link where you can see still pictures and video:


   For those who don’t know, a man has adapted a home telescope to view what is going on around Earth with very interesting results. The government is buzzing his house with helicopters. If he wasn’t seeing and reporting something he was not supposed to, the government could care less.

   So have a look. I saw the videos and think it would be outstanding if we had a full blown alien invasion for Christmas or in 08. Whatever, trust in YOUR Higher Self. If I have more to say on this topic, I will do so in a segment.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (that one is a real riot considering…)