'Tis The Season |
December 2010 |
Yes, it’s that time of the year again when mythology rules many people’s outlook. “Jesus is the reason for the season” christian religious propaganda says, yet this is as far from the truth as can be. Jesus is a mythological figure, as discussed in earlier segments, and christian deities are no more based on reality as any other pantheon in history.The height of this mythology is found in a popular christmas image: Santa kneeling at baby Jesus’ crib. Everyone knows that Santa is not a real person but rather represents the spirit of christmas giving. So if non-existent Santa is depicted as hanging out with Jesus, well…yet this is a popular figurine with many christians today. It comes in many sizes too, in case you wanted to get one.
'Jesus' was never ‘the reason for the season’. The season was hijacked by the christians, as were all other pagan holidays. They remain pagan with christian pantheon trappings.
There’s a great George Carlin clip
on religion, however George has it wrong about females, one area in which he fails to see the Orionization of the majority of that gender today. Except for that, it’s a good one.
The atheists are correct about religious myth and external deities, but they don’t have everything right as M5 says you have no external deity – you are a deity unto yourself, based on the general definition of deity. You can check out their information on this poster (my computer desktop picture) at their site: [ http://atheists.org/blog/2010/11/22/atheist-billboard-is-up ]
Meanwhile, one of the main news headlines on Comcast today (Dec 8, 10): Evidence for Aliens Mounting Daily
Aliens are getting a lot of air time both in entertainment and science media these days. Could the alien Wild Card be about to make an appearance? I hope so!
I’m all decorated for the season. Love the lights, Santa and snowmen figures. Wishing all Matrix V readers the best and may you all know exactly who you are. Trust in your Higher Self!