Activities, polarity-based, disengaged from when experiential loops broken 023
Alien sexual proclivities used in programming DNA commands on earth 088
Aliens, Wild Cards, Hard Decisions, Questions During EndGame and Matrix V 043
America, as a nation of sequentialization 035
America, Iraq and Incarnational Pathways 034
America, reinforcement of Warmongering Experiential Loops in 021
American focus on Body ID expression 038
Ancient Telepathy, Reptilians and Other Dimensions 113,114
Apologies, Polarities and DNA Commands 099,100
Artwork in Matrix V Gold Edition Volume Two, commentary on 003
Ascended Master concept, lightside polarity concept of, discussion 034
Astral disinformation 025
Astral frustrations with the existence of Matrix V Gold Edition 040
Attempts to Technologically Disable Higher Self functions 082
Attitude of ‘it doesn’t matter’ is another experiential loop to be broken 043
Awakening process, opening of Heart Chakra important in the 092
Balance reached from immersion in both Dark and Light 022
Belief systems, sequentialization process and elimination of competing beliefs 123
Bisexuality as a transitional phase, part of spiraling out of The Game 045
Bisexuality, fear of, polarity denial of, 044
Body Dreams and The Spirit, how to recognize source of dream experiences 028
Body ID concept: “My” Children 058,059
Body ID expressions during EndGame 038
Body ID stance always gets in the way of Spiritual Advancement 085
Body identification and the concept that ‘Life is Sacred’ 029
Body identification loops: ‘Youth’ and superficial ‘Beauty’ 031
Breeding as an experiential loop in Low and Mid-Level incarnational perspectives 032
Child Heroics in Film and Cartoons, commentary on sequential nature of 056,057
Child prodigies, sequential incarnations 121
Coincidence of simultaneous path opening in the game with Orion experiments 012
Complacency as a trap and experiential loop 042
Computer strategy games, useful tool for personal development 037
Concentration should be on your own path and circumstances of your role 033
Consider the Source of the information you seek 118,119
Control elements: Dead bodies and miserable people 040
Crosses and Religious symbols, effect of using and wearing 091,092
Dark Energy Vortices, encounters with 060
Dark Portal Symbols, Chakras and Personal Effects 091
Dark Shamans and Hallucinogenics 117
Darkside Aggression in EndGame 061
Darkside galactic expressions: war, physical and monetary slavery, debt systems 022
Darkside phrase ‘freedom of speech has (negative) consequences’ 020
Darkside polarity traits: to threaten and to control 020
Death, physical, whining and moaning over, and ‘Life is Sacred’ DNA loop 030
Deathstar Technology and Orion Empire Plans 068,069
Dieting as a body identification experiential loop 031
Disabilities, physical and mental, and the incarnational experience 083
DNA command structure loops, full set in force in lowest incarnational levels 015
DNA structural loop: Breeding 032
DNA structure commands extremely restrictive to freedom of expression 022
Dominant Incarnations of the Higher Self on 3rd Density, more about 079
Dude, Where’s My Country 062
Earth as current planet for galactic incarnation for simultaneous path 094
Earth Planetary Spirit during EndGame 115
Earth Spirit progression in waves 053
Earth’s Planetary Spirit during EndGame, discussion of 033
Elevation of female gender under guise of ‘equality’, sequential reptilian pattern 122
Emotional Concepts, full range available to Higher Self after game departure 046
Emotional Fire and your Incarnational Moon 045
Emotional Fire III: The Final Key, comments on the music CD mentioned 027
Emotional Fire, definition of 014
Emotional nature, personal, accurately tagged by sign of Moon when body born 045
Emotions during experience, not here to remove yourself from them but to gain 023
End Game, what to do during, Emotional Fire 013
EndGame and sequential activities on Earth 050
EndGame Genetic Manipulation 112
EndGame ushers in simultaneous path graduation also for Earth Planetary Spirit 101
EndGame, concepts of Equality and Polarity-Based Racism 049
EndGame, Earth and Higher Selves 033
Engagement on the Sequential path 070
Equality suspended on Earth to allow for maximum experience and path freedom 049
Equality, sequential, disguised as ‘freedom’ 085
Errors, sign of maturity to recognize and acknowledge 099
Experience of all 12 signs of the Zodiac while incarnating in The Game 013
Experiential Fences, control devices to restrict growth and information 111
Experiential Loop, the First, Part II 011
Experiential Loops and Polarities 022
Experiential Loops and The Eyes, the appearance of inherent dullness 012
Experiential Loops not only mental mind sets, but also tied to emotional response 016
Experiential Loops, body sexuality and religion as major and minor loops 015
Experiential Loops, filtering effect of 021
Experiential Loops, recognition of, and spiritual maturation 015
Experiential Loops: Warmongering and Patriotism 015
External symbols that define major levels of polarity activity 096
Fear of Bisexuality 044
Final 3rd Density Incarnations, expections and reality 048
Freedom, false, under polarity situations in The Game 020
Frequency, as generated by planetary bodies, related to Higher Self of planet 013
Game Creator(s), Rules and Body Identification 094
Game Pyramid Schemes, hierarchical structures and methodologies 109
Gay Marriage and The Game 075,076
German Concentration Camps, Israel and The Game 054
Giving away personal power, low and mid-level incarnates, and inherent laziness 106
Global Conditioning, a historical overview of 088
Gold Energy Protection and the Religious Icons as Dark Energy Portals 066,067
Group behavior patterns as related to minion incarnations of Earth spirit 023
Groups, female body id ‘rights’ 089
Hate Crime concept as a Lightside polarity expression 015
Herd Mentality, Victimhood and Victimizer 046
Hierarchical structures of planetary control 074
Higher Self EndGame Incarnational Humor 067
Higher Self Pre-Incarnational Assessments 037
Higher Self requires experiences in both Dark and Light polarities 022
Higher Self, communication with incarnations, discussion of 092,093
Higher Self: Game Graduation and the Return of Memories 073
Higher Selves and The Game: More Information 069
Higher Selves, Mimics and ‘Chit-Chats’ 092
How does the Higher Self choose incarnational experiences? 037
Icke, David, a review of his perspective of ‘interdimensional reptilians’ 098,099
Icke, David, lack of realization of susceptibility to own DNA commands 104
Incarnational Levels, more on 096
Incarnational Loops and The Game, from a galactic viewpoint 094
Keywords and filters in warmongering experiential loops 021
Korea, North, the dark government of 021
Last Moments of Life, as a personal event, discussion of 024
Leaders and Followers, in Mid-Advanced polarity groups 095
Life is Sacred concept as a fixed DNA structural loop to be overcome by spirit 029
Light and Dark polarities, how they feed each other 096
Light Trap, ‘Re-entry device’, polarity control influences at Monroe Institute 024
Light Trap, as described in Matrix II 024
Lightside belief in ability to ‘change’ the Darkside 055,056
Lightside groups, leaders and tactics 107
Lightside phrase, “I’m doing this for your sake/benefit” and similar declarations 061
Looking for ‘Loopholes’ in the Game because of dissatisfaction with circumstance 106
Loops, Body Identification, “Youth’ and superficial ‘Beauty’ 031
Loops: required to be experienced before they can be overcome and broken 022
Love and Light, concepts of Mid-Advanced lightside polarity groups 095
Matrix III Volume Two 113
Matrix V Gold Edition, and Astral Events which paralleled its release 005
Medical system and drug dependence, EndGame manipulation and the 112,113
Memories intact with sequential incarnates on Earth, an advantage for them 019
Mid-Advanced incarnates, looking for shortcuts to learning 095,107
Mid-Advanced Level: Thorns with the Flowers – David Icke’s materials 104
Mid-Advanced Levels of Progression, greatest conflicts of body and spirit in 026
Mid-Advanced Levels: The False ‘Summit’ 095
Military and police as the enforcement arms of Darkside paranoia 103
Minion incarnational presence on Earth as a facet of EndGame 050
Minion incarnations retain Nature Spirit wave progression mentality 053
Minion talk, speech patterns, group behavior patterns 023
Minions, manipulation of, by The Game, susceptibility to external stimulus 017
Mistakes, concept of, and the learning process 093
Monroe Institute, examples of sequential concepts and control influence at 024
Nature Spirit Assistance to Earth Spirit Evolution 034
Nature spirit realms, one of the purposes of the 013
Near death experiences, unique nature of 024
New Age Guilt, Lightside polarity concept 025
Nexus of Time and Emotional Fire 028
Observations and American Doubletalk 116,117
Ones path, critical junctures and forks, as experience for you to make choices 027
Orion Empire positioning as a possible planetary Wild Card 018
Orion Queen, mocked in Disney’s Alice in Wonderland 088
Orion Sex Patterns: Alice in Wonderland 087
Patriotism concept as a Darkside polarity expression 014
Personal Teachers and ones personal development 030
Phrase, ‘Do you think you’re better than me?’, sequential mindsets and origin 052
Phrases, “He/she died too young”, “It didn’t have to happen”, re: body death 057
Physical Death – The Unchangeable Event 057
Playing the role of ‘Higher Self’ in certain computer role-playing games 084
Pleiadians, Meier contacts, homophobic nature of 087
Polarities are in imbalance as part of the nature of The Game 015
Polarities in the Media, each polarity paranoid against discovery 036
Polarities, both, needed so that The Game experience can function as designed 016
Polarities, root fears of, blending 015
Polarity and Racism – A Closer Look 051
Polarity confrontation during EndGame period, typified 017
Polarity manipulation of Earth to be a sequential path planet 050
Polarity manipulation of The Game, general discussion of 020
Polarity thrives on control of others and denial of developmental experiences 102
Political deceptions and lies based on polarity orientations 061,062
Post-Game Earth, discussion of 094
Pre-Game Memory Block and Ritual Controls 074
Priesthoods, as part of sequential control hierarchies 109
Problem – Reaction – Solution agenda during EndGame period 039
Protests, historical reality shows success only where The Game will benefit 020
Psychotic Governments, Sequentials and EndGame 081
Questions to The Author 108
Race, categorizing people by, inherent flaws in practice 051
Racism, darkside polarity, characteristics 052
Racism, lightside polarity, characteristics 051
Racism, polarity sides and 050,051
Random chance situations, growth potential in 026
Religion and polarity fixations 059,060
Religion and Rituals 075
Religion, realization of the true nature of, in Mid-Advanced Levels 026
Religion, sequentialization conflicts arising during EndGame 123
Reptilians, Orion Empire, totally bisexual physical orientation 087
Ressurrection of the Body, discussion of the popular sequential myth of 085
Rituals, reptilian fanaticism about 074
Rote Translation 072
Rule of Law: Polarities’ conceptual Offspring 102,103
Scooby-Doo, lower astral being activities shown in film 023
Self-deception inherent in warmongering and patriotism concept loops 016
Self-Reliance, Self-Development and Matrix V Gold Edition 041
Sequential and polarity agents pass themselves off as ‘ascended’ with followers 107
Sequential and Simultaneous paths, comparative time spent in each 088
Sequential Compliance and Nature Spirit Wave Path Incarnations 052
Sequential concept influence embedded at Monroe Institute 024,025
Sequential Deception: “Equality” and EndGame 085
Sequential Higher Selves, have not overcome gear of independent operation 012
Sequential incarnates on Earth, general discussion of 019
Sequential influenced planets in galaxy, discussion of 049
Sequential mode Higher Self path, movement to Simultaneous path, Re: aliens 070,071
Sequential path body id females, victimization as a favorite control device 046
Sequential path Higher Selves changing to Simultaneous path , progression 033
Sequential path, the Game is started on the 011
Sequential Plan: Equality and EndGame, domestic partnerships and more 105
Sequential quest for a technological solution to spiritual development 072
Sequentialization of Earth During EndGame 121
Sequentialization, Conformity and Graduation 124
Sequentials: Always Looking for a Non-Existent Shortcut 071
Simultaneous incarnational joys 050
Simultaneous mode Higher Self incarnations being pushed from The Game 019
Simultaneous Path Planet, Earth as one in a long line of, on galactic level 033
Sin and accompanying guilt trips, concept and discussion on 080
Slavery, existence of, as part of the 3rd Density Game experience 086
Socialism and welfare concepts as sequential social control devices 106
Special children, lightside polarity concept and sequential incarnation reality 019
Spirituality, Shallow Waters of, observations on polarity activities 077,078
Spiritually immature, recognizing the 108
Starting a new incarnational level of activity begins with a review of previous 097
T-1 takyon capsule, discussion of, in the face of EMR and media onslaught 036
Technological Assault on Head Chakras and the Silver Lining 082
Television, Electronic Attacks, Trust and EndGame 036
Terrorism and global politics 089
The First Experiential Loop – Part II 011
The Game and Political ‘Correctness’ 014
The Game and Zodiacal Vibrations 013
The Gods Must Be Crazy, the film 001
The Real ‘God’ and ‘Satan’ 059
Third Density addicts, Orion/Reptilians are currently 074
Third Density EndGame will continue on for a while after our departure 033
Third density game scenarios, when the young Higher Self encounters 011
Three Advanced Level Projects on Earth During EndGame 101
Time scenario, false linear, fed by sequential-based concepts at Monroe 025
Time, as portrayed, does not exist; and the illusion called ‘time’ is not linear 024
Transitional levels during incarnation can produce rapid movement 097
Trust in your Higher Self as a vital point 037
Unconditional love, the myth of 015,016
Use of Technology as related to Spiritual Advancement 082
Value judgments on other Higher Self experiences wraps one in polarity 097
Victimhood and victimization as a control device 046
Victimhood persecutors, examples of 047
Victimhood phrase, “I had no choice”, comparison with self responsibility 062
Victimhood Statements, Attitudes and Actions 064,065
Victimizer Tactics: Label Usage on Countries and in The Game 065,066
Warmongering and Patriotic Loops, Experiences and Balance 016
Warmongering and Patriotism 015
Warmongering loop, the 012
Wars, conflicts, and experience 040
What will happen when we leave and sequential path HS want simultaneous? 033
When all your 3rd density incarnations are over, drawing in all the threads 028
Who Matrix V Gold Edition Volume Two is intended for 002
Why do most people fear being who they are? (as related to Body-ID loops) 032
Why There is No Matrix V Internet Discussion Group 076,077
Why? Why? Why? Ask your Higher Self 042
Women, exploitation of, and the myth of female beauty
Xmas Guilt Trip: Scrooge, ‘The Sins of Man Are Huge’
You are where you are for a reason
Zodiacal vibrational patterns do not exist separately but together on the 4th
Zodiacal Vibrations and The Gameand MORE ....
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