'V' - The Reptilians Return

7 November 2009

Copyright © 2009 Leading Edge International Research Group


American station ABC debuted their remake of the mid-late 80’s drama V this past week. I have the original mini-series, follow-up mini-series and complete weekly series on dvd. In the original, the letter V stood for victory over the invaders. In this remake, V refers to the alien visitors themselves. In that case, I would have called the series Visitors.

Anna, the reptilian female (as it should be with them) leader is hypnotically (reptilian-like) striking in appearance. I remember when Morning Sky mentioned how ‘beautiful’ the Orion queen is. Well, beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder and what is ‘beautiful’ to one species may not be so to another. Even though Earther television would have all beLIEve that every alien wants Earther females.

The human-appearing outer skin is much thicker in the new series than in the original. Yet many reptilians have shape-shifting ability that would make this unnecessary. The fake skin is a cheaper illusion to create than each being able to shape-shift in this series.

When the ships showed up at about 7:00am EST (an indecent time, from my point of view since I’m in the EST and would have been vibrated out of bed), one of the interesting things shown was that huge crucifix falling to the ground and shattering the glass Jesus ‘nailed’ on it. So much for the fictitious ‘god’ (shatters like thin glass) and here come your true external deities (founders of these external deity religions).

Note as well that the one priest is afraid of losing believers to the reptilians. Yes, losing the do-nothing, imaginary god for one who shows up curing 65 different human illnesses. I guess he is correctly afraid of losing his employment, hence their old “if it’s anyone but Jesus, it’s the devil” approach. Let the fear-mongering commence.

Although the upcoming revelation of actually who the aliens are and what they are here for (pass the bowl of child flesh and blood, please) will make the resistance valid, at this point in the show’s beginning, it’s just a jealous priest in fear of his employment future.

And just why do all these women feel it’s necessary to scream? Isn’t there enough going on without all this shrill howling going on – each demanding to be taken care of? Yes, it’s a very simultaneous path female thing to scream, but what happened to all of them saying they’re just like men? Don’t get me started again on sequentialized, Orionized Earther females.

I thought it was neat that one could get a tour of the mothership. I would definitely go for one of those. If this opportunity comes about remember to trust in your Higher Self. I’d love to meet them and see how things are going on the home world.

Anna stated that they came to trade technology for some of Earth’s resources, yet, in her interview, she reveals that their world is sequential path (absolutely) and is lush with water and vegetation. That being the case, what would they be here for? Hmmm, how about culling the human herd (pass more children please, they’re such a delicacy)?

Anna also never gives their true name, just ‘visitors’. How convenient. Anna also states that there are no others beings but them and Earthers. How also conveniently manipulative.

With the aliens curing so many people, there would be a LOT more fans than hostiles. Earthers love a free handout. It would be the pre-Graduates who would be suspicious and they’d be looking for us.

Then there’s the alien traitor, as he calls himself. Having been on Earth for years, he (and others yet-to-be-revealed) work against the Orion queen. And if you beLIEve that whopper, you probably also beLIEve that your government is here to help you. That there would be reptilians who would go against their queen because they favor Earthers is a damned lie (not just a common lie). You may find different factions of reptilians operating against each other, but don’t ever believe there is anything noble about it for the Earthers.

In the next to closing scene, humans were killing some of the disguised aliens and a human female killed one all by herself. Yeah, that’ll happen. Did she scream so loud it shattered ear drums? Again, this is another Earther fantasy, especially an Orionized Earther fantasy. Reptilians are physically FAR more powerful than humans and it would take more that two men (or butch lesbians) to wrestle one down.

At the end, madam ‘I killed a reptilian all alone’ says that the aliens have the most powerful weapon – devotion. This is true and why I say that it would be VERY few who would openly go against the reptilians as people are lined up to get cured of their diseases and the government and industry would be orgasmic over getting alien technology.

Devotion is interesting except when it is misplaced. Obama has a lot of this misplaced devotion, for example. I even saw a card with Obuma dressed as Santa Claus saying ‘I bring hope and peace to the world’. This is as bad as the aliens in this series saying ‘we are of peace’.

This is one series you should watch. If you missed it or can’t get it, ABC is showing it online. Here’s the link to ABC:


I’m looking forward to see what’s next. I really would like to see something like this happen. I would have an “I told you so” fest with those I know. No matter what will be happening, trust in YOUR Higher Self.