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Interstellar is a film to be long remembered for generations to come. You are immediately made aware of the fact these things are in orbit in deep space yet not so far away. As you view this film, you might be surprised how many of them resemble things depicted in some of the more recent blockbuster feature films. Spacecraft orbiting the Earth Related: The Interstellar Case Files by Jose Escamilla - Dec 15, 2007 |
Flight From
Death- The Quest for Immortality
the DVD from Amazon
In this DVD, one can see how the existing unconscious body ID fear of death provides a mechanism for people to be manipulated by others through the deliberate introduction of fears that threaten death anxiety coping mechanisms. When subconscious fears are re-stimulated, the mere presence of others who do not share personal belief systems (meant to enshrine the idea of immortality, staving off death anxiety), becomes a threat, changing behavior toward violence. People become anxious about their own existential security or 'the truth' of a culture's prescriptions for death avoidance. This hypothesis, which has since been proven, was tested in a number of settings using experimental and control groups. Very interesting. This factor is known on upper levels of society and used to manipulate populations and force aggression, using the fact that 'People don't have control over what they don't know'. But, they can be controlled by others using what they don't know. Very thought provoking revelations, and applicable in every civilization! Order from their website or wherever you can get it. A review. Flight from Death is a documentary that investigates the relationship of human violence to fear of death, as related to subconscious influences. The film describes death anxiety as a root cause of many behaviors on a psychological, 'spiritual', and cultural level. Hailed by some viewers as a "life-transformational film," Flight from Death is a seven-time Best Documentary award-winning film. "Ironically, this film exposes the reason for false flag events, which subconsciously manipulate people to back causes and factions with dualistic covert agendas involving manipulation, control and greed on vast levels. Make people think of death and they'll do anything to escape it -- and keep making them think about it. It also explains the insidious nature of those that pray on the subconscious fears universally within everyone, knowingly, which is unforgivable and unconscionable . This principle is in some cases used to deliberately create violence, which provides an 'reason' to justify authoritarian measures to increase social power over others, and to goad populations into actions that benefit those in power, using others as cannon fodder." "Over the last twenty-five years, proponents of terror management theory have conducted over 300 laboratory studies demonstrating that subtle reminders of death on a subconscious level motivates a statistically significant number of subjects to exhibit biased and xenophobic type behaviors, such as gravitating toward those who they perceive as culturally similar to themselves and holding higher negative feelings and judgments toward those they perceive as culturally dissimilar to themselves."
Zeitgeist -
The Movie
Zeitgeist is originally a German expression that means "the spirit of the age",
literally translated as "time (Zeit) spirit (Geist)". It describes the intellectual and cultural climate of an era.
the DVD