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Matrix V Gold Edition - Volume II - The Graduation Key

Table of Contents | Topics-Index  


"I've just finished Matrix V  Volume II - Thank you so much. Completion of Volume II has lead me back to Matrix V Gold Edition Volume One. Last night, I started rereading Matrix V Gold Edition Volume One. for the second (2) time. This time I feel I will even get a better understanding now that I have more information and a higher sense of awareness."  Rosa 7/8/04

PUBLISHED from 2004-2011 

Matrix V Gold Edition, Volume II, The Graduation Key, May 2004, Leading Edge International Research Group, Yelm, WA 98597. Edited by Val Valerian, 8˝ x 11 Velo Bound, 263 pages. Prerequisite: M5 Gold, Volume 1, Quest of the SpiritThe Ultimate Frontier.

The 5-year Matrix V project, in terms of the Quest of the Spirit - The Ultimate Frontier, was complete with the Gold Edition in terms of providing the individual Keys to those incarnational threads for whom it was intended, which was a limited group of Very Advanced, Dominant and Final Incarnations.

New information is now available to those for whom the Gold Edition was written, and the need for a Volume II - The Graduation Key, became significant. What the Graduation Key is and how it relates beyond the Gold Edition is fully explained by The Author with unique Volume II segments and several new color plates.

In addition to this, there are 21 new segments in this volume, never before published, which have been written in conjunction with the energy dynamic of this Graduation Key. New, very revealing segments include Game Pyramid Schemes; Experiential Fences; EndGame Genetic Manipulation; Ancient Telepathy, Reptilians and Other Dimensions; EndGame Earth Planetary Spirit; Dark Shamans and Hallucinogenics; Sequentialization of Earth During EndGame; Sequentialization, Conformity and Graduation; The Genie Complex and others.

Beside the segments written during the formation of the second volume, Matrix V Gold Edition Volume II also contains 53 additional Q&A pairs, as well as more than 120 segments (for a total of 142) written by The Author since the publication of Matrix V Gold Edition -Quest of the Spirit.   Contained within the 500 Questions and Answer (Q&A) sections of Volume I and II is additional knowledge that is not described in the segments, as well as other keys. Matrix V Gold Edition Volume II contains 60 additional Q&A pairs.  

Together, Matrix V Gold Edition Volume I and II have more than 486 segments (71 previously unreleased) and 500 Question and Answer pairs, making a total of 986 major keys (with hundreds of hidden keys and sub-keys) for spiritual self-discovery. The complete collection of Matrix V material reader comments precedes a complete Master Index for both volumes in the back (a superb index tool for all the Matrix V Gold material) – are you ready to expand your perspective even further?



Note to Readers from the Author:  I am Not Interested in Chat Groups, Email Lists or Skype invitations

This note has been long overdue. Ever since M5 has been published, I pretty regularly get invitations from strangers to be on readers’ chat group, mail group or Skype. Not once have any of these people asked me first if I wanted to be on such, they just ass-u-me that I will accept. This also goes for phone numbers on the bottom of emails.  I will not accepted any of these backdoor invitations. What do you offer to make me want to be in direct communication with you?  What benefit is it to me to be on your list?  If you can’t approach me in email first and explain why and what I will get out of it, then save your time.



Some Initial Comments on Volume Two ....

I received the new M5G-II yesterday and have read most of the new materials. A delight, to say the least, and amusing in many parts. I laughed many times. Thanks again for all the work. The Graduation Key information made me feel ‘connected’ to others on this path in a way that is new. Over the past three years I have had the M5 materials and have advanced in my understanding by leaps and bounds, the “price” has been increasing isolation from others who simply don’t get it or have no interest (nor I in them). I keep making comments intended to tweak others curiosity – but so far only blank expressions or defensive comments. “Is anybody out there?” or “Is anybody awake?” is my underlying question. So far as I can tell, I live in a dead (or sleeping) zone. Yet it’s fun to experiment and see the reactions. As I read the new materials, questions kept popping up in my mind, only to be answered in subsequent sections. I’m left with nothing to ask (for now) except a sense of appreciation for all your and Val’s work and overall Endgame dynamics, which though very heavy, are nevertheless quite interesting to see unfold. 

Best regards,





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