Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: March 2012
Generated 01-Apr-2012 00:30 PDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2012
Total Hits 421147
Total Files 319643
Total Pages 91063
Total Visits 32808
Total KBytes 20761284
Total Unique Sites 14441
Total Unique URLs 1046
Total Unique Referrers 2148
Total Unique User Agents 3134
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 566 1459
Hits per Day 13585 15788
Files per Day 10311 12532
Pages per Day 2937 3428
Sites per Day 465 1042
Visits per Day 1058 1190
KBytes per Day 669719 877298
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 75.90% 319643
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.32% 1352
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 52
Code 304 - Not Modified 17.97% 75693
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 4
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 5
Code 404 - Not Found 5.79% 24385
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 12
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.00% 1

Daily usage for March 2012

Daily Statistics for March 2012
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 13565 3.22% 10731 3.36% 2850 3.13% 1108 3.38% 1042 7.22% 653960 3.15%
2 13556 3.22% 10293 3.22% 2767 3.04% 1007 3.07% 769 5.33% 605361 2.92%
3 13351 3.17% 9863 3.09% 2835 3.11% 1039 3.17% 719 4.98% 654240 3.15%
4 12539 2.98% 8850 2.77% 2969 3.26% 1015 3.09% 777 5.38% 598648 2.88%
5 13270 3.15% 10593 3.31% 2922 3.21% 1101 3.36% 848 5.87% 674248 3.25%
6 13315 3.16% 10215 3.20% 2886 3.17% 1066 3.25% 774 5.36% 625159 3.01%
7 13900 3.30% 10540 3.30% 3428 3.76% 1067 3.25% 822 5.69% 718834 3.46%
8 12509 2.97% 9605 3.00% 2829 3.11% 1072 3.27% 714 4.94% 718846 3.46%
9 12359 2.93% 9044 2.83% 2749 3.02% 1008 3.07% 738 5.11% 686423 3.31%
10 14513 3.45% 9616 3.01% 2847 3.13% 1032 3.15% 664 4.60% 755061 3.64%
11 14776 3.51% 11277 3.53% 3156 3.47% 1120 3.41% 743 5.15% 846702 4.08%
12 15121 3.59% 12191 3.81% 3153 3.46% 1159 3.53% 885 6.13% 877298 4.23%
13 12828 3.05% 9893 3.10% 2835 3.11% 1075 3.28% 845 5.85% 761833 3.67%
14 12788 3.04% 10129 3.17% 2711 2.98% 1080 3.29% 735 5.09% 663350 3.20%
15 12723 3.02% 10123 3.17% 2886 3.17% 1010 3.08% 761 5.27% 563579 2.71%
16 13451 3.19% 9950 3.11% 2940 3.23% 1027 3.13% 766 5.30% 645046 3.11%
17 14527 3.45% 10590 3.31% 3009 3.30% 1091 3.33% 757 5.24% 654629 3.15%
18 15089 3.58% 11487 3.59% 3217 3.53% 1049 3.20% 800 5.54% 711004 3.42%
19 15788 3.75% 12532 3.92% 3146 3.45% 1190 3.63% 810 5.61% 670570 3.23%
20 14914 3.54% 12175 3.81% 3074 3.38% 1154 3.52% 806 5.58% 717326 3.46%
21 13852 3.29% 10746 3.36% 3043 3.34% 1131 3.45% 724 5.01% 720307 3.47%
22 13263 3.15% 9932 3.11% 2853 3.13% 1029 3.14% 710 4.92% 651659 3.14%
23 13876 3.29% 10243 3.20% 3042 3.34% 1032 3.15% 719 4.98% 669724 3.23%
24 13850 3.29% 10069 3.15% 2843 3.12% 1018 3.10% 730 5.06% 638942 3.08%
25 13408 3.18% 9871 3.09% 2862 3.14% 1039 3.17% 794 5.50% 564460 2.72%
26 13350 3.17% 10697 3.35% 2828 3.11% 1049 3.20% 743 5.15% 585554 2.82%
27 12456 2.96% 9814 3.07% 2702 2.97% 975 2.97% 731 5.06% 582463 2.81%
28 13982 3.32% 10487 3.28% 3004 3.30% 1073 3.27% 752 5.21% 668875 3.22%
29 13180 3.13% 9891 3.09% 2937 3.23% 1092 3.33% 736 5.10% 640435 3.08%
30 12485 2.96% 9230 2.89% 2854 3.13% 932 2.84% 613 4.24% 617038 2.97%
31 12563 2.98% 8966 2.81% 2886 3.17% 999 3.04% 677 4.69% 619708 2.98%

Hourly usage for March 2012

Hourly Statistics for March 2012
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 347 10767 2.56% 276 8580 2.68% 87 2707 2.97% 19681 610096 2.94%
1 274 8524 2.02% 224 6955 2.18% 75 2341 2.57% 15210 471525 2.27%
2 288 8936 2.12% 218 6772 2.12% 72 2237 2.46% 15612 483969 2.33%
3 365 11336 2.69% 289 8987 2.81% 87 2705 2.97% 21462 665312 3.20%
4 476 14784 3.51% 372 11547 3.61% 108 3369 3.70% 24658 764401 3.68%
5 623 19338 4.59% 491 15243 4.77% 147 4564 5.01% 32984 1022507 4.93%
6 634 19664 4.67% 451 13985 4.38% 147 4583 5.03% 34630 1073520 5.17%
7 664 20610 4.89% 518 16062 5.02% 154 4804 5.28% 36090 1118782 5.39%
8 667 20681 4.91% 553 17143 5.36% 163 5079 5.58% 40572 1257737 6.06%
9 786 24372 5.79% 634 19682 6.16% 160 4967 5.45% 39879 1236250 5.95%
10 591 18335 4.35% 488 15142 4.74% 116 3611 3.97% 28940 897141 4.32%
11 554 17177 4.08% 455 14111 4.41% 122 3795 4.17% 26388 818023 3.94%
12 578 17927 4.26% 431 13375 4.18% 116 3626 3.98% 25868 801915 3.86%
13 576 17869 4.24% 441 13693 4.28% 113 3532 3.88% 26997 836916 4.03%
14 576 17881 4.25% 451 13990 4.38% 114 3535 3.88% 23091 715826 3.45%
15 538 16685 3.96% 420 13031 4.08% 111 3465 3.81% 22306 691501 3.33%
16 571 17717 4.21% 443 13738 4.30% 121 3767 4.14% 26835 831873 4.01%
17 669 20766 4.93% 484 15008 4.70% 132 4119 4.52% 29161 903976 4.35%
18 683 21175 5.03% 485 15055 4.71% 137 4261 4.68% 32360 1003172 4.83%
19 758 23511 5.58% 527 16355 5.12% 168 5214 5.73% 37508 1162742 5.60%
20 835 25890 6.15% 586 18174 5.69% 161 5015 5.51% 38463 1192338 5.74%
21 692 21474 5.10% 481 14939 4.67% 138 4301 4.72% 32583 1010060 4.87%
22 448 13908 3.30% 299 9290 2.91% 96 2988 3.28% 20330 630238 3.04%
23 381 11820 2.81% 283 8786 2.75% 79 2478 2.72% 18112 561466 2.70%

Top 30 of 1046 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 13138 3.12% 5705 0.03% /menus/le.css
2 9369 2.22% 524176 2.52% /
3 9206 2.19% 10265 0.05% /favicon.ico
4 5559 1.32% 2233 0.01% /stories/protect.js
5 5376 1.28% 3336 0.02% /protect.js
6 3043 0.72% 499322 2.41% /stories/news2.html
7 2838 0.67% 199 0.00% /robots.txt
8 2800 0.66% 866185 4.17% /stories/comedy.html
9 2795 0.66% 1057502 5.09% /stories/banking.html
10 2792 0.66% 1300414 6.26% /stories/artindex1.html
11 2777 0.66% 972312 4.68% /stories/earth.html
12 2776 0.66% 1386896 6.68% /stories/society.html
13 2637 0.63% 1370567 6.60% /stories/space.html
14 2617 0.62% 596980 2.88% /stories/biological1.html
15 2606 0.62% 112138 0.54% /online/endgameishere.html
16 2589 0.61% 83411 0.40% /matrix5/segments/vol32post.html
17 2583 0.61% 1049909 5.06% /stories/spacealiens.html
18 2509 0.60% 15317 0.07% /m5v4.html
19 2489 0.59% 644934 3.11% /stories/obama.html
20 2358 0.56% 384146 1.85% /stories/climate.html
21 2354 0.56% 567034 2.73% /stories/videolist.html
22 2198 0.52% 168563 0.81% /links/main.html
23 2113 0.50% 357432 1.72% /general/beliefsystems.html
24 1831 0.43% 122595 0.59% /stories/notes.html
25 1804 0.43% 27435 0.13% /stories/quotes.html
26 1678 0.40% 126744 0.61% /stories/audiospaces.html
27 1544 0.37% 102352 0.49% /stories/astrology.html
28 1536 0.36% 47351 0.23% /online/url1.html
29 1475 0.35% 782 0.00% /online/protect.js
30 1412 0.34% 3113 0.01% /matrix5/segments/printclose.js

Top 10 of 1046 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2776 0.66% 1386896 6.68% /stories/society.html
2 2637 0.63% 1370567 6.60% /stories/space.html
3 2792 0.66% 1300414 6.26% /stories/artindex1.html
4 2795 0.66% 1057502 5.09% /stories/banking.html
5 2583 0.61% 1049909 5.06% /stories/spacealiens.html
6 2777 0.66% 972312 4.68% /stories/earth.html
7 2800 0.66% 866185 4.17% /stories/comedy.html
8 2489 0.59% 644934 3.11% /stories/obama.html
9 2617 0.62% 596980 2.88% /stories/biological1.html
10 2354 0.56% 567034 2.73% /stories/videolist.html

Top 10 of 509 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 9369 2.22% 7465 25.97% /
2 2113 0.50% 1659 5.77% /general/beliefsystems.html
3 2606 0.62% 1353 4.71% /online/endgameishere.html
4 2792 0.66% 1143 3.98% /stories/artindex1.html
5 2776 0.66% 1140 3.97% /stories/society.html
6 2795 0.66% 1082 3.76% /stories/banking.html
7 3043 0.72% 917 3.19% /stories/news2.html
8 2800 0.66% 825 2.87% /stories/comedy.html
9 2777 0.66% 802 2.79% /stories/earth.html
10 2617 0.62% 780 2.71% /stories/biological1.html

Top 10 of 543 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 9369 2.22% 4645 16.24% /
2 2589 0.61% 1771 6.19% /matrix5/segments/vol32post.html
3 2113 0.50% 1694 5.92% /general/beliefsystems.html
4 2637 0.63% 1007 3.52% /stories/space.html
5 2354 0.56% 903 3.16% /stories/videolist.html
6 2583 0.61% 900 3.15% /stories/spacealiens.html
7 2489 0.59% 824 2.88% /stories/obama.html
8 1678 0.40% 782 2.73% /stories/audiospaces.html
9 1804 0.43% 745 2.61% /stories/quotes.html
10 2777 0.66% 733 2.56% /stories/earth.html

Top 30 of 14441 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 14520 3.45% 7205 2.25% 645228 3.11% 636 1.94%
2 12160 2.89% 8727 2.73% 474176 2.28% 342 1.04%
3 11496 2.73% 11480 3.59% 441109 2.12% 383 1.17%
4 10810 2.57% 3603 1.13% 461666 2.22% 475 1.45%
5 7095 1.68% 5720 1.79% 223493 1.08% 227 0.69%
6 6392 1.52% 4290 1.34% 430108 2.07% 356 1.09%
7 5197 1.23% 484 0.15% 6125 0.03% 153 0.47%
8 4752 1.13% 4284 1.34% 385409 1.86% 280 0.85%
9 4179 0.99% 1529 0.48% 69815 0.34% 27 0.08%
10 4059 0.96% 3592 1.12% 141707 0.68% 110 0.34%
11 3924 0.93% 3528 1.10% 318325 1.53% 251 0.77%
12 3887 0.92% 2992 0.94% 161050 0.78% 131 0.40%
13 3805 0.90% 619 0.19% 61467 0.30% 34 0.10%
14 3232 0.77% 2930 0.92% 263753 1.27% 251 0.77%
15 2872 0.68% 2793 0.87% 225140 1.08% 182 0.55%
16 2833 0.67% 1622 0.51% 95770 0.46% 65 0.20%
17 2820 0.67% 1828 0.57% 86700 0.42% 92 0.28%
18 2778 0.66% 2233 0.70% 145693 0.70% 85 0.26%
19 2609 0.62% 2332 0.73% 133665 0.64% 96 0.29%
20 2560 0.61% 2381 0.74% 224030 1.08% 206 0.63%
21 2436 0.58% 2407 0.75% 214038 1.03% 222 0.68%
22 2419 0.57% 2357 0.74% 247668 1.19% 235 0.72%
23 2378 0.56% 1495 0.47% 106455 0.51% 103 0.31%
24 2345 0.56% 1925 0.60% 164257 0.79% 161 0.49%
25 2204 0.52% 1697 0.53% 157107 0.76% 199 0.61%
26 2044 0.49% 2032 0.64% 104887 0.51% 67 0.20%
27 1907 0.45% 1510 0.47% 178711 0.86% 123 0.37%
28 1741 0.41% 1669 0.52% 68103 0.33% 47 0.14%
29 1727 0.41% 1506 0.47% 127423 0.61% 97 0.30%
30 1709 0.41% 1628 0.51% 166218 0.80% 94 0.29%

Top 10 of 14441 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 14520 3.45% 7205 2.25% 645228 3.11% 636 1.94%
2 12160 2.89% 8727 2.73% 474176 2.28% 342 1.04%
3 10810 2.57% 3603 1.13% 461666 2.22% 475 1.45%
4 11496 2.73% 11480 3.59% 441109 2.12% 383 1.17%
5 6392 1.52% 4290 1.34% 430108 2.07% 356 1.09%
6 4752 1.13% 4284 1.34% 385409 1.86% 280 0.85%
7 3924 0.93% 3528 1.10% 318325 1.53% 251 0.77%
8 3232 0.77% 2930 0.92% 263753 1.27% 251 0.77%
9 2419 0.57% 2357 0.74% 247668 1.19% 235 0.72%
10 2872 0.68% 2793 0.87% 225140 1.08% 182 0.55%

Top 20 of 777 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 105 5.98% belief system
2 105 5.98%
3 95 5.41% trufax
4 48 2.73% social perception
5 43 2.45% belief systems
6 41 2.33% matrix v
7 34 1.94% matrix 5
8 34 1.94% val valerian
9 25 1.42% handbook for the new paradigm
10 25 1.42% leading edge research group
11 24 1.37% leading edge research
12 18 1.03% belief system definition
13 15 0.85% new paradigm
14 14 0.80%
15 13 0.74% leading edge research matrix
16 11 0.63% matrix v gold edition
17 10 0.57% leading edge international research group
18 10 0.57% types of belief systems
19 9 0.51% leading edge
20 9 0.51% tru fax

Top 15 of 3134 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 35573 8.45% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2
2 23077 5.48% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
3 18297 4.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2
4 14515 3.45% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0
5 14416 3.42% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CL
6 12011 2.85% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.3072
7 8548 2.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.52.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.2 Safari/534.52.7
8 8151 1.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0
9 7984 1.90% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; yie8)
10 7889 1.87% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
11 7055 1.68% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2
12 6941 1.65% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB7.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
13 6069 1.44% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152
14 5699 1.35% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.3072
15 5491 1.30% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CL

Usage by Country for March 2012

Top 30 of 106 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 212185 50.38% 154354 48.29% 10623867 51.17% Network (net)
2 79055 18.77% 59560 18.63% 4404373 21.21% Commercial (com)
3 47123 11.19% 39684 12.42% 2153176 10.37% Unresolved/Unknown
4 18494 4.39% 17602 5.51% 695757 3.35% Canada
5 10113 2.40% 7583 2.37% 485716 2.34% Australia
6 9796 2.33% 6366 1.99% 265732 1.28% Mexico
7 4288 1.02% 3958 1.24% 238735 1.15% Non-Profit (org)
8 3389 0.80% 3095 0.97% 136349 0.66% Russian Federation
9 3285 0.78% 3057 0.96% 63603 0.31% Italy
10 2673 0.63% 1922 0.60% 126778 0.61% Bulgaria
11 2180 0.52% 1846 0.58% 135763 0.65% Netherlands
12 1977 0.47% 1179 0.37% 166920 0.80% France
13 1804 0.43% 1180 0.37% 165322 0.80% United Kingdom
14 1700 0.40% 1209 0.38% 42819 0.21% Germany
15 1617 0.38% 105 0.03% 2500 0.01% Denmark
16 1515 0.36% 985 0.31% 52993 0.26% Ireland
17 1175 0.28% 1060 0.33% 66625 0.32% Romania
18 1128 0.27% 1072 0.34% 79224 0.38% Czech Republic
19 1076 0.26% 938 0.29% 92102 0.44% Educational (edu)
20 986 0.23% 889 0.28% 31294 0.15% Brazil
21 908 0.22% 754 0.24% 64720 0.31% Ukraine
22 899 0.21% 609 0.19% 124628 0.60% Norway
23 887 0.21% 746 0.23% 23180 0.11% Sweden
24 815 0.19% 548 0.17% 33963 0.16% New Zealand
25 689 0.16% 567 0.18% 20927 0.10% Singapore
26 683 0.16% 645 0.20% 69957 0.34% Belgium
27 656 0.16% 546 0.17% 25143 0.12% Israel
28 644 0.15% 513 0.16% 53191 0.26% Poland
29 624 0.15% 572 0.18% 7792 0.04% Portugal
30 621 0.15% 590 0.18% 21814 0.11% Greece

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21